Darksteel Reactor


Darksteel Reactor is indestructible. ("Destroy" effects and lethal damage don't destroy it.)

At the beginning of your upkeep, you may put a charge counter on Darksteel Reactor.

When Darksteel Reactor has twenty or more charge counters on it, you win the game.

capwner on Splitting Headache

1 month ago

One of the things I really like about Obeka is how good she as at breaking niche cards, like who is running Darksteel Reactor or Chronozoa lol. I reaaaally like this build just because of how cheeky it is and the classic cards you are running...Clout of the Dominus, Dragonmaster Outcast, I don't even have any recs cause I haven't tried brewing Obeka yet we all know the staples and you are choosing to run cool tech instead. No Rhystic is a good sign :) Props on this!

---Actually I did a little looking at upkeep stuff out of curiosity and Recantation could be crazy in here, it's basically Upheaval which is banned! Gravestorm seems cool too esp. if you throw a Bojuka Bog in there.

wallisface on Myr Loops of Doom

1 year ago

some thoughts:

  • The game is never lasting long enough for you to get 20 counters onto Darksteel Reactor - I would ditch this card.

  • 4 copies of Panoptic Mirror feels excessive when you only have Time Warp to imprint onto it. It means a lot of the time you're going to have a Panoptic Mirror and have nothing to do with it. I would suggest going down to only 2 copies to reduce your odds of having a useless card in hand.

  • Quietus Spike feels really suboptimal as a card, imo. Same goes for Lodestone Myr, Coretapper, and Darksteel Myr

  • I think you need something like Expedition Map to help maximize your odds of getting Tron online. At the moment your deck feels like it'll be a bit clumsy without Tron, so increasing your odds of assembling it is probably a good thing.

ooomgwtfbbq on Lockdown

1 year ago

I used to run Darksteel Reactor but could last 20 turns for it to proc with out someone trying to kill it so I’ve been running watch opponents kill each because it’s harder to kill me and then try to mitigate damage against one on one with Inkshield or something like that. If you have suggestions on a decent win con I’m all ears

Doc_Hoss on [Don Giovanni!] Amareth Artifacts & Proliferation

1 year ago

It warms my heart to see a Mirrodin deck. Is was my first and favorite set. I Have been trying to get Zabaz to work but its just missing something. Same for salvaging station EDH. This looks like a flavorful deck and will have to give it a try. If you pick up an Resourceful Defense You could move the counters from Vexing Puzzlebox to Darksteel Reactor for instant win. Love the Concept and the deck!

Abaques on Need help juggling decks

2 years ago

I need some help figuring out what changes I should make to my decks. I have a deck of every color combo (and more than one of a few color combos) and I've been unhappy with my current Atraxa superfriends deck. I've decided to build a Kethis, the Hidden Hand superfriends build as a replacement. So I need a new deck covering the Witch-Maw colors.

I've got two ideas for that deck:

If I take the second path I'd then want to convert my Ezuri deck into something else. I have a Simic Eldrazi deck piloted by Kruphix, God of Horizons, so I'd be looking for something fun and silly. I have two ideas for Simic decks:

  • A turbo-fog deck piloted by Rashmi, Eternities Crafter. You don't see a lot of turbo-fog in EDH so this would be kind of unique. I am having trouble finding a good win condition aside from Darksteel Reactor though.

  • A zoologist themed Lonis, Cryptozoologist deck where every creature would have a unique type. So since Lonis is a snake elf scout, that means no snakes, elves or scouts. The win-con of that deck would just be to see how many different creature types I could get on the board at once. I think I'd try to throw as many cards that investigated in as well.

I have or could get most of the cards I'd need, though I would want to stay fairly budget for anything I'd need to pick up. I'd really appreciate any advice on which route I should take:

  1. Build an alt-win con Atraxa deck.
  2. Build Ishai/Reyhan +1/+1 counters and a Rashmi turbo-fog deck.
  3. Build Ishai/Reyhan +1/+1 counters and a themed Lonis deck.
  4. Something else?


Mana_Mythic_Legendary on Pursuing Perfection, Part 11: Simic …

2 years ago

All hail our magical gene-splicing overlords, having taken all elections by storm via a platform of ignoring the ever-loving Sharktocrab out of Ian Malcolm. Much as I love this color combo, I’m first to admit it’s a bit much: combining the draw and control of Blue with the ramp and board presence of Green is taking things to excess. Glorious, opponent-crushing excess. Play your cards right (haha) and you will neither have an empty hand nor an empty board. Maybe an empty social calendar, but that’s a problem for another color pairing.

All hyperbolic joking aside, there is considerable promise under Simic’s hood. Kruphix, God of Horizons supports the tendencies both colors to a nearly unbearable extreme. Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy doesn’t just break mana dorks, he shatters them, and don’t get any veteran started on the ruinous politics of Edric, Spymaster of Trest. And it’s not just the commanders: Prophet of Kruphix, banned though it may be, is a testament to the potency here. Mystic Snake is a constant presence for a reason, as is the Trygon Predator. There’s even a pair of worthwhile upkeep wins: Biovisionary, with the profligacy of cloning effects, is actually plausible in EDH (and hilarious), while Simic Ascendancy is downright heinous.

Blue and Green together encourage a beautiful game, a dance constantly wavering across the line between strength and subtlety that I, personally, find incredibly appealing. But we’re not here to talk only about the things I like: we’re here to talk about theme, and today we have three: Card Advantage, Counters Matter, and Tokens Matter. As always, please bear in mind that our focus here is not necessarily competitive but rather on thematic, archetypical commanders.

Card Advantage

In most games, you will have a solution to any given problem. Trouble is, that solution is somewhere in your deck and not in your hand. Where Green is equipped to solve the broadest spectrum of challenges, Blue is inclined to sidestep those problems, and fill up on those sidesteps with draw, until a solution to the game itself appears. Filling up Blue-style on Green’s kit? Wondrous. Whether tutoring or going full beast mode and drawing half your deck, Simic is singularly positioned to solve any problem by readying an overwhelming suite of answers and then slamming down enough mana to use all of them at once.

Momir Vig, Simic Visionary

The original vintage of true bullshit, circa 2006. The sheer quantity of quality in Green’s menagerie of ETB effects is staggering. With hot garbage like the Snapcaster Mage and Gilded Drake shoring up those already beastly reserves, if you need it and it comes on a creature-shaped stick, you got it. I just hope you can tutor fast.

Grolnok, the Omnivore

What is it about Innistrad and terrifying frogs?! This was the first new legend to impress me in a while. Milling yourself isn’t hard when you have blue on hand, and Grolnok’s presence means that instead of filling your graveyard you’re creating a permanent hand that’s safe from any interference that isn't a Riftsweeper. That’s incredibly appealing to me. It’s a little like a sugar-free, exile version of Enter the Infinite. Obligatory mention of the Hermit Druid goes here, but my first thought was actually Dreamborn Muse.

Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait

Every deck reaches a point where drawing land is no longer desirable. Every deck eventually draws lands once too often and suffers a crippling, disappointing crash-and-burn. Aesi is unimpressed. Combining a self-only Horn of Greed and Exploration on a 5/5 body, a little flooding is nothing to worry about. Drop a few things like Reshape the Earth, draw nine cards profit, play the additional lands you drew, draw more cards, and so on. You’ll catch a bit of a stink-eye off your opponents, but that’ll wash out. In mana.

Counters Matter

White hands out +1/+1 counters like candy, but doesn’t do much with them. In justice, any lifelink card with a pile of +1/+1 counters doesn’t need to do much. Just swing. Simic, though, seems to think that getting bigger should get you access to cool new things. Cards, for instance, via Fathom Mage, or creatures via Cytoplast Manipulator. And then, once you’ve done all that cool stuff… well, just swing.

To be honest, I don’t like this section, and our first commander is a perfect illustration why. Fair warning: salt incoming.

Ezuri, Claw of Progress

Ok, now THIS is a little much. I don’t even remember playing against this guy: I just didn’t like it from the first. It’s very easy to build, very powerful, VERY unsubtle. The reliability that comes of experience counters is undeniably potent and, in my opinion, boring. I like to think my own style is a bit more elegant than simply hosing down midgets, then turning a Blighted Agent loose. But then this is all just my opinion AND I own an Omnath, Locus of Rage deck, so what do I know?

Experiment Kraj

This is both goofy and highly contextual. If you’ve got a Kenrith, the Returned King fanboy running around the local meta, you’re probably going to wreck face. There is a respectable pile of activated abilities in every color, let alone Blue-Green, that would let you build a deck with adequate support. It’s not the most optimal choice, but running the original legendary goo would certainly be the odd bit of fun.

Vorel of the Hull Clade

I DO remember playing against this guy, though it was a while ago. If I recall rightly, the pilot refused to add Darksteel Reactor, instead relying on the Elusive Krasis and little else. Dude needed Freed from the Real, too. Things have changed. Now you can do silly stuff with Liquimetal Coating and any number of planeswalkers, ruin lives with Magistrate's Scepter, or whatever other hateful things come to your devious little mind. Options. Vorel has them.

Tokens Matter

This is more my speed. There are several contestants for best in token quantity, though Selesnya is probably the best in blending quality and quantity. Simic watched this contest, watched the parades of copy-paste legions, and decided there was a market for going hard in quality. Progenitor Mimic, Spitting Image, and Repudiate / Replicate are all examples of this trend: token copies. I’m not sure cloning someone’s field is more polite than actually stealing their stuff, but kicking Rite of Replication into the face of some smarmy bastard gloating over his Blightsteel Colossus would be a highlight for anybody.

Adrix and Nev, Twincasters

Very direct, and nothing wrong with a little hexproof lite. Having Parallel Lives for your general, if we’re honest, has got to be a dream come true for a LOT of people. Just don’t cast rite of replication on the sphinx (you know the one) unless you have your Laboratory Maniac ready.

Esix, Fractal Bloom

Oooooooooo. I like. Not quite enough to build, but I like! Drop Fable of Wolf and Owl, a card I’ve always wanted but never needed, and drop a clone every turn. And… on second read, this says choose, not target, so shroud does jack-all to prevent this… maybe I do want to build this…

Volo, guide to monsters

Not bad! It’s not too hard to keep your creature base diverse, and a free copy of anything is nice. As said earlier, there’s a wealth of ETB effects to chose from, and doubling those effects is a great start to a plan. Just stay away from changelings.

And, for my personal favorite:

Rashmi, Eternities Crafter

There is a pervading, understandable trend in commander toward tutoring needful things. My wife, however, hates tutoring: she’s not a patient creature, so asking her to wait while I dig for that one, particular solution is not conducive to a fun game, let alone suggesting she go digging herself. Rashmi was built for her with the intent of drawing so much that tutoring was pointless. Her effect was more a perk than anything. At worst, you draw an extra card every turn. At best, you get a freebie! The deck turned out to be so competitive that I… well, I kind of stole it back. I even splurged and got a Sensei's Divining Top, which with Rashmi is exceedingly rude, and added Counterbalance, a pairing which let me successfully counter Krosan Grip at a tournament. The raw card advantage and efficiency that Rashmi lends a deck, it turns out, can win games by itself.

That's it for this round. Thoughts and questions are welcome. I hope you enjoyed it, and will come back soon for Orzhov!






Green, with links to the other mono-colors

libraryjoy on Messing with Lore

2 years ago

As always, what's my budget, what cards do you own/not own? That's the first step. Maybe artifacts like similar to Ichor Wellspring, like Filigree Familiar that give you benefits for entering the battlefield. You definitely need at least 3 more lands. Buried Ruin should be one of them. Boros Garrison is another good include. I'm not a fan of Mindslaver, myself. It's too mean. My current favorite Boros combo is Basalt Monolith + Zirda, the Dawnwaker for infinite colorless mana. I always like to have Elixir of Immortality to bounce my graveyard back to my library, especially if there are mill effects involved. I like Darksteel Forge and Darksteel Reactor, but your mileage may vary. Foundry Inspector would definitely not be a bad idea. Maybe something like Stensia Masquerade or Archetype of Courage to give your team first strike, if you don't want to pony up for Akroma's Memorial. Puppet Strings is a good way to get an extra activation of your commander. Scrap Mastery is good. I'm also a fan of Darksteel Juggernaut. Sorry this is pretty scattered. I hope it gives you some ideas. Here are a couple of artifact decks I've built in the past, that you may find interesting:

Losheel's Toy Soldiers Ultrabudget EDH

Svella, the Rock Collector - Budget EDH

More Shiny! Jori En Artifacts

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