Dawnglade Regent

Creature — Elk

When Dawnglade Regent enters the battlefield, you become the monarch.

As long as you're the monarch, permanents you control have hexproof.

ILuvMtg on Her Royal Fluffness: Gorestorm

1 year ago

No problem! you're right that Leyline is pretty useless now that I think about it. Some other cards to consider might be Battle Mammoth, Vigor, Regal Behemoth, and Apex Devastator. (some of those might be a bit outside your budget). You can decide whether you think that Dawnglade Regent is an upgrade over Archtype. One card to remove might be Impervious Greatwurm. You have several cards to give creatures trample, but if you don't get one then it can literally be stoped cold by a 0/1 plant token. It's a good card for this deck, but there are other creatures that are just strictly better.

Good luck!

Gleeock on Warweaver's Chant

3 years ago

It looks pretty good to me. Still looks different enough from other Thanti decks I've seen to be 'your own' deck. If you are ever having problems with frequent targeted removal on your midrange bangers you can look at Dawnglade Regent because monarch & protecting bangers is fun. Though I think the deck probably is already mana hungry & I know you're not going as much for cheating creatures in or having a high volume of monarch.

OmniDreamer on Forest for the Wicked (Kamahl & Kodama EDH)

3 years ago

Seer's Sundial seems less optimal than Tireless Tracker . How often do you put creatures into play with power 3 or greater? I'm not sure if Elemental Bond is strong in this particular build as is.

4 mana for even 3 3/3 beast tokens is decent. Your current list already contains Arasta of the Endless Web , and I love that it can help start the loop with Ghost Town if you have the right setup. A couple other token generating spells for surprise factor are Ezuri's Predation , Fresh Meat , and Caller of the Claw .

Dawnglade Regent not necessarily a big finisher, but monarch is another nice way to get card draw and the hexproof for your creatures is nice. Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger is also nice, but a bit pricey.

The Tireless Tracker clues stick around so they're just there when you have spare mana that you don't want to go to waste which is again better than the one opportunity per landfall with Seer's Sundial and the tracker can get bigger as you sacrifice the clues. I especially like that the tokens trigger Kodama and if the land you put into play can tap for 2 mana you can sac a clue to draw a card which may draw you more land to put into play from Kodama triggers.

Quirion Ranger can help provide a clutch blocker or that one extra mana you need for some spell. I like that it helps you have more land in hand for landfall triggers off of Kodama. Since Ashaya makes your creatures into forests they can tap for mana so they all become targets for Quirion Ranger to untap.

Kamahl’s Will does seem like a decent fit for this deck as a way to go wide and removal. Territorial Scythecat seems okay similar to the running a Managorger Hydra but takes a bit to build up. Shifting Ceratops it has some versatility, but I'm not sure what you want this for in a landfall deck. Primeval Bounty is currently in your list here on tappedout. Branching Evolution not sure your strategy is putting a lot of counters on stuff, more dropping lots of tokens on the fiel. Fertilid synergizes well with Retreat to Kazandu . Garruk's Uprising again I don't think you're usually putting a lot of big creatures into play to benefit from the trigger. Court of Bounty seems better than Colossal Majesty and has an added benefit. Reclamation Sage is great, and I'm also interested in the new 2-drop Masked Vandal since it exiles stuff, and another budget tutor for these low cost utility creatures is Woodland Bellower .

=== other card options ===

Paeldroth on Forest for the Wicked (Kamahl & Kodama EDH)

3 years ago





Okay, so I see where you're going with a lot of your suggestions. Budget, at this point, is a constraint so the pricier cards like Cloudstone Curio, Gaea's Cradle, even Sylvan Library are probably a No Go. And I'd probably go with Budgethoof Behemoth, aka End-Raze Forerunners since I have them on hand.

I think, for card draw, I completely forgot about Elemental Bond which definitely feels like a much better option than Colossal Majesty and doesn't have the cast requirement of Beast Whisperer. But I don't see why I can't also use Beast Whisperer. And Regal Force looks like something I need. Seer's Sundial might not work out but something I'm toying with.

Unfortunately I 100% misread Curious Herd and thought it worked exactly like Dockside Extortionist . That said, 4 mana for even 3 3/3 beast tokens doesn't seem horrible, and if that's the floor of the spell, it might be worth keeping in. That said, this is a go wide deck with elements to buff up my creatures, so I may just replace the herd with Arasta of the Endless Web and let my opponents put tokens on my board for me.

I like Magus of the Order, if for no other reason than I have it and Natural Order has a price tag. But also, it's easy enough to drop Liege of the Tangle in favor of other worthy fatties to summon, including something like Dawnglade Regent .

Bow of Nylea can def come out in favor of another creature. The Frostfang can't come out as soon but that's okay! And good call on Roiling Regrowth. That said, Nylea herself I think does so much on her own that I don't see me dropping her in favor of something that only does part of what she does. Rhonas's Monument is definitely worth looking into though!

I'll have to look into more of the suggestions you made. I actually use a lot of them in my Omnath, Locus of the Roil deck (the first three anyway lol). Oracle of Mul Daya is among the pricier cards I probably can't grab right now. I'm hemming and hawing on the Tireless Tracker because I don't know that I'll have a chance to really take advantage of the clues, but to your point, they can trigger Kodama so that's something to consider!

And hmmmm. Quirion Ranger is curious.

I'm also looking at adding some other cards, such as Kamahl’s Will , Territorial Scythecat , Shifting Ceratops , Primeval Bounty , Branching Evolution , Fertilid , Garruk's Uprising , Court of Bounty and Reclamation Sage . So if you have thoughts on those, let me know!

I really appreciate all the insight and feedback!

Hidralzki on Ruric Thar, the aggro stax

3 years ago

Lanzo493 tenes toda la razón con Primal Surge. En realidad, solo hay que hacerlo hasta tener Hellkite Charger, Grand Warlord Radha, algún haste enabler y suficientes criaturas como para tener infinitas fases de combate.

Otras criaturas estan en el deck unicamente a fin de hacer que sea mas "seguro" el proceso, como Stonehoof Chieftain y Archetype of Endurance, aunque creo que este ultimo lo voy a cambiar por Dawnglade Regent.

Muchisimas gracias por las sugerencias!!!

Emzed on Wanderer's Song

3 years ago

Lotus seems like a huge upgrade, however at the same time Opposition Agent adds another very potent hoser to the format. Maybe Dawnglade Regent has a tiny chance of earning a slot. Getting Rootweaver Druid before untapping might be sweet, but at sorcery speed the card is so incredibly bad. Also opponents can just all refuse the effect, so probably it's completely unplayable. Kodama of the East Tree and Magus of the Order seem useful, but rather slow.