Debtors' Knell

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Debtors' Knell


( can be paid with either or .)

At the beginning of your upkeep, put target creature card in a graveyard into play under your control.

Veethevvitch on Queens of the damned (Vampire Tribal)

6 months ago

Breepup81 shock7123

Thank you for your suggestions!

I retained some contenders that are currently sitting in my maybeboard:
Aetherflux Reservoir ,Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose , Debtors' Knell , Palace Siege , Pyre of Heroes , Revival / Revenge , Astarion, the Decadent.

I kind of changed my mind as to the maintheme of the deck and will be moving a bit more towards a stax deck.

However, I will keep the subtheme of vampires and therefore lifegain so I will eventually work my way into incorporating those ! :)

shock7123 on Queens of the damned (Vampire Tribal)

6 months ago

I'll make a few suggestions here, trying to keep in mind your budget considerations.

Suggestions for reanimator:

Palace Siege - either lifegain or reanimator, depending on what you need when you play it.

Ravos, Soultender

Debtors' Knell - high mana value, but returns a creature from ANY graveyard to the battlefield directly.

Suggestions for lifegain:

Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose - Highly recommend, as he goes infinite with Exquisite Blood.

Marauding Blight-Priest - Like Vito, also goes infinite with Exquisite Blood.

Tymna the Weaver - Lifegain and card draw.

Ajani's Welcome - cheap, consistent lifegain for playing creatures.

Ivory Tower - cheap, consistent lifegain each turn for having cards in hand.

Also, random one that you may want to consider: Pyre of Heroes. It'll let you sacrifice one of your creatures to find another with mana value equal to the sacrificed creature's plus 1.

shock7123 on Queens of the damned (Vampire Tribal)

6 months ago

I'll make a few suggestions here, trying to keep in mind your budget considerations.

Suggestions for reanimator:

Palace Siege - either lifegain or reanimator, depending on what you need when you play it.

Ravos, Soultender

Debtors' Knell - high mana value, but returns a creature from ANY graveyard to the battlefield directly.

Suggestions for lifegain:

Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose - Highly recommend, as he goes infinite with Exquisite Blood.

Marauding Blight-Priest - Like Vito, also goes infinite with Exquisite Blood.

Tymna the Weaver - Lifegain and card draw.

Ajani's Welcome - cheap, consistent lifegain for playing creatures.

Ivory Tower - cheap, consistent lifegain each turn for having cards in hand.

Also, random one that you may want to consider: Pyre of Heroes. It'll let you sacrifice one of your creatures to find another with mana value equal to the sacrificed creature's plus 1.

Local_Hethen on Good Kallia commander

1 year ago

I see you went with the big creatures and the usage of mana rocks to get them out. Have you thought of cheating them in through other means? Quicksilver Amulet, Debtors' Knell, and other similar cards may be useful.

Be wary of using too many artifacts as your opponents may slow you down if they see too much dependency. Vandalblast is becoming a quite popular just because of treasures and mana rocks. Just a heads up. Keep different avenues open to getting your big nasties on the field.

ROUROU on Ayara life sucky

2 years ago

Debtors' Knell is illegal in a mono black commander :(

wallisface on Eldrazi Pyre

2 years ago

I don't think you'll be able to remedy the ordering of the custom categories, though I could be wrong (I have never used them, but I imagine they're just doing a lazy-alphabetization at the backend). If you have any way to name the categories you could chuck "0" at the start of the single digits (i.e. "01"), which should remedy it.

If you're looking for advise on your deck, here're my thoughts:

  • Your deck seems faaar too dependent on Pyre of Heroes, in that it does almost nothing without it. You don't have the manabase to cast most of your cards without it, and you don't really have a plan B. That puts a LOT of pressure on finding that one card, and probably means any matchup where the opponent has a way to kill Pyre is an auto-loss (Prismatic Ending is one of the most popular killspells at the moment, so it's a very likely scenario).

  • To get your Pyre going, you not only need Pyre cast, but also Matter Reshaper (as you have no other creatures at its cost or lower). This is going to further hurt your ability to start your engine operating. An engine that starts at turn 4 at the earliest, with no interaction in the meantime, feels like a precarious position also.

  • Even if you have Pyre of Heroes in your opening hand, and it stays in play, your curve seems faaar too high. I don't see how the game goes long enough for you to reach your 11cmc creatures (by then you've surely already killed your opponent, or they've killed you). To be honest, I never see a game going long enough (win or lose) to get out any of your creatures above the 6-7cmc range - either your opponent can't deal with the threats at all by this stage, or they've already setup a winning boardstate.

  • I don't see any reasonable way that you'd be able to ever cast Debtors' Knell or All Is Dust... I think these are likely to get gummed up in your hand in almost every game you draw them.

PlutoniumWedding on Pinball Wizard

2 years ago


Golos really embodies Timmy edh in that sense of 'I don't care what I'm casting as long as it's big and flashy!', doesn't he? :D

I have a few ideas and comments, in no particular order.

Expropriate seems like it would be one of the big ones for a bit more pay-to-win oomph.

I think Field of the Dead is amazing in Golos decks, since your five colour edh land base is unlikely to contain many duplicate names. It's not the wincon it apparently was in... Historic? But it generates a very steady stream of chump blockers. It's apparently still like $10, though.

Emergent Ultimatuming up a board wipe and Fated Return sadly only works if Golos for some reason is already in the graveyard, since you cast the two spells immediately and will need to choose targets for Fated Return before the wipe resolves. You can of course get some other big thing that's died during the course of the game.

The flat damage spells (Sorin's Vengeance, Searing Wind) seem weak - they only impact the game if someone is already at 10 or less life, and even then only if they're currently the threat. I'd look to those if you need to make cuts for higher quality cards.

Rise of the Dark Realms and Clone Legion are a few ways to get instant boards. Both work very well if you can sneak in an Eternal Witness (or Archaeomancer) as they can recur the little creature for infinite fuel, even though you're of course unlikely to cast either more than once per turn.

Omniscience is a great way to get all the fat spells in your hand to actually be useful. It's wonderful if you get it off of Golos, but perfectly OK to hard cast before emptying your hand of bombs.

I know you're mostly going for instants and sorceries - is there a reason for this? You don't have to have one, but there are a lot of nice permanent bombs that fit the Golos playstyle, like Etali, Primal Storm, Debtors' Knell, Worldspine Wurm and Mind's Dilation. Ugin, the Spirit Dragon is a boardwipe that spares Golos and sticks around as a nuisance and possibly even a long-term threat.

Another great card with Golos is Illusionist's Bracers. Twice the madness.

Given the deck's reliance on Golos himself, I'd think it almost mad not to run some protection, such as Lightning Greaves, Darksteel Plate, Swiftfoot Boots, Hammer of Nazahn etc. Counterspells would be an option, but it's so sad to flip them with Golos...

Since Golos ramps on ETB, flicker cards like Teleportation Circle, Soulherder, Conjurer's Closet and Thassa, Deep-Dwelling can each get you one free land every turn, not limited to basics. Running all of them is probably... A different deck. One or two might be nice.

If you do go with that approach, you have lots of options, like Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth + Cabal Coffers for lots of mana, The World Tree, Cascading Cataracts and Crystal Quarry for fixing, or utility lands like Maze of Ith and Mystifying Maze. Since these are lands that are perfectly fine to draw on their own, this takes up a lot less deck space than it might initially seem like.

I hope I've given you some ideas at least!

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