Dismantling Blow

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dismantling Blow


Kicker (You may pay an additional as you cast this spell.)

Destroy target artifact or enchantment. If this spell was kicked, draw two cards.

Lup3rcal on Undead Monarch

1 month ago

Suggested cuts: Waste Not - enemy discard is a secondary strategy, and viable, but this is a card that is only a payoff for a secondary strategy. I think it may be dead enough that it doesn't warrant a slot.

Logic Knot - would be sweet if it was {U} less. As is, it's a strictly inferior counterspell that uses a valuable resource to be effective

Fervent Denial - 5 mana is a lot to hold up, 7 will almost never happen in a board-presence focused deck.

Dark Deal - wheels are decent here, but this Mind Rots yourself. Have 4 cards, cast this, end up with 2. The other wheels can benefit from enemy high card counts. This does disrupt opponents, but that's gonna draw some ire and you just binned half your resources. If you can withstand the ire you should be winning anyway. Something like Frantic Search would be better IMO.

Zombie Infestation - two cards plus one upfront is a steep price. I don't know that you have enough reanimation to need to dump your hand at instant speed when you already have Varina available.

Dismantling Blow - a glorified Disenchant 90% of the time. A 6 mana spell the rest of the time.

Suggestions not many at this stage. Gleaming Overseer is a consideration if you find yourself heavy into tokens. I'm a big fan of a few cards in your maybe list: Obsessive Search, and Kindred Discovery. Though the latter is slow.

Matzalantli is cute but I'd be wary of labelling it as ramp when assessing your manabase given it needs 7 mana to activate, and won't be online until at LEAST turn 5. It's defs more a Gilded Lotus than Arcane Signet

Darb_the_Bard on Codie: Hypergenesis

2 years ago

Thanks, harkness, for the upvote and the comment. Jegantha, the Wellspring definitely looks like a good fit. I may have to make room for it in my list. I would ignore the Companion portion and just play it as a regular card, but it also has the possibility of being an alternate commander, which always makes me happy (even if I don't play with it as a commander much I like having the option - the more variety the better). I also like your budget-friendly replacements for the praetors. We could obviously make the deck better by adding all of the most powerful creatures in the game (usually also the most expensive), but it takes a different kind of skill to build decks on a budget. I like your mentality!

As for draw, at least on paper the deck appears to have a good amount of draw options to me. I count 11 cards in the current list that have the potential to net you cards, not including Fierce Empath or Sultai Charm (which don't technically net you cards but do improve the value of the cards you keep). The rule of thumb I try to follow is to have 10-12 draw spells in the deck so it's right there. And I do think it's very valuable to have plenty of draw after your Hypergenesis turn as it usually leaves you with an empty or near-empty hand and you want to be able to recover from potential board wipes.

That said, you're right that most of the card draw is in the form of creatures or enchantments that come down after Hypergenesis . And it would obviously be ideal to draw before your Hypergenesis turn to make sure you have a hand full of threats to lay down. So I did a search for all 3-mana sorceries and instants that draw two or more cards. The best options, in my opinion, are the following: Abzan Charm , Esper Charm , Field Research , Ingenious Mastery , Probe , and Read the Bones . You could also try Fiery Gambit if you have good luck with coin flips (not a card I would want but I imagine some folks would find it fun, and it would be fantastic every time you actually pull it off).

It might be worth it to swap some of the other instants and sorceries for these, so I will definitely consider it myself. I already have one similar card in the list with Dismantling Blow so I'm not sure how many more I would want or which cards I would want to take out. I believe with these cards you would get to draw the cards first and then do Codie's ability to find and play Hypergenesis, but hopefully someone can correct me if I'm wrong. Of course, this also has the potential downside of drawing Hypergenesis and then not being able to find it, which gives me pause. So I'm not sure if it's worth it or not, but it's at least worth considering and testing!

stellarnear on

4 years ago

Carte à rentrer :
All That Glitters uber buff pour deux
Ancestral Mask uber fort
Archon of Sun's Grace juste fort
Calix, Destiny's Hand swag + straight synergie
Celestial Ancient zone boost (ptet un peu faible)
Destiny Spinner bonnes state et bonne protec
Ethereal Armor fort
Gift of Paradise mana versatile
Heliod, God of the Sun reasons
Mesa Enchantress moteur de pioche fort
Mirrormade combo
New Horizons mana ramp
Oath of Teferi combo commander
Open the Vaults revive hard
Satyr Enchanter moteur de pioche fort
Season of Growth gros moteur de pioche
Setessan Champion moteur de pioche fort
Siona, Captain of the Pyleas wonderwoman in da place
Starfield Mystic combo direct
Starfield of Nyx peu partir en couille vite
Verduran Enchantress pioche (ptet un peu faible)
Eutropia the Twice-Favored bonne distrib de puissance je pense

Cartes sorties :
Boon Satyr trop basique
Cold-Eyed Selkie aucun interet
Daxos of Meletis je le vois pas marcher vraiment
Dictate of Kruphix bof
Dismantling Blow meh removal
Eel Umbra trop basic
Elderwood Scion interessant ptet en side
Empyrial Storm trop cher pour son effet
Epic Proportions un peu cher pour l'effet surprise prefere mettre du solide
Genesis Storm trop cher pour son effet
Ground Seal mouais
Loyal Drake mieux à mettre peu de synergie
Loyal Guardian combo pas
Loyal Unicorn interessant mais peu synergique
Myth Unbound interessant mais y a mieux à rentrer
Ravenous Slime interessant mais peu synergique
Reclamation Sage un peu faible pour un removal
Soul Snare y a mieux en removal
Spawning Grounds meh - overcost
Vow of Flight j'aime pas l'idée de le mettre en face (ptet en multi side)
Vow of Wildness j'aime pas l'idée de le mettre en face (ptet en multi side)

DemonDragonJ on Law and Order

4 years ago

I am contemplating replacing Disenchant with Dismantling Blow, because the latter card can provide card advantage, but I am not certain if I shall be able to reliably pay its kicker cost, because, if the spell is not kicked, it is strictly worse than Disenchant.

enpc on 5-color Pauper EDH deck help. …

4 years ago

In the past my wife and I have built both Paragon of the Amesha (enchantment voltron) and Dragonsoul Knight (infect voltron) as pauper EDH lists.

The benefit that both of them have compared to Worldheart Phoenix is that you can just dump a bunch of ramp into the list and you have a built in mana sink win condition in your commander.

Any I'm pretty sure that my wife's Dragonsoul Knight list was played against a bunch of casual EDH lists and stomped on them (basically the same situation you're in).

As for good cards - I got a lot of value out of kicker cards. They do something by themselves but you can also get more value late game. Citanul Woodreaders and Dismantling Blow are both decent sources of card draw. You also have Blink of an Eye and Into the Roil for pseudo removal/draw. Agonizing Demise is decent creature removal.

SufferFromEDHD on Trump's Foreign Relations

4 years ago

This list is really cool! Strong theme and good use of new commander.

Two cards stick out as kind of bad: Dictate of Kruphix and Howling Mine . You are running blue, why give opponents free cards? Land Tax + Scroll Rack would be efficient in this list full of basics.

Disenchant seems weak/clunky. Dismantling Blow , Orim's Thunder or Aura of Silence would be solid upgrades.

See a small proliferate/counter theme. No Karn's Bastion ?

Mortlocke on Glistening Mists

4 years ago

Falcoshin, don't forget that Green is better suited for handling Artifacts as well. I don't know the current meta for Modern - but I do want to make sure that in case that a card like this is introduced to the meta, it can easily be disposed of. White should still be more than capable of handling this new artifact. From modern horizons alone white has: Dismantling Blow and Nature's Chant .

Peachykehn on draggies

5 years ago

Orim's Chant should be Orim's Thunder , whoops. Alternatively, Dismantling Blow .

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