Dragonkin Berserker

Creature — Human Berserker

First strike

Boast abilities you activate cost less to activate for each Dragon you control.

Boast — [[symbol:4]: Create a 5/5 red Dragon creature token with flying. (Activate this ability only if this creature attacked this turn and only once each turn.)

patmurphy1986 on Lathliss Commander

2 years ago

Ok here is my take on the budget side. TLDR: Land total and Ramp increased. A lot of subpar removal taken out, and better ones put in. Some cheaper dragons/shapeshifters added to smooth out curve and provide cheap dragon drops for commander ability. Most importantly is added some value for getting extra dragons from cards, either by creating tokens or playing them for free from hand/deck. Added in 3 additional wincons similar to Terror of the Peaks to make it easier to win just by populating board and swinging in. Note that the wincons also can serve as creature removal, which is why so many of the outs are instant/sorcery removals

eliakimras on Ghired - Precon Primal Genesis - Heavy Upgrade

2 years ago

Hey m4rs, I got some cheap cards that can pull some weight on your deck:

Mtg_Mega_Nerds on None

3 years ago

You can also have cards like Dragonkin Berserker for the human part of the card.

TheVectornaut on Christmas Dagrons

3 years ago

No problem. I enjoy going through the first cycle tab to offer input where I can. I'm used to playing on lower budgets and power levels so I don't usually have much to offer when it comes to long established decks.

Also, on the subject of mana curve, it's worth remembering that the purpose of ramp is to drag the top end back to the left. A bomb most other decks would have to play on turn 6, you plan to play on 5, 4, or even 3 instead. Obviously the more big cards you run, the more ramp will be needed to support them. That's why Gruul dragons also tends to run anywhere from 10 to 20 cards dedicated to acceleration. You have a solid starting package with the set of Servants and the Birds (and Sarkhan actually), but adding a couple more ramp pieces could make it easier to run the critical mass of dragons that Atarka and friends need to shine. It could be untap synergy with Utopia Sprawl and Arbor Elf , landfall with Oracle of Mul Daya (budget: Courser of Kruphix ) and Lotus Cobra , or just more generically good dorks and tutors like Somberwald Sage and Harrow . A turn 1 Bird into Somberwald on 2 potentially lets you cast any creature in the deck as soon as turn 3. If you do want smaller dragons instead, Dragonkin Berserker and Dragon Whisperer can get bodies on the board early and hopefully pay out later. The actual dragon options of Slumbering Dragon and Dragon Hatchling are pretty poor inclusions unless you're trying to go hard with Dragon Tempest .

Here's an article from Wizards' own Gavin Verhey with some tips on dragon ramp strategy. Note that the build in question was made for an old standard meta, so there will be some obvious differences to a modern gameplan.

Dragon Ramp Reconstructed

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