Dread Cacodemon

Creature — Demon

When Dread Cacodemon enters the battlefield, if you cast it from your hand, destroy all creatures your opponents control, then tap all other creatures you control.

Shield_of_Aiur on Rakdos Demon Experiment

5 months ago

Thanks for the card recs lil_cheez. Some of them were already in my maybeboard, but I completely forgot about Rakdos Locket. That'll be a great thing in the toolbox for sure, and fits the flavor as well.

As for Kindred Dominance...it's great in flavor and theory, but there's going to be a mix of demons, devils, and maybe even tieflings and imps. It's part of why I'm worried about Inner Demon, devils aren't demons, but I justified it in the current draft because of it being silly and on-theme. So for now, there are just other one-sided board wipes such as Dread Cacodemon, but I can't really justify In Garruk's Wake...

RedBullMan2 on Griselbrand Demon Tribe

2 years ago

Like you cant play a demon tribal without the old favorite Dread Cacodemon

DemonDragonJ on Reap what is Sown

3 years ago

I have replaced Dread Cacodemon with Massacre Wurm , which reduced the average converted mana cost of this deck from 4.21 to 4.15, because the demon is nice, but it is too expensive, must be hard-cast, and provides a one-time effect, whereas the wurm is less expensive, has a continuous effect, and can eliminate indestructible creatures.

DemonDragonJ on Savage Destruction

3 years ago

I have replaced Dread Cacodemon with Massacre Wurm , which reduced the average converted mana cost of this deck from 4.19 to 4.13, because the demon is nice, but it is too expensive, must be hard-cast, and provides a one-time effect, whereas the wurm is less expensive, has a continuous effect, and can eliminate indestructible creatures.

Coward_Token on (Kaldheim) Mystic Reflection uses

3 years ago

Mystic Reflection

This card seems pretty wild, being kind of a preemptive (and non-Disenchantable) Metamorphic Alteration. If you foretell it on one turn, it only takes one measly mana to use it in response to something on another turn. What kind of tricks can you think of using it for?

  • Grave Peril-esque pseudo-removal, turning an incoming commander (including Lord Windgrace) into a random 1/1 token. (Like being elk'd, you could cure this with flickering.)

  • Force someone to copy an unpleasant creature, like Steel Golem. Sadly, no Phage the Untouchables tho

  • Most obviously, use spells/abilities that bring in a lot of creatures in one go so that they all enter as a copy of something strong. One awkward thing here though is that an opponent could ursurp the reflection by getting in something of their own at instant speed. -inclusive commanders I can think of that qualify are Oona, Queen of the Fae and Nevinyrral, Urborg Tyrant, plus Tana, the Bloodsower & Nadier, Agent of the Duskenel with an appropriate partner. (Note that e.g. The Locust God is AFAIK underwhelming here since its triggers are separate; you'll only get a copy out of the first token.)

  • Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer could use it as an inexpensive (if somewhat risky) way of getting a token copy of something that his other tokens can then copy in turn.

  • Kind of narrow, but you could get extra value by having creatures with on-cast triggers like Mockery of Nature come in as a copy of something with an ETB trigger, getting you both triggers at the end of the day. (You could also do something like having a creature cast from your hand come into as a copy of a Dread Cacodemon to qualify for its ETB, but you could do the same with any creature card Clone variant.)

Icaruskid on

4 years ago

yeahboy92 Yeah you're right. Replaced it with Dread Cacodemon since I need more board wipes.

thebenja2002 on Rakdos edh 2.0

4 years ago

Thanks for your comment Grind!

I will definetly add Promise of Power and Decree of Pain to my deck, they are definietly better than what i had in mind. I had Bane of Bala Ged in the previous version, but swapped it out for Dread Cacodemon, but i did have a little back and forth with myself if i should add more payoffs, so i may include it in the future. thanks for the help!

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