Darksteel Forge


Artifacts you control have indestructible. (Effects that say "destroy" don't destroy them. Artifact creatures with indestructible can't be destroyed by damage.)

Saljen on Magda of the Maskwood [[Guide]] Updated for MKC

4 weeks ago

I went a different direction with my Magda deck, you're welcome to check it out if you like: Treasure, Dwarves, and Dragon's; OH MY! . I hadn't thought about Helm of the Host, I'm definitely going to find room for that in my version.

Here's some suggestions that I've found very helpful in my Magda deck:

Hammer of Nazahn - can save any creature at instant speed if you've got 5 treasures up, will also let you attach Helm of the Host for free

Magmatic Galleon - provides removal, a tapper effect for your dwarves, and the occasional extra treasure. Great first tapper to search out

Mycosynth Lattice - functions similarly to Maskwood Nexus, in that it'll let you search out any card in your deck, works well with Darksteel Forge to make board wipes one sided

Sculpting Steel - lets you copy Roaming Throne or Illusionist's Bracers to get extra treasures, or any of your other artifacts

Spiteful Banditry - board wipe that gives you random treasures throughout the game

Crime Novelist - Sac your 5 treasures, search for your thing, get 5 +1/+1 counters, and RRRRR mana. Insanely easy to combo out with this guy, insanely powerful with Magda

Steel Hellkite gives you the option to remove anything, even things you wouldn't normally be able to like enchantments

Icaruskid on Doomsday Clock | Budget No Combo Urza [PRIMER]

5 months ago

Whoa thank you Profet93!

Yep, Remand is an upgrade of Miscast and better than Turn Aside which I had also tested in that spot.

Treasure Mage is my failsafe to find Planar Bridge if a win condition can't be found otherwise and my get out of jail card Platinum Angel which is a budget version of Darksteel Forge. Sometimes my group targets me heavily so this is likely a utility slot for other players. Would you drop all three for another plan?

I appreciate your ideas!

wastevens1 on I´m unfair, if you are ;-)

7 months ago

Given the relatively heavy artifact theme in the deck, maybe add a Darksteel Forge?

TheBestMagicCard on Emrakul, the Promised End

10 months ago

Oh, Manifold Key doesn't untap it's self, not a combo piece...

Hm, interesting point about the Twig and Amulet... Yeah, I guess it is mostly for the getting an artifact in the graveyard... They do act very similar to just a land, but they have that potential to count for . They're kind of like artifact versions of Blasted Landscape. I think Burnished Hart and Kuldotha Forgemaster are the only other cards included that put artifacts in the graveyard? I don't really want to rely on my artifacts getting destroyed by someone else to get that cost reduction...

Codex Shredder is also on my short list of cards to include. I'm always surprised at how useful this card is. It can mill an opponent's Vampiric Tutor or Sensei's Divining Top away, and can also help fill my graveyard with card types, although it's hit or miss with that, it usually flips a land or artifact, and worst case a cool creature... I think I don't actually have any cards that can get something back from the graveyard right now...

I have considered Karn, the Great Creator, especially because it can be a Planeswalker in the graveyard, but I ultimately don't really want my Planeswalkers in the graveyard though... The +1 ability works with Voltaic Construct to make infinite mana with Basalt Monolith, Mana Vault, Grim Monolith, Thran Dynamo, and potentially Everflowing Chalice, just like Karn, Silver Golem, which I think is p cool. The -2 is kind of technically useless in EDH, as tournament rules actually say you can get a card out of your sideboard, not actually any card you own, and in EDH you don't have a sideboard... Casually, sure, if your playgroup is into getting any card that's cool, Ring of Ma'ruf also does this, but I guess I've just opted not to use that ability... The Null Rod effect is obviously very powerful, but yeah, I guess at least in my meta, I'm not as concerned with other people's artifacts, and ultimately I want to be more fast and aggro, rather than defensive and like staxy with the deck. There's a lot of removal in the deck, to me a surprising amount for colorless, and I guess I can rely on that to get rid of a problem artifact, or whatever someone ramps into if need be. So yeah, I guess despite the Null Rod effect and the Voltaic Construct synergy, it still just seems a little clunky, or something? I also play with way more mana rocks in most of my decks then most people in my meta. If more of my opponents played more mana rocks, that would make it much more relevant, but until they catch on, I guess I think it's just not quite there for me...

I might rather put Karn, Silver Golem in, because it's a good blocker, and can turn multiple of my expensive artifacts into an alpha strike...

Karn, Silver Golem was my first commander for this deck way back in the day, and Voltaic Construct was a key part of the deck. It also included Mycosynth Lattice, to destroy opponent's lands, and Darksteel Forge and Nevinyrral's Disk. These cards were really fun to play, and basically a hard lock when they were together, but without Karn, Silver Golem as the commander, I've steered away from that style I guess because it was just so expensive to pull off, and requires multiple high mana-value cards. I think the combos I have in now are cheaper and have more general synergy with other cards, and at this point, just ramping into Emrakrul as fast as possible is pretty devastating. In my heart though, I still want to include them...

Madcookie on Help protect artifact in black …

1 year ago

Some more suggestions:

Permanent effect: Rebbec, Architect of Ascension, Darksteel Forge

One-time use: Loran's Escape, Blacksmith's Skill, Apostle's Blessing

Hope these are useful. Cheers!

KBK7101 on Power Level ratings tool!

1 year ago

I tried two of my favorite decks. Isshin and my Rebbec/Glacian partner deck.

Isshin was a 4/10 which seems kinda crazy because I don't think any Isshin deck can be a 4/10 without purposefully limiting yourself. lol It also lists Myriad creatures like Herald of the Host as a Stax piece, which makes no sense. Adeline, Resplendent Cathar is also listed as Stax.

Rebbec/Glacian is a 6/10, which, to be honest, sounds fairly accurate. That deck does have two alternate win-cons, though. Not sure how those affect the score? Again, Stax is mentioned heavily in this deck and it lists Darksteel Forge as Stax, which is confusing to me. lol

In any event, I'm glad something like this exists and I hope it gets to the level that you want it to be at!

multimedia on Urza's Legacy

1 year ago

Hey, some interesting card choices for upgrades to the precon. I can tell your deck is based on the precon because I see Darksteel Juggernaut.

A kink here to work on is the avg. CMC. The mana curve is very high at 4.3 not including Organic Extinction and Mycosynth Golem. The precon mana curve is already high at 3.5 not including Thought Monitor. A higher mana curve would be fine if supported with lots more low mana cost ramp, but you cut most of the low mana cost ramp (Signets, Liquimetal, Vessel) from the precon. There's only 6 ramp sources here 3 CMC or less which is low.

You could have a difficult time casting Urza using artifact creature affinity with only 7 artifact creatures 3 CMC or less. You really can't count on Urza's artifact affinity to first cast him and having not many ramp sources, ramp can't be counted on either. Master Transmuter is a great upgrade, she helps a lot when playing a lower amount of ramp. To improve the mana curve which will help gameplay consider choosing a few of the better high mana cost cards and cutting the others? Most 4 drops here are much better than the 5-7+ drops and that's good for the mana curve.

Research Thief, The Mightstone and Weakstone  Meld, Blightsteel Colossus, Mycosynth Golem, Thopter Assembly, Tezzeret, Master of the Bridge, Organic Extinction, Darksteel Forge, Mycosynth Lattice, Kuldotha Forgemaster, Cyberdrive Awakener these are the better 5-7 CMC cards here. The others could be cut to lower the mana curve because they're simply not as good as these.

  • Thief, it's repeatable draw effect is good when you want to be attacking with Constructs.
  • Weakstone because you have Urza, Lord Protector  Meld.
  • Blightsteel, best secondary attacker and because you have Master Transmuter.
  • Golem because Urza is a consistent way to create artifacts.
  • Assembly because you have Time Sieve.
  • Tezzeret because of Constructs.
  • Extinction because of Constructs.
  • Forge, best protection for all artifacts and because you have Lattice, Transmuter and Padeem.
  • Awakener flying for Constructs.

Some upgrades at your price point to consider:

Good luck with your deck.

jarncards on hasteland

1 year ago

For global haste you can use Fires of Yavimaya, Concordant Crossroads, Mass Hysteria, and Urabrask the Hidden who will also conveniently turn off other people's haste. Anger and Barbarian Class also give haste after more effort.

Ant Queen, Artifact Mutation, Battle Hymn, Circle of Dreams Druid, Dragon Broodmother, Pest Infestation, Scute Swarm, Tempt with Vengeance, Sylvan Offering, Termagant Swarm are all useful if you can give haste to all of them.

Birds of Paradise is just the best mana dork.

You have green, so you might as well use the standard ramp package with Cultivate , Kodama's Reach, Explore , Farseek, , Rampant Growth, Three Visits and Nature's Lore. Probably ignore most mana rocks, because people are going to want to vandalblast you just because of the treasures.

Relentless Assault, Scourge of the Throne, Combat Celebrant, Hexplate Wallbreaker, World at War grant extra combats, with Hellkite Charger and Aggravated Assault potentially going infinite.

Vandalblast goes in every red deck. Even though youll have a ton of treasures i'd still run Brotherhood's End too

For draw spells consider Scroll Rack, Garruk's Uprising, Elemental Bond, Soul's Majesty, Furious Rise, Rishkar's Expertise, Beast Whisperer, Shamanic Revelation, Disciple of Bolas, Pact of the Serpent, Painful Truths, Harmonize, Sign in Blood, Night's Whisper, Read the Bones, Ambition's Cost, Ancient Craving, Damnable Pact, Commune with Lava, Lifeblood Hydra, or maybe Necropotence although the color restricion on necro is tough, treasures should take care of it.

Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip, Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer , The Reaver Cleaver , Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge , Ancient Copper Dragon , Old Gnawbone Ziatora, the Incinerator for more treasure makers. Pyrohemia and Pestilence could be fun with the extra mana. Awaken the Woods is an amazing x spell too, but wont appreciate the two aforementioned cards.

If you're using magda the deck will benefit from dragons and expensive artifacts. throw in Imperial Recruiter and Worldly Tutor, Vampiric Tutor, and Demonic Tutor all go in your colors. so you can get her more consistently. Darksteel Forge and Gate to Phyrexia can be tutored into play with her for five treasure.

If you use dragons, you could add Dragonstorm, but you should carefully consider how many cheap spells you expect to be able to cast if you arent building specifically towards this card. Chatterstorm, Empty the Warrens, Yawgmoth's Will, Jeska's Will, Mana Geyser, and Manamorphose, Past in Flames are all good on their own and would add synergy.

If it ends up dragon tribal, cards like Crippling Fear , Kindred Dominance, Crux of Fate

Swashbuckler Extraordinaire is a very good payoff for using treasures if you dont use certain other nightmarish dragons like Atarka, World Render, Blast-Furnace Hellkite, Terror of Mount Velus, Thrakkus the Butcher

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