Daybreak Coronet

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature with another Aura attached to it

Enchanted creature gets +3/+3 and has first strike, vigilance and lifelink. (Whenever it deals damage, its controller gains that much life.)

Master_J on Harvest Time

2 months ago

OUT: Lotus Petal, Chrome Mox, Thought Vessel, Blind Obedience, Trelasarra, Moon Dancer

IN: Ethereal Armor, Daybreak Coronet, Angelic Destiny, Spirit Mantle, Kor Spiritdancer

I'm trying to put in some more power to be able to close out games since my play group says this deck durdles too much.

I'm also trying to move this into more of an Ellivere of the Wild Court deck with Sythis, Harvest's Hand as one of the 99.

SaberTech on Zurtron

9 months ago

If you are going for a Voltron style of Zur there are a few auras that are often seen in those sorts of lists:

Darksteel Mutation and Oubliette complement Imprisoned in the Moon as ways that neutralize commanders. They make it difficult for your opponents to immediately get their commanders back to recast if they don't have enchantment removal. Darksteel Mutation is much better than Kasmina's Transmutation because the indestructible that the Mutation gives means that the enchanted commander will live through a board wipe and not go back to its owner's command zone. Oubliette could replace Pendrell Flux.

There's a bit of a call to make between Flaming Fist and Battle Mastery. Flaming Fist won't trigger the turn Zur puts it into play because Zur will have already been declared as attacking at that point. However, Flaming Fist does stick around if Zur happens to die since it's not an aura. Battle Mastery will let Zur hit with double strike the turn it enters but dies with Zur. It's a call to make depending on how aggressive you want to be. Duelist's Heritage is also generally better than Flaming Fist but not if Zur has shroud from a card like Diplomatic Immunity, so that depends on what auras you choose to run in the end.

If you aren't running Stony Silence as a silver bullet to shut down opponents' artifacts then it could be worth considering Nettlecyst as another creature/pump effect in the deck, even if Zur can't tutor it up. It could potentially replace Gray Merchant of Asphodel since the current list doesn't look that geared to reliably get a big hit off the Merchant's ability.

One of Zur's biggest strengths though is that he can tutor up Necropotence, so that's a card you should aim to add as soon as you can get your hands on one.

Rest in Peace is a strong card for messing with decks that utilize the graveyard.

Back to Basics can punish decks with greedy mana bases.

Stroke of Midnight is better than Expose to Daylight.

Seal of Cleansing or Aura of Silence are targets for Zur to tutor up to get rid of enchantments and artifacts.

Sevinne's Reclamation and/or Sun Titan could be worth considering for getting key permanent cards back from your graveyard.

Icbrgr on Saheeli Altar/Cat 3rd place FNM!

1 year ago

Tonight I placed 3rd out of 10 players at FNM..... I replaced Spell Pierce with Force of Negation in the sideboard (It never came up). I have been attending my LGS for the passed few weeks and have been placing last or tied for last with some of my beloved homebrews; but tonight i wanted to take the gloves off and bring my "more competitive" deck.

Lost Game 1 Vs Ponza: (0-2)

This was a nightmare... game one and early Karn, the Great Creator came down and I scooped looking to change me wincon to Felidar Guardian.... game 2 I kept a 2 lander (A fetchland and a shockland not quite realizing/understanding i was facing Ponza)... Utopia Sprawl shenanigans into an early Blood Moon and I conceded rather than giving him the satisfaction of watching me squirm lol..... yikes... I was feeling really bad after this one.

Won Game 2 Vs Bogles (2-0)

Basically for both games i was just able to combo off before the Gladecover Scout was able to do me in... I was lucky and opened both Rip Aparts for game 2 which made Daybreak Coronet into a brick and it was G.G.s

Won Game 3 Vs Goblins (2-0)

I recognized this player and as soon as i saw the Mountain and the first Goblin I knew what I was up against and was holding onto my Lightning Bolts for the combo enabling goblins.... I drew swiftly into my own Mill combo winning game one and opted for some trickery for game 2 expecting a lot more artifact hate/removal in a mostly Goblin deck; so i took out my sorcery speed removal and put in additional Felidar Guardians. They made for life saving blockers and on the follow up Saheeli Rai was able to make all of the Cats for the win.

So tonight I had what I consider to be great success and am feeling like a winner and thought id share! I did not face the Crashing Footfalls/Living End players this evening and affinity was nowhere to be found tonight...Those decks and Ponza seem to be the decks to beat at this LGS.

TheOfficialCreator on Sythis, Harvest's Fist

1 year ago

Daybreak Coronet and Eldrazi Conscription would be fire here.

Also, idk if you would be interested, but Walking Ballista would make a quick infinite combo with Heliod, Sun-Crowned.

Zobi on RaH's Bogle

2 years ago

Hi Rahrune, I am actually building this deck! I didn't already ordered all the cards I need but here is how I made it;

I have a bunch of hexproof creatures, like Slippery Bogle, on which I try to put as much auras as I can. I have cards like Kor Spiritdancer and Season of Growth to draw a lot of cards and refill my hand. I added 4 Path to Exile to my sideboard, just in case other players have too big creatures like Lord of Extinction.

For the auras, I am relying on these;

I understand your choice on Sigarda, Host of Herons to prevent your creatures to be sacrificed but I prefer being more aggressive. I don't know if you are really focused on auras but maybe you should try voltron strategy. If you have any tips for me I will appreciate it.

I hope this will help you Rahrune!

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