Dingus Staff


Whenever a creature is put into a graveyard from play, Dingus Staff deals 2 damage to that creature's controller.

king-saproling on *R* May I Offer You a Hippo in These Trying Times?

1 year ago

Nice! I also built a low-hug phelddagrif deck (you can check it out here if you want).

These wincons might interest you: Gideon, Champion of Justice, Angel's Trumpet, Suture Priest, Dingus Staff, Mantle of Leadership

Here are some other cards that perform well: Keep Watch, Borrowing 100,000 Arrows, Theft of Dreams, Jaheira's Respite, Sawtusk Demolisher, Authority of the Consuls

FormOverFunction on Looking for a casual but …

2 years ago

Since my decks are based primarily on theme, there’s a pretty significant chance that they are going to play differently from one game to the next. This has helped enormously in keeping me from getting bored with them. It may not always be what you want to do, but maybe try loosening up on the goal of the deck. That will make it a lot less efficient, but with a looser focus you can try to make win conditions out of what your opponents are doing. A Dingus Staff or Harsh Mentor never seem strong enough on their own to build a whole deck around, but when they pop in at the right time they can be devastating (read: amazing) and make for a lot of fun discussion for the day/evening. That’s been my experience, your mileage may vary.

hyped1221 on Darien, King of Kjeldor Token/Lifegain EDH

2 years ago

IHATENAMES - Thanks for visiting and the suggestions. Heraldic Banner is in my maybeboard. It is a great card and I have ran it in here before. Personally I feel like it doesn't need a full time slot at the moment. Sigil of the New Dawn isn't too bad. I usually do not mind if something goes in the graveyard though, and I don't really want to pay two mana to put it back in my hand. Now if it said permanent... Enduring Renewal is a hard pass lol! While I understand cards that force you to play with your hand revealed have their place in the game, I personally hate them and completely avoid using them in any of my decks.

Soulus101 - Thanks for all of the suggestions! Blasting Station, Ashnod's Altar, and Jade Monolith are all in my maybeboard. I have not slotted any of them back in the deck for quite some time, but may in the future. I agree on all points that they are great in this deck! Dingus Staff is a card I have sleeved (along with all of my maybeboard) ready to go in. I honestly have never slotted it or played with it yet. Thus it is not on the list. It really is a fantastic card in the deck. I think my hesitancy lies in the fact that I watched a fellow Darien player die to it from a well timed boardwipe. Very funny, but it made me realize it is dangerous when you can get up there in token count and take fatal damage before any triggers go off. Having a sac outlet would make it safer but I am not currently running any. Thanks for recommending it again!

Leny1777 - Thank you as well for stopping by. As far as competitive I would say this deck really isn't anywhere near that. I only run one infinite combo in the deck (Heliod, Sun-Crowned + Walking Ballista) and will only ever tutor for it if the game is taking forever and want a chance to try to end it.

In my opinion Mana Vault and Mana Crypt are staples for a Darien deck if you have the budget. Their power level from a mana cost standpoint are incredible, and being able to ping ourselves with both is over the top value. I appreciate the kind words about the deck though. Thank you!

Soulus101 on The King of Kings

2 years ago

Just looking through your list and wishing I had about half the cards on here; great deck! I think my only suggestions would be leaning into combos a bit more, so Dingus Staff and Aetherflux Reservoir, and my personal favourite with Darien, Jade Monolith. I'd also recommend Lotus Field to support your reliance on catch-up ramp. Akroma's Memorial looks a bit win-more and Militia's Pride seems underwhelming? But honestly that's just nit-picking. Have fun!

FormOverFunction on Rare commander build?

2 years ago

I just got my first four-player win yesterday with my Gwafa Hazid, Profiteer Antique Shop deck. I usually don’t win many games, but Dingus Staff and Armageddon Clock can sneak up on you.

Soulus101 on Darien, King of Kjeldor Token/Lifegain EDH

2 years ago

Hello fellow masochist :) I think my favourite cards in a Darien deck are Dingus Staff and Jade Monolith. There aren't many decks out there there that can run these two cards quite as effectively (also, if you prefer your combos on the jankier side, then Dingus Staff can go infinite with a Blasting Station/Ashnod's Altar and a life dork with Darien in play). Jade Monolith is a hilarious way to break combat steps, even when your opponents attack each other.

king-saproling on (WIP) Darien, King of Kjeldor

2 years ago

Dingus Staff would be good here. You could even get infinite soldiers with it alongside a soul sister and a sac outlet.

Stardragon on Blowing Stuff Up

2 years ago

FormOverFunction I just removed Dingus Staff from my 99 lol not sure who mauch use the Egg and Ankh are going to be maybe sideboard? have no interest Pestilence but Plague and Heat Stroke could be fun. Inferno i don't think is going to make it 7 mana for only 6 damage to every creature and player? when Star of Extinction cost the same but does over triple the damage sure it can't it players but thats why i added Stuffy Doll, but it another source for stuffy to use just wish it was 5 mana i think 7 is to much. AEther Flash will help with 90% or more of tokens but they also hit mine so I gotta think on that one

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