Dominating Vampire

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dominating Vampire

Creature — Vampire

When this enters the battlefield, gain control of target creature with converted mana cost/mana value less than or equal to the number of Vampires you control until end of turn. Untap that creature. It gains haste until end of turn.

artaud21 on Markov's Vampire Apocalypse

7 months ago

Lost Caverns of Ixalan new cards:

Master of Dark Rites - 1CMC mana producer is a perfect fit for Markov and perfect T1 drop

Order of Sacred Dusk - interesting option to change quantity into quality. Relevant if low on life or when ground forces face other token strategies or are not pumped enough to win combat

Charismatic Conqueror - it's like Blind Obedience on legs but I'm sure there will be times opponent chooses to give us more vampires instead of tapping. Tokens are though which does not please Ascendant Evincar

Bloodletter of Aclazotz - damage doubler is always nice if one can afford its high starting price

Queen's Bay Paladin - repeated Vampire reanimation can be relevant (Malakir Bloodwitch,Dominating Vampire) especialy with sac outlet but 5CMC can be too much for such a fast deck

Tarrian's Journal  Flip - repeatable draw effect is always nice especially when it can turn into double use of our dead Vampires. Mana is also nice.

Bartolome del Presidio - free sac outlet that pumps itself looks good although it doesn't help other vampires except for occassional combos (see Queen's Bay Paladin)

Gidgetimer on Standard infinite combo? (but janky)

2 years ago

Now that you are using Maskwood Nexus Magda is a vampire too, so with the 4 pieces mentioned Dominating Vampire will always be able to untap Reflection of Kiki-Jiki  Flip.

legendofa on Standard infinite combo? (but janky)

2 years ago

It involves four cards, tribal cards from two unconnected tribes, and an effect not really being used as intended, but I think it works.

Transform Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip to Reflection of Kiki-Jiki  Flip. Maskwood Nexus gives it all creature types, including Dwarf and Vampire.

With Magda, Brazen Outlaw out, you will create a Treasure each time Reflection becomes tapped, so Reflection's ability can be paid for.

The target for this ability is Dominating Vampire. Since you have enough creatures in play (D.Vampire + Reflection + Magda, with Nexus making them all Vampires), you can create a copy of the D.Vampire to "gain control" of the Reflection, untapping it. Use the Treasure mana to pay for this ability, tap Reflection targeting Vampire, and repeat as needed. Attack with an army of hasty Vampires.

Any thoughts?

VampRamped on Hyper Markov

2 years ago

Very good list if you can check out my list A Vampire Storm *Primer*, and let me know what you think.

For your discussion of the new Cards from what came out in the Midnight Hunt, I think that Vampire Socialite is basically just a two mana vampire lord which is very good and especially ideal for an aggro deck. Voldaren Ambusher is great and maybe even the all-star of the set as normally you don't want to play removal in Edgar Markov because it hurts the deck's momentum but this lets you have creature removal, and tempo. Falkenrath Pit Fighter has rather good stats and a good-enough ability for a 1 drop.

As for the new cards, I will just discuss the ones that seem worth that time. Voldaren Estate looks like a no-brainer include as it gives all colors of mana in addition to card cycling which is nice. Dominating Vampire looks pretty sweet for aggressive tempo and is also removal if you have a sac outlet which is not too difficult for vampires. Voldaren Bloodcaster looks like a pretty decent card overall, and am interesting to see how it actually plays. The new Olivia could be pretty good value, overall a decent option for inclusion. Bloodtithe Harvester seems not quite as good as Voldaren Ambusher, but still nice to see more removal vampires but the 3/2 statline is pretty nice for 2 mana. Lastly, the new Edgar, Charmed Groom is a bit underwhelming but overall a pretty decent card

As for your deck, it looks good just would make a few minor tweaks in card choices for the aggro deck, but overall the deck looks to have very good synergy for the most part and cohesion towards its goal as an aggro deck. Phyrexian Arena is a slow card advantage engine that is more suited towards midrange Edgar Markov decks. Nighthawk Scavenger is pretty much a strict upgrade over Vampire Nighthawk as just having an opponent crack a fetch land means that Nighthawk Scavenger is just as good with even more potential upside. Bloodhusk Ritualist has an ok multikicker effect but the main issue is the atrocious statline of a 2/2 for three mana. Universal Automaton is just a 1/1 for 1 so pretty much any 1 drop vampire is an improvement, ie Viscera Seer Insolent Neonate, Stromkirk Noble. Also your deck noticeably has no removal which I agree for the most part with the sentiment but would strongly recommend at least 1 card for mass enchantment removal, as one of the biggest weaknesses of an aggro Edgar Markov deck is enchantress decks with propaganda type effects so it is very valuable to have those effects if you need them. Lastly just want to throw in Stromkirk Condemned as a vampire lord that is decent.

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