Dizzy Spell


Target creature gets -3/-0 until end of turn.

Transmute (1)(Blue)(Blue) ((1)(Blue)(Blue), Discard this card: Search your library for a card with the same converted mana cost as this card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library. Play only as a sorcery.)

SufferFromEDHD on

1 year ago

If the deck is 2 or less Dizzy Spell and Muddle the Mixture should be in the list.

Where's the Isochron Scepter?

That Riptide Laboratory would be abusive alongside Snapcaster Mage.

Dazard on pew = PEW PEW PEW (Ghyrson Starn)

1 year ago

Thank you for your suggestions. really interesting stuff!

@DreadKhan: i didn't know about the transmute mechanic, so i will def. swap Dizzy Spell for Fabricate as it is much more budget friendly (even tho i was excited about having a reason to get that admech artwork card). great advice! Shadowspear and Resurrection Orb would be a great additions but both are too costly for my thin wallet ;)

@carpecanum: Toralf, God of Fury  Flip is a great addition! i just had to made room for him, so i took Burn Down the House out even tho it hurts a little to loose a sorcery in this deck. Interestingly, reading the ruletext closely, i don't even have to be the one dealing the damage to make him trigger, right? I would love to add Wojek Embermage but i really don't know which card i should cut then? maybe The Locust God and say completely goodbye to the 1/1 token subtheme?

DreadKhan on pew = PEW PEW PEW (Ghyrson Starn)

1 year ago

Not sure if you've got enough bodies for it, but Kyren Negotiations lets each creature ping your opponent each turn, which your Commander can buff.

I like the idea of throwing in lifelink equipment, some of it has other upsides. The ones I think look most interesting are Shadowspear, which gives buffs and can remove Indestructible, and maybe Resurrection Orb, but you do have to send your Commander to the graveyard I think to get the recursion.

If you want a way to get a 1 drop into your hand more reliably, there is Dizzy Spell, which is much cheaper than Fabricate and can find any 1 drop. There are other Transmute cards for different MV, all Black or Blue. Blue can't find 4 drops IIRC, but can find a bunch of others.

A generically helpful creature in a deck that likes a 1/1 flying token is Faerie Formation, which makes tokens and draws cards, both tend to be helpful on their own, getting both is nice. Another card that I feel like is kind of good in this deck would be Arc Mage, it's a nice budget way to ping two creatures for 1, in a pinch it can also do 2 if your Commander isn't out.

If you go the Propaganda route, some other cards to consider are War Tax and Ensnaring Bridge. If you can keep your creatures power low enough (and have some draw), Noetic Scales can be very good at keeping the board clear of big threats, and you can deal with the weenies I suspect.

meowCat1234 on [EDH-2] Noyan Dar's One-Punch Griffin

1 year ago

Thanks! I'll try to give out my thoughts in those cards:

  1. Vesuva - ETB copying a land may be a liability when it's made to copy Griffin Canyon. You'd want to put off on getting canyon out until you are confident you can pull off the combo and eliminate at least 1 player.
  2. Wings of Velis Vel/Shields of Velis Vel - these used to be in the deck. However, I've since moved to things that give changeling that are not necessarily single time use spells
  3. Elite Arcanist - you really want some specific cards to be in your hand when you cast this one. The problem I see is that Isochron Scepter is a lot better as it is not a creature but alas I had to remove it. It either becomes a removal magnet or you don't have a decent card to imprint it with
  4. To Arms! - we really don't animate a lot of lands to make this worth a slot
  5. Long-Term Plans/Dizzy Spell - these tutors used to also be in the deck. I just removed them in favor of having more card draw/filtering effects
  6. Cerulean Wisps - 1-mana cantrips may be good but I'd want them to do something else other than just replace themselves

Hope that helps!

Grind on Izzet what-cha-ma-call it

1 year ago

I dislike 1 card combos with your commander. But as you are running curiosity, you should add more tutors for it.
Long-Term Plans, Gamble, Dizzy Spell.
Consider Mystic Remora and An Offer You Can't Refuse.
I suggest more 2 drop ramp Fellwar Stone, Thought Vessel and more cantrips like Preordain.

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