

Change the target of target spell with a single target unless that spell's controller pays .

Izzetaura on Fun EDH cards

2 months ago

I recommend Aura Graft, Mirari, Divert, and Redirect. Redirect is my favorite card of all time, and it pairs well with Archaeomancer.

SynergyBuild on Redirect in EDH?

3 years ago

@enpc is 100% right here, as someone who has played a heckton of these, the best for edh are as follows:

Misdirection - The king of redirects, it's just something that they never expect.

Deflecting Swat - Many consider this to be the best, but the need for a commander is a real cost, often decks have higher cmc commanders or want to redirect after a sweeper, as well as running red not being the best known for cheap commanders. Despite that, it is able to hit a ton and affect more than the average redirect effect, and is a massively powerful magic card.

Divert - Less known, but 1 mana is a massive benefit to the card, having taken a couple Blue Sun's Zenith and some extra turn spells, as well as changing a couple targets for some removal, it's a simple card that's budget enough for anyone to use.

Imp's Mischief - Mostly good since it's rarely expected, off color pretty hard, but also just good value and easy to cast.

azja on Yuriko (Optimized) Primer

3 years ago

@Snake57 Sounds like you've got a good plan!

Thanks again for the feedback and suggestions! I really appreciate talking Yuriko with someone else who's super invested!

SynergyBuild on Blooming Onion - The Best Deck in EDH [Primer]

3 years ago

DeinoStinkus While for cEDH, I don't see us needing Beseech the Queen, as we aren't running tutoring that expensive, and I'd probably slot in an Enlightened Tutor for a Mystic Remora, Mana Crypt, Training Grounds, or Squandered Resources first, and Uro is much better where the 3 life and 6/6 beat stick is a relevant clock and threats, here I think Mystical Dispute is still a wonderful card for this strategy.

I considered it mainboard, as well as a few other 1 mana counterspells, specifically Autumn's Veil, Dispel, and a few personal favorites like Divert. The card is fantastic, but remember that it won't kill any consult players, as you actually are supposed to cast Thassa's Oracle first, wait for it to resolve, then respond to it's ETB effect with the Demonic Consultation/Tainted Pact effect. Doing it this was gets around dying to a counterspell, and is why it's such a popular method.

Just a warning for if you try this, it probably can stop them, if they cant counter back or pay 3 mana, but can't kill them is all!

SynergyBuild on Daveslab2022

3 years ago

Blue is the key interaction color, black is good too, but green is effectively a mandated color. Loam is the best grindy value engine, and effectively says "permanents" instead of lands in this format. On it's own that is op, dredge makes it beyond busted. Scapeshift is a strong wincon too, but manlands, Field of the Dead, and Dark Depths/Thespian Stage all work.

Remember unlike legacy where that's a 1 hit win, in this format it does take two hits. I enjoy Awakening of Vitu-Ghazi, but I enjoy it because it can hit hard on end-steps and just has the haste value. Against Field of Ruin you can toss it on a basic, but putting it on a Lumbering Falls or Raging Ravine, maybe even a Celestial Colonnade, so if you activate them they get really buff.

Secure the Wastes, Sylvan Awakening, Finale of Glory, etc. Can win as well, trust that a lot of decks have numerous wincons they can run, and while when entering the game without creatures it seems hard, its certainly not impossible. The goal is to build around the card advantage of the game.

Life from the Loam is overpowered because of this, and the fact countering it doesn't stop the engine. There aren't a ton of these type of card advantage engines without most permanent types, and that's why the few we have are valuable, and while Ponder, Brainstorm, Preordain give card selection, advantage is hugely in need, so when looking through what you want, here are the following pieces of card advantage:

Hymn to Tourach and Gerrard's Verdict both are cheap ways to grind out value by 2 for 1ing an opponent from cards, it's no engine, but it functions well to disrupt whatever your opponent has going on. Be scared of Misdirection or Divert as they can blowout this style of card advantage, and are highly valuable pieces of "anti-interaction", but even a Veil of Summer can be a seriously bad turn for this card.

Castle Locthwain, Castle Vantress, Castle Ardenvale, Kjeldoran Outpost, Westvale Abbey  Flip, Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree, etc.

Sorry, started writing this I need to follow up later, hope this gives a brief intro!

SynergyBuild on None

3 years ago

I mean, sort of, you forgot a ton of the rules, and randomly tossed in pet cards. 75 cards, not 70 as you stated, interrupts aren't cards anymore, I actually briefly mentioned AEther Snap separately, and you assumed that Chaplain's Blessing is useful, despite 0 lifegain synergies existing that I know of, outside of False Cure, which would theoretically be used with Beacon of Immortality, additionally Angel's Grace/Ad Nauseam will likely be a popular build, and so will Scapeshift lists.

I honestly don't think you meant to put Rakdos Charm as relevant, I mean, it hits graveyards, but Scavenger Grounds does it, is useful in other situations, and is colorless, and gives mana, and every deck can use it. Overrun wouldn't be competitive if we even did have creatures and Fog seems like you are completely kidding. There are no non token creatures, only bad token producers outside of lands and a few possibly useable builds as side wincons. Anger of the Gods is again, not a relevant card really either.

Similarly, Swords, Push and Path (Especially Path) are really bad cards in this format, where there are only tokens. Effects that are more versatile specifically and can hit lands, as each deck is effectively required to be based on those has to run them, and few decks really even use manlands, as they slow the list, and land destruction does it better.

Remember that Swan Song also will often be a worse Flusterstorm that just gets hit by Mental Misstep (This is a Misstep format, so the entirety of the format is based around it) and Veil of Summer. Due to Life from the Loam being the only real engine aside from flashback based cards, and the fact that ever single spell hits the yard upon resolution rather than the battlefield, and most people will see the graveyard as a resource outside of Loam too. The best abusers are Treasure Cruise, Dig Through Time, and Cling to Dust, which cleans up loams and acts as a draw engine for cheap black discard decks based on Thoughtseize, Inquisition of Kozilek, etc. Then there is Mystic Sanctuary, which adds so much flame to the fire, as it layers with both Scapeshift and Life from the Loam builds.

That backbone, along with some control tech for the format (Force of Will, Force of Negation, Miscast, Echoing Truth, Cryptic Command, Archmage's Charm, etc.) made the Simic Land Control build you claim I made, and called "loam". I turned it for the meta game's adjustment to it after building the rest of the possibly abuseable archetypes.

One of these tests included tons of Ad Nauseam Storm builds, but it flopped with the Mental Missteps in the format. They can take the loss of some rituals going, or even trade them for their own missteps occasionally, but the fact that every half decent list ran 4 free counterspells just meant that wheel-based builds flopped too.

In fact the format is so aggressively focused on lands being engines, loam, Scapeshift, and the other land builds that the only reasonable combos, which were depths, that got crushed by Archmage's Charm and Cryptic Command in the Control builds, and most other lists packed enough Field of Ruins or Ghost Quarters to still be just fine.

Look, you didn't really read up on GoblinElectromancer's format, you misread what shadow63 said, as he never implicated that he solved the format, just said, quote: "So burn or mill or tokens?" And nothing else on it, and you seemingly tossed a ton of janky filler cards as your choices for powerhouse cards, using the same terminology I used to describe a completely separate group of cards, and then miscredited me on multiple points claiming random things I think everyone immediately knew as "breakthroughs."

Despite the 10+ hours straight I spent since the banlist of the format's release designing and using multiple geometric calculators (had to make one on my own for Loam calculations and 75 card opener testers), attempting to check which build had the most room to improve and grow, I landed on Simic/Bant Lands Control, and solved the format's boogeyman. Yes you still somehow claim the only two decks are yours and mine, despite me proposing over 8 decks and in this bringing up another I didn't feel the need to previously. There are many more than 2 decks, one of which being a worse version of a good deck.

P.S. for all people that want to try the format.

Don't assume the format is solved for good, just that a singular deck seems to be absolutely busted and will beat everything else we have come up with. Intuition depths is my current brainchild, working to take Dark Depths, Life from the Loam, and Thespian Stage, in a Sultai build optimized to cheaply interact while having a list almost entirely based on card advantage and disruption, a more tempo based build rather than just wincons and control like Simic/Bant.

If the shell just gets added to Simic/Bant, I won't be surprised. Surgical Extraction is currently the best anti-loam card I know of, with Extirpate and Cling to Dust being strong avenues the decks trying to counter Loam can use as well. Divert and Misdirection are incredibly powerful however and can be used against them, as they also hit all of the counter magic, burn, discard, etc. in the format.

The format is cool to tinker with but is mostly done currently. If a ban comes tinker around in it, it seems cool!

The Stifle -> Lotus Field -> arcane storm is super viable, and Sylvan Scrying, Crop Rotation and Past in Flames are all in the format, so try it. It doesn't work amazingly because of how much free countermagic is in the format, Flusterstorm, etc. but still, resolve a Veil of Summer in an opportune moment and go for it!

SynergyBuild on Attempt for a new format

3 years ago

Okay, did the geometric testing, I was done 6 minutes before writing this comment, which I started at 10:28, that means I think I solved the base of the format in 7 hours and 5 minutes.

I tested the shells against eachtlother, the most consistent was the GU list, after tuning the other lists against it, it was easy to break the simple Life from the Loam, Growth Spiral, Field of the Dead list. All you needed was a Cling to Dust or Surgical Extraction Luckily Extraction meant every color had the option. Both also got around Veil of Summer, which is huge in the format. What else gets around it? Divert and Misdirection, who cards that break the Thoughtseize, Inquisition of Kozilek, Hymn to Tourach, Sinkhole piles that were beating UG the most, and were a Golgari Depths list. Before Divert, Golgari lists basically just had to fight Veil of Summer, often with Mental Missteps.

This meant UG could side in the redirects and crush the Black lists. I tried Sultai, so Flusterstorm, Miscast, etc. could disrupt the combo, but sadly they couldn't hit the mana consistently enough anymore. Even when they did the deck was sloppy. A countered Crop Rotation was really bad, and Mental Misstepping one was such a tempo swing, it was almost game over. Most lists could use mana on end steps pretty easily, UW control could at least Brainstorm, UG could Growth Spiral or crack a Waterlogged Grove to dredge a Life from the Loam. Black builds could Cling to Dust to draw. Decks had the means to use tempo, easily turning tempo into massive swings. Mystic Sanctuary is huge for UG and UW builds, Entreat the Angels needs it to function, and Cryptic Command/Deprive loops are big.

Muddle the Mixture let UG have too much redundancy, grab a Loam to grind? On it! Be a Echoing Truth to wipe a Dark Depths token or Field of the Dead army? On it. Use it to get a Living Wish to grab a Field of the Dead from your sideboard if your opponent Surgical Extractioned all of the ones in your deck.

It is an absurd card. It can be looped with Mystic Sanctuary. It can get it if it finds a Sylvan Scrying or Living Wish.

Then all that is needed is backup for this stupid deck.

Mystic Sanctuary for Cryptic Command, opponent on Depths? Echoing Truth, want better? Why not steal it with Archmage's Charm. Stupid. The deck was considering without that upside. Field of Ruin, Miscast, Veil of Summer, a sideboard of lands for Living Wish and more choice cards. Gitaxian Probe, great to judge when to do anything, if you are ever afraid of a Veil of Summer, target yourself. Force of Negation can exile opposing Life from the Loams, Boseiju, Who Shelters All, Growth Spiral, etc.

Now onto if they have an answer to tokens, because at this point Lumbering Falls is our best backup. UW gets Celestial Colonnade, which straight up wins in a fight. So we play a Hallowed Fountain and run a couple Colonnade's ourselves. Easy. Plus, unlike UW, we have Loam to recur our Colonades.

Now Bant, with a light splash for colonnade just beat everything. I just found variation of it could be tuned to beat itself, but worse against the field. The deck was evil, super gross to pilot against, felt even worse to play.

It was perfect. I'll write it up and post it.

SynergyBuild on Attempt for a new format

3 years ago

The best end game wincons so far: Angel's Grace/Ad Nauseam, Field of the Dead or Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle with Scapeshift or on their own. Dark Depths/Thespian Stage also is amazing in the format. Remember to use manlands, like Creeping Tar Pit or whatever you find fun. I know I'll look at Mutavault heavily for the format. Tokens can also do well, Commence the Endgame seems great!

Engines outside of it that can grind games are Mystic Sanctuary and Cryptic Command/Tragic Lesson/Daze/Gush, Life from the Loam and Horizon Canopy/Tranquil Thicket (Or any other cycling lands, but honestly Lftl works amazing on it's own).

What cards are really good to know about? Unsummon and effects like it should really be good, as all non-land permanents are tokens. Sinkhole and land destruction must be realized to be a very powerful effect, and Thoughtseize style discard is great!

Remember that Negate is just a cheaper Cancel and Miscast is a cheaper Mana Leak. Additionally Muddle the Mixture can both be a Counterspell or a Life from the Loam, and can be returned with Mystic Sanctuary.

Veil of Summer, Lightning Bolt, Silence, Stifle, Miscast, Flusterstorm, Dovin's Veto, Surgical Extraction & Cling to Dust (Amazing against Loam decks and some Sanctuary decks, as well as shutting off backup combos from recursive loops)

Currently Noxious Revival, Echoing Truth, Divert/Misdirection (against discard and burn), most discard, burn, Merchant Scroll, Entreat the Angels (Works well with Brainstorm, Mystic Sanctuary, etc.), and more are all strong.

Overall, it seems like a format where blue dominated, with green engines and tutors like Crop Rotation or Sylvan Scrying can set up the easy combos. Entomb for Life from the Loam, maybe Mission Briefing can do well too.

The best decks seem to be Bant Control, Simic Scapshift (sultai?), Sultai Loam Depths, Golgari Depths (Hymn to Tourach style list), Azorius Control (Entreat Sanctuary style) and Dimir+ Control (No idea the wincon, but a 2-4 color list, aimed at Miscast, Cling to Dust, and Thoughtseize as a base). A ramp build for field outside of Scapeshift, perhaps running it as only a backup, or perhaps a Sultai Loam Field Ramp list could work.

Sadly if you memorize the 6ish real wincons, the 4 bases, and understand the few counterplays the format is solved

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