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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



You may return an Island you control to its owner's hand rather than pay this spell's mana cost.

Counter target spell unless its controller pays .

SufferFromEDHD on Stasis

6 months ago

erook comment here on your deck, not on my profile.

I disagree with your assessment of Chain of Vapor. It is a better Boomerang. It's a 2 for 1. They can't hit your lands and you can create situations where they don't get a real choice.

+4 Force of Will +4 Daze

-4 Counterspell -4 Mana Leak

SufferFromEDHD on Stasis

6 months ago

Also Daze! Has 2 major points of synergy with Stasis: guarantees you an upkeep while forcing opponents into your hard lock.

Caerwyn on Any cheap mana permanent with …

7 months ago

As a note, if you are going to link to a deck list, you should probably recreate that deck on this site. TappedOut folks obviously use TappedOut, so it is polite to use the site your readers are used to looking at.

I think you are in for a very rude awakening when you play in a Legacy tournament which allows proxies if you expect it to be like Historic. Legacy is nothing like Historic - Historic is designed to be fair, and Wizards has purposefully kept some of the very, very, very broken things out of Historic.

Let’s put it this way - the most played card in Legacy is Force of Will, with over half of top-tier Legacy decks running it. Other free Counterspells, like Daze also rank high among the most played cards. These free counter spells are an important part of Legacy, because the format is so fast, you can’t really afford to leave mana open and your opponents could just… win the game before you ever even have the chance to use a Counterspell.

Another data point - maybe in Historic you might need to pack an answer to Emrakul - Emrakul isn’t even among the top 100 creatures played in Legacy (I don’t actually know if she has any presence on Legacy). She is too weak of a card for the format.

Anyway, I think you should look at more Legacy lists to get a better idea of how the format plays, or perhaps watch some videos from high level tournaments. Even though you mention the tournament you are found to is “casual”, the existence of proxies in it and the word “Legacy” both strongly imply it will be full of extremely oppressive decks.

jethstriker on Modern Horizons 3 Predictions/Wishlist

10 months ago

A color shifted pseudo-Blood Moon already exists: Back to Basics. They could introduce that to Modern.

With the rising power of Modern due to its non-rotating nature, I think it's not unreasonable anymore to ask for Eternal format answers. Cards like Price of Progress, Swords to Plowshares, Wasteland, Daze, or even Force of Will will inevitably needed as time goes by. Might as well start to legalize them now little by little.

Balaam__ on Turbo Budget Competitive Wake Thrasher

1 year ago

Thanks Dreakhan. I was looking at Daze and Foil for quite a bit, and at one point had a rough draft with both. I ultimately decided against them for different reasons (at least for now). With Foil, since the mana curve is so low I was concerned about the odds of having the necessary Island in hand, since the spell is not great unless you take advantage of the alternate cost. Plus I believe I had less Islands at that point in the draft.

With Daze my thought was that in Legacy it’s really really easy to have fast mana sources, so the extra isn’t hard to scrape together in response. I’d also be set back by a land drop too. They’re both great cards in a wide range of decks, but they made me nervous here. I’ll go ahead and add them to the maybeboard in case I feel different after more games. Always appreciate the input, thanks!

DreadKhan on Turbo Budget Competitive Wake Thrasher

1 year ago

Daze might be worth a look, it's sneaky good in Legacy. I'd also consider a couple Thwart/Foil to protect your combo by the time you're putting it out.

Neat deck idea!

ViscountVonSausageRoll on Jhoira of the GG no re

1 year ago

I think the deck isn't consistent enough because it doesn't have enough draw and/or tutors. Brainstorm is one of the best draw spells out there, but it's because of the way it interacts with shuffle effects such as Scalding Tarn or Mystical Tutor. This is because you draw 3, put 2 back, and then shuffle the deck-> ergo you are not drawing the 2 cards you put back. However, if we're not running lots of these shuffle effects it basically just cycles itself, because you're stuck with redrawing those two cards again. In this case I'd prioritize cards like Ponder & Preordain over Brainstorm.

That said, this seems to be a control deck. Win con is to get Jhoira of the Ghitu into play, then suspend a big spell to win the game. So the question of the deck becomes: How do we survive until we get her in play, and until the spell goes off, and how do we make sure we get her?
Survive: We're U/R so we have an almost overwhelming amount of options here. You could write a book on counterspells (Counterspell stops everything, Remand for tempo-draw if your opponents tend to play large spells themselves, Daze if you need the speed, Dispel is crazy good at protecting your stuff, etc)) We've also got nutty bounce spells like Echoing Truth, the classic Unsummon, and the mother of everything: the Cryptic Command Since we're red I am somewhat perplexed that we aren't running 4x Lightning Bolt. It stops most early-mid game threats dead. We already have Propaganda x2, so that'll help us as well.

How to get her in play: Well, we're U/R, so our tutor options are somewhat limited, but off the top of my head we have: Step Through, Vedalken AEthermage, & Drift of Phantasms.

To make room, I'd recommend cutting Clockspinning, Jhoira's Timebug, Fury Charm. They don't do anything unless we have Jhoira of the Ghitu in play already, and if we don't they're just dead cards in our hand. Our suspend cards will go off a little slower, but if we have enough blue fuckery we should be able to survive long enough.

Land suggestions: If you can, see if you can get your hands on Steam Vents or Sulfur Falls if you're on a budget. Sanctum of Ugin could also help you get more late game threats in case one or more get put out of commission.

PS: Jokulhaups could be used to replace Obliterate. It's can be countered, but it can also be much more easily hardcasted.

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