Death's Oasis


Whenever a nontoken creature you control dies (is put into the graveyard from the battlefield), put the top two cards of your library into your graveyard. Then return a creature card with lesser converted mana cost than the creature that died from your graveyard to your hand.

, Sacrifice Death's Oasis: You gain life equal to the greatest converted mana cost among creatures you control.

Balaam__ on Tails from the Crypt

1 year ago

Thanks for posting, IHATENAMES. I don’t think I follow your reasoning for some of the suggestions. I imagine I’m missing something, but wouldn’t Chatterstorm or Rise of the Dread Marn just create a bunch of tokens? This is a viable win strategy, true, but that’s what the main combo engine already does (infinite flying bat tokens).

Vile Redeemer offers infinite colorless mana when coupled with the engine, so I suppose there’s value there in case a boardwipe happens, but feels a bit redundant. I’d need guaranteed access to as well. That could pose problems. But I’ll add that one to the maybeboard, it has potential.

I don’t think Body Launderer or Death's Oasis are a good fit at all, not without a complete rework. I’d have to either drop a color or try to add a third color too, which has its own issues.

IHATENAMES on Tails from the Crypt

1 year ago


Look at upgrading the plan. I like Enduring renewal but having a win with it seems difficult. Maybe a storm card or 2 can help this. Say Chatterstorm perhaps maybe a way to abuse many creatures dying A few ideas:

Vile Redeemer and Body Launderer and Rise of the Dread Marn and Death's Oasis seem the most interesting to me.

multimedia on Things That Are Not

1 year ago

Nice discoveries of Mogis's Marauder and Songs of the Damned. Well done, you've added a creative creature combo to use with Scourge of the Skyclaves in your graveyard by reanimating Mogis's Marauder.

If you want to be more competitive with current low budget then think more about the areas of deck building to take advantage of Nethroi as Commander? For some improvements expand on the three most important areas?

  • Self-mill and other ways to get creatures into your graveyard.
  • A combination of creatures to reanimate with Nethroi that wins the game.
  • Ramp to cast 7 mana Nethroi.

In the simplest terms these are the three areas to consider improving. Consider dedicating more deck spots to each of these areas? Out of these three areas you've greatly improved the second one, creatures who are reanimated to win the game. Next, make it easier to get those creatures into your graveyard to reanimate them?

Sources of repeatable self-mill that's not dredge can be helpful. The problem with dredge is you want more draw to have cards in your hand to make up for replacing draw to dredge. Repeatable self-mill that happens at your upkeep then lets you draw for the turn. On low budget I wouldn't play less than 12 sources of self-mill/other ways to get creatures into your graveyard, it's important with Nethroi.

None of the cards I'm suggesting to cut are particularly good with strategies here. Archfiend's Vessel is interesting, but you can only use it once, that's not good enough when reanimation is a main strategy here. Faeburrow Elder is more ramp that can tap for two mana, but if you control a black permanent then it can tap for three mana. It also has 0 power.

guywitharock on Kathril, Parasite of the Dead

2 years ago

Red05 - I would say it needs "more" self-mill not in the sense that more cards should self-mill, but the cards you include should each mill for more. Bang for card buck mill-wise.

It feels like the aim of this deck is to get the graveyard as full of some juicy keywords as quickly as possible, then let the beatdown commence with whatever creatures are on board after a Kathril play. The self-mill you have is somewhat limited or can't be played until later turns when you could already be falling behind. Dakmor Salvage is only good when you can consistently send it back to grave, Splinterfright just dies if you have no creatures in grave already, Stitcher's Supplier only mills 3 until your opponent decides to kill it, Deadbridge Chant and See the Unwritten require 6 mana which can take time, etc...

Pair that with the fact that there's only ~17 decent keyword providers at your disposal, the odds of ripping the several that you'll want to start with is low without more consistent mill. Some back-of-the-napkin math shows that even if you mill yourself for 6 cards there's still a ~1/3 chance that NONE of those creatures even get milled, let alone only milling some of the more tame keywords like flying or hexproof which by themselves probably won't win you any games.

Therefore, it feels like having some low-cost, high-yield self-mill options would be extremely valuable - the kind of thing where when you pull it in your opening hand or turn 2 you know you can get the ball rolling. You already have Nyx Weaver, Skull Prophet, World Shaper, and Death's Oasis which fits that bill, and having a couple more cards like those would add a lot more consistency. Mesmeric Orb (though a bit expensive) is reliable and even works on your opponents. As I mentioned before, dredge cards would be an especially nice conclusion since it means self-mill can lead you to more self mill when you don't need card draw. My personal favorite is probably Shambling Shell since it can sac itself turn after turn if you have just 3 mana and are desperate for grave fuel.

After messing around with a version of my own and trying some stuff out, easy discard outlets could also be a good inclusion in case you rip your meaty keyword cards into your hand and can't play them. Your Greenseeker fits nicely there, and Lotleth Troll can do the same but turning himself into more of a threat in the process.

NomadicJoe96 on Colfenor Combos List

3 years ago

The point of Carnival of Souls was to be partnered with Essence Warden to create infinite Black mana (i.e. Saving you from it's death effect). It is def pretty jank though. Better in thought that on the board! Haha.

Death's Oasis in case people continuously go after Colfenor!

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