Dreadhorde Butcher

Creature — Zombie Warrior


Whenever Dreadhorde Butcher deals combat damage to a player or planeswalker, put a +1/+1 counter on Dreadhorde Butcher.

When Dreadhorde Butcher dies, it deals damage equal to its power to any target.

wallisface on Rakdos Zombie

6 months ago

kloac the changes look good. I’m not convinced you need 21 lands, i’d personally swap that one swamp you added for the 4th copy of Dreadhorde Butcher - but do some playtesting and see how it plays.

The list looks solid :)

MrGuizee666 on Grixis wincons viability

1 year ago

wallisface Thanks for your valuable input. Unfortunately I can't buy Ledger Shredder, Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer or Murktide Regent yet, they're too expensive. Gonna brew some decks with Manamorphose. I thought about using creature cards like Monastery Swiftspear, Sprite Dragon and Dreadhorde Butcher with Mutagenic Growth, Gut Shot and Manamorphose for explosive damage.

Rebullet on Counter Deck

1 year ago

yea Fabled Passage is fantastic. now looking at your lands it is much better, you are hard pressed to have a dead land in the beginning as long as you draw more than 1 in the opening hand. though you are running 5 cost creatures and you average mana cost is relatively high i would not go below 23 lands as a rule unless my avg mana cost was below 2.0. your avg mana cost is currently 2.64. there are some things that you can finagle to make lower lands work like cost reducers and mana ramp, but your deck really needs lands and neither of those options fix the issue so i would say cut some things.

second thing. other than lands your non creature cards are unfocused and detrimental. you have too many situational cards that can be dead cards in many matchups. when putting in cards to deal with matchups you want to put things that deal with many things effectively in the mainboard and efficient things that deal with specific decks in the sideboard. you also want to avoid putting too much instant interaction into a creature based deck. doing so can split your focus, sometimes you will have too many instants and no creatures making it so you can only play defensive. you should focus your mainboard to your strategy only and have only a few cards to deal with threats. 4 assassins trophies is more than enough. usually in games getting a single permanent removed is the difference between a win and a loss. you want to focus on putting as many threats onto the board as possible instead of worrying what your opponent has out. in this sense Cremate, Thoughtseize, Gaea's Blessing are purely detrimental to you in the mainboard. cards like Oblivion's Hunger and Inspiring Call do nothing to advance your board state and rely on you having a sufficient board state to function correctly. if you have no creatures out then they are dead cards. Abrupt Decay is really good but you want to cut down on things that do not progress your own board state, same thing with Riveteers Charm. Assassin's Trophy is the most efficient and versatile removal you have access to so you should focus that card and leave the others out.

now on to domri. you only ever want up to 2 legendary anything unless they are your main strategy for the deck or if they have value from being replaced. domri is neither. he is there for utility. this logic also applies for large costed creatures. if you have big mana cost things then you will likely draw more if you have more, making them dead draws until you have the ability to cast them. Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch and Kalonian Hydra are much to costly for an aggro deck to have 4 of them. you should cut them down to 1 or 2 so that your early game doesnt suffer.

now that i look at this closer you have nothing that "produces counters" for your creatures. all your creatures produce a set and then continue, the only one who really produces counters is Kalonian Hydra and that is very inefficent. your board without a kalonian hydra cannot grow beyond their own scope. you should look into putting in some counter producers like Hangarback Walker, Nissa, Voice of Zendikar, The Ozolith (kinda counts), Dreadhorde Butcher etc. things that have a way to continuously get counters without limiting it like with evolve.

wallisface on Undead Sacrifice

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

wallisface on None

1 year ago

From a competitive modern standpoint, all of the following cards have super-impressed me and felt a lot stronger than they first appear:

Of course, every card is bad in the wrong deck, and these are no exception. Most of these cards do feel like they require more support than the average competitively-played card, but i’ve certainly found them all to pull their weight above-and-beyond what i’d initially expected.

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