Dismal Backwater

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dismal Backwater


Dismal Backwater enters the battlefield tapped.

When Dismal Backwater enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.

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Rasaru on Zombies 2.0

5 months ago

Do you want to the deck to stay within a certain budget? How much money are you okay with spending to upgrade? $25, $50, UNLIMITED?! :)

My first thought is to fix up your mana base. You have a LOT of lands that come in tapped no matter what your board state or hand looks like. That's going to slow your game plan down quite a bit. Let's make these simple swaps to start. Then, we I have a better idea of what your budget looks like, I can recommend additional swaps.

Vivid Marsh -> Takenuma, Abandoned Mire Utility lands are excellent because you don't have to play them as lands if your mana flooded AND it doesn't come in tapped

Vivid Creek -> Otawara, Soaring City Same as above

Scoured Barrens -> Godless Shrine Same colors, just has the option of coming in untapped and satisfies your other land requirements you're playing, like Shineshadow Snarl

Dismal Backwater -> Morphic Pool Same colors, comes in untapped 90% of the time in EDH

Jwar Isle Refuge -> Drowned Catacomb Same colors and at least has the opportunity to come in tapped vs ALWAYS coming in tapped

Reliquary Tower -> Raffine's Tower Land comes in tapped, but produces all three colors and can be cycled to draw a card if you're mana flooded.

If those options are too expensive, you could easily justify just swapping them all out for basics. :)

nathanl69 on New Gisa and Geralf

2 years ago

Some good budget lands Dismal Backwater Waterfront District Check this site out for more https://managathering.com/duallands/Dimir.html

Interesting cards you might like Tainted Indulgence Tormod, the Desecrator Headless Rider

multimedia on Umezawa of the Swamp

2 years ago

Hey, well done so far for a first deck that's less than $50. Nice pulls from your box of Nashi, Satoru, Junji, and Chip.

You don't have lands? My advice before you go any further is to fill in enough deck spots for 35 lands. They can be 15 Swamp, 15 Island, Command Tower, Path of Ancestry, Secluded Courtyard, Unclaimed Territory, Sunken Hollow. The 30 basic lands can just be place holders until you can add more Dimir dual lands. The idea here is to fill the required deck spots you need for lands that way you can see how many deck spots you have left to add other cards or how many cards you have to cut to add lands.

You might have pulled a Secluded Courtyard and Dismal Backwater from your box since it's an uncommon and a common. If you did add them. Tower, Ancestry, Territory and Hollow are not in the NEO set, but are budget lands that can make more than one color. Tower is a staple land in Commander that all your mulicolored decks can use.

To add 35 lands you will have to cut 14 cards since currently you have 79 cards and you need 99 cards + Satoru to make 100 cards. Some cuts to consider are little creatures who are not Ninjas and don't have any ability that helps them to attack such as flying or unblockable. Enormous Energy Blade is the worse card here, the turn you equip it to a creature you control that creature can't attack with the +4/0 pump because it becomes tapped, easy cut. Some other cards to consider cutting:

After you add lands I offer more help if you're interested. Good luck with your deck.

Phule451 on Wilhelt Precon Upgrade

2 years ago

First of, you’ve got two Dismal Backwaters and two Noosegraf Mobs in there. Acererak the Archlich is an infinite wincon with Rooftop Storm. if you have Poppet Factory flipped with Wilhelt out, Altar of Dementia can mill your opponents to zero. To help you find pieces Sidisi, Undead Vizier is a great zombie to do so. Ebondeath, Dracolich is a great recurrable zombie. Reflections of Littjara can make your toys twice the fun. Boneknitter could also do some work for ya here. Loyal Subordinate will help you do damage if combat gets shut down. Victimize will do you service, and Patriarch's Bidding can help refill your board after a board wipe. Speaking of which, consider Noxious Ghoul and Meathook Massacre can help you clear boards that need an enigma. Hope some of that helps ya. Enjoy zombies!

multimedia on Subjective Reality Upgrade

2 years ago

Hey, you're welcome.

40 lands is a lot of lands and you also have ramp sources to help to make mana. You would be fine cutting 2-4 lands and filling those spots with low CMC budget cards that draw such as Omen of the Sea , Wall of Omens and Brainstorm . The idea is more draw that also has interaction with Aminatou could replace some lands because overall these cards are better for gameplay and the draw can potentially help to draw lands. You have a good number of basic lands for budget and the ratio is also on point. With 16 basic lands then budget dual lands that have interaction with basic lands help for them to ETB untapped.

Ideally, you want most if not all the lands in the manabase to ETB untapped to help gameplay. Since then you can tap the land for mana the turn you play it, but that's impossible when on such a low budget unless playing 30+ basic lands which is not recommended with three colors. The lands that you play that will always ETB tapped should have other uses or be able to make one of any three colors you need. An example is Arcane Sanctum is good, Dimir Guildgate isn't good. If you have to play many lands that always ETB tapped then might as well play the ones that also have bonus interaction with your Commander.

The Scry lands ( Temple of Silence ) and Halimar Depths ETB tapped, but they have interaction with the Aminatou + Guardian + Oath combo. Aminatou can blink a Scry land as the first permanent which lets you scry through the rest of your library to find Strix or another permanent draw source to cast to then draw a win condition to cast. The Gain lands ( Tranquil Cove ) also can be blinked and blinking one of them with the combo gives you infinite life. Consider three of each of Scry lands and Gain lands?

Utility lands such as Mystic Sanctuary give you something when it ETB, can be blinked by Aminatou and be part of the combo. Sanctuary when blinked if you control three other Islands can be a repeatable way to recur an instant or sorcery. It can setup a card with miracle since you recur the card to the top of your library to draw on your next turn or even on an opponent's turn if card with miracle is the first card you draw on opponent's turn.

Example of an upgraded budget manabase:

mccabej140 on Snow Dual Lands

3 years ago

Do you think the new Snow Dual Lands in Kaldheim will see play? If so, in what decks?

For myself, I can see Ice Tunnel possibly replacing Dismal Backwater in Dimir decks that run Snuff Out to turn on the alternate casting cost more consistently.

Let me know what you think.

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