Desert of the Mindful

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Desert of the Mindful

Land — Desert

Desert of the Mindful enters the battlefield tapped.

: Add .

Cycling (, Discard this card: Draw a card.)

scotchtapedsleeves on

1 year ago

Icbrgr Cycling lands are definitely not your friend unless there's some other interaction.

With that in mind I'd take out: Desert of the Fervent Desert of the Mindful Blasted Landscape Smoldering Crater Remote Isle Forgotten Cave

Could replace those with: Training Center Silverbluff Bridge Cascade Bluffs Riverglide Pathway  Flip Spirebluff Canal Sulfur Falls Steam Vents Shivan Reef Stormcarved Coast

Storm the Vault  Flip is another card that looks fun.

Generally I'd be wary of including too many tap lands. Better to have a basic land that you can tap that turn than a land that enters tapped that you have to wait for. Basics are your friend!

KBK7101 on Minn: Time After Time

1 year ago

Thoughts on adding in Lonely Sandbar and Desert of the Mindful? Cycling draws are still draws!

GrimVeracity on Neera Wild Mage Copy Deck

1 year ago

lego22499 this seems like a very fun and explosive Combo/Copy deck! I think the key to cracking/breaking Neera, Wild Mage is going to be focusing on lower CMC ramp and interaction without jeopardizing Neera's ability. She can be a tough cookie to crack but one idea that comes to my mind is adding some cheap early game interaction that you aren't necessarily disappointed to hit with the Neera later in the game. Another way to aid in this struggle may be to run a higher than usual land count considering you may not want to be hitting many low CMC ramp/rocks with Neera's abillity and would rather hit the lands to get closer to something BIG hiding in your deck plus it wouldn't hurt to draw some extra lands early... especially Utility lands or lands that have a Cycling ability as this could help with draw if you start to flood out. That's the best I've got for now but I'll give it some more thought as well as feature the deck and maybe you can get some HOT tips from EDH players more familiar brewing around Storm, Combo, Copy, Ect. Anyways cool deck looking forward to seeing how it develops!

Low CMC Interaction

Chaos Warp, Pyroblast, Pongify, Rapid Hybridization, Reality Shift, Swan Song, Peek, Gitaxian Probe, Snap, Prismari Command

Cycling Lands

Remote Isle, Smoldering Crater, Lonely Sandbar, Forgotten Cave, Desert of the Mindful, Desert of the Fervent

Utility Lands

Castle Vantress, Mystic Sanctuary, Wandering Fumarole, Skyline Cascade, Halimar Depths, Soaring Seacliff, Faerie Conclave, Moonring Island, Cephalid Coliseum, Magosi, the Waterveil, Spinerock Knoll, Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep, Ghitu Encampment, Madblind Mountain, Hanweir Battlements  Meld, Kher Keep, Hellion Crucible, Reliquary Tower, Wasteland, Strip Mine

Lord_Grimm on Mizzix

2 years ago

That was fast! Now that we are on v2, I can get a little more detailed.

Cards to cut: Fire Servant - Only works with like 4-5 cards in the deck Desert of the Mindful - It is double the cost of the other 2 cycling lands in the deck Spirebluff Canal - Literally a tap land outside turns 1-3... Jaya's Immolating Inferno - Can only be cast if you have a legendary creature... you have 6 in total Expropriate - This card alone will give this whole build a bad reputation Spelltwine - It is so slow, and weak if there are no good choices in opponents graves Tidings - Honestly, Overflowing Insight would be better, if that is the type of effect you want in this slot Fiery Emancipation - May be good, or 'win more' Sensei's Divining Top - Feels like this is solely to help smooth out your draws

Knowing this deck's success depends on quickly accessing resources, still feels like it may be too slow. If possible adding a few more rocks, and access to proliferate cards like Tezzeret's Gambit to help tick up your counters even if Mizzix is off the board could be subtle steps toward victory. Lastly, 40 lands seems high, and 18 of them are basics. Look over my last comment and try to see if you can slot in some of the other lands I listed. Karn's Bastion seems like an auto-include on this build.

KaptnK on

2 years ago

Asmoeus here are some suggestions around what I would do to improve the deck on a budget



  • Look decent. Gilded Lotus does have a high mana cost so would keep an eye on how often you cast it.


  • Remove Creative Technique (with your lower mana curve odds of you revealing something really good is low) > Add Arcane Denial as a good, cheap counter spell
  • Remove Fiery Encore (expensive and requires you to discard a high mana cost card to deal decent damage) > Add Solve the Equation (Tutor for the spell you need)


  • Remove Charmbreaker Devils (returning spell at random will not often get what you need, and does not have a way to get around blockers) > Add Runaway Steam-Kin (Will help you cast more spells and give you mana)

Other Considerations

medozzz on Error 404 Library not found

3 years ago

Hi, I had some ideas regarding your lands: You are in mono colors so you can afford more utility lands. The mentioned strip mine effects are really cool interactions and they help for your landfall as well with Ruin Crab and Hedron Crab. Similarly, you can add Castle Vantress if it is in the budget. And I really like Myriad Landscape. It both ramps and triggers landfall. You can add Fabled Passage as well if you have one lying around and not needed to other decks of yours. I love Zhalfirin Void as a scryland which comes into play untapped. Maybe you can use as well the other two blue cycling lands Desert of the Mindful and Remote Isle. The cycling lands make your deck slower which may be worth it maybe not.

In the mill theme, a nice final bow without any cost is Ipnu Rivulet. If you want to go to the dessert direction you can add Desert, Sunscorched Desert, and Endless Sands. The latter is especially good because it can protect your commander.

Lands ara cool resources which can help you out if everything else fails.

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