Dark Prophecy


Whenever a creature you control dies, you draw a card and lose 1 life.

DemonDragonJ on Does Teysa Karlov's Ability Double …

4 months ago

I know that Teysa Karlov's static ability will double the triggered abilities of cards such as Dark Prophecy or Moldervine Reclamation, but will her ability also double the triggered ability of Wurmcoil Engine or similar cards?

Last_Laugh on Edgar's Dega Vampires

1 year ago

Kingtao I ran that version of Sorin for his +1. That lifelink and small pump is until your next turn which makes it REALLY good with Reconnaissance. The lifegain is also needed to offset things like Dark Prophecy and my mana base. Also, when people realize that swinging into you actually nets you life, they swing elsewhere... or they forget it's until your next turn and regret swinging (I'd read the +1 as I did it and people still forgot... a lot).

Masterful on Necronomicon | Teysa Karlov | Primer

1 year ago

kirbysan Vraan is a complete tragedy and it pains me to even think about.

At this point I'd probably agree that Dark Prophecy is better than Weatherlight Compleated. I'm definitely gonna replace it, but I'm not sure if prophecy is going back in. Triple black is super tough and a Village Rites type card might be better. I also like jelwell's Imperial Seal suggestion. I've also been realized recently how strong Solitude would be in our list. It's another copy of Swords to Plowshares and while it does 2-for-1 us, it makes up for it by costing 0 mana, giving us a death trigger, and being a reanimation target.

jelwell I wouldn't say Body Launderer is a very good recursion card. It's nice that it's on a creature, but it's not consistent since we need a sac outlet. Conniving is nice for better card quality, but we don't many good ways to take advantage of the discard. This essentially just makes him a 4 mana reanimate that can potentially double reanimate with Teysa out. At that point, Victimize would probably be better if you really need a double reanimate at 1 less mana and not needing a separate sac outlet but only a fodder piece. Launderer also conflicts with Teysa in the 4 drop slot. I prefer Reanimate or Animate Dead over victimize since while they don't reanimate two creatures, they cost much less mana, don't require a sacrifice, and can target opposing graveyards. This gives them utility in the early and late game to cheaply bring back a fodder piece or reanimate an opposing Avenger of Zendikar.

Storm of Souls is good. I've tried it and Command the Dreadhorde out a lot and they both test well, but I didn't find a spot for either in the current build. I've been using Living Death as our sole mass recursion piece, but I've been missing a separate piece for redundancy that doesn't also come with a board wipe, so I might bring one of them back. I think its fair to run either since they both have their strengths and weaknesses.

kirbysan on Necronomicon | Teysa Karlov | Primer

1 year ago


Masterful had cut Dark Prophecy to test out Weatherlight Compleated but I'm thinking prophecy is better. While Weatherlight achieves the same thing when it's fully turned on it doesn't do much when it comes in late. You also need some form of sac engine going to get it up to snuff. Prophecy on the other hand can hit the ground running and draw you into answers from the get go.

Body Launderer is ok but we don't have too much reanimation going on so discarding cards is not always optimal. Our typical reanimation strategy is just going for Living Death that also acts as a board wipe. Agadeem's Awakening  Flip is also another option but can double as a land if we're mana screwed. Reanimate is used for our single target reanimation and for a single black it's hard to beat that slot. As Launderer is only a single target reanimation it doesn't beat these cards.

Storm of Souls used to be in the main decklist but 6CMC is a lot to hold up and the typical meta is usually faster with more interaction. It's another reason why cards such as Rise of the Dark Realms was also cut.

multimedia on Cards that buff zombie tribal?

1 year ago

Zombie Master and Filth don't buff, but instead they can make your Zombies unblockable. Noxious Ghoul can wreck your opponent's creatures since it triggers each time a Zombie token is created. This effect is essentially giving your Zombies evasion since it will clear away opponent blockers.

Zombies can have an advantage using your life as a resource for repeatable draw. Cryptbreaker, Graveborn Muse, Undead Augur is Zombie tribal draw using life. Bolas's Citadel is powerful black card that uses your life which can also be a sac outlet for 10 Zombie tokens.

Augur/Dark Prophecy/Erebos, Bleak-Hearted + Blood Artist/Bastion of Remembrance/Zulaport Cutthroat pairing these cards can be a draw engine with Zombie tokens.

Plague Belcher, Vengeful Dead are Zombie tribal aristocrats and with Zombie tokens they pair well with a free activation sac outlet such as Carrion Feeder, Phyrexian Altar, Viscera Seer, Blasting Station, Ashnod's Altar.

Gravecrawler is Zombie tribal repeatable sac fodder for Gisa. Skullclamp is nice draw with tokens, when you're sacing creatures and with Gravecrawler.

Masterful on Necronomicon | Teysa Karlov | Primer

1 year ago

Foster_I_Am I have been super busy haha so the update is going real slow. I haven't had as much time to test as I want, but the mana base rework and new additions are looking good for the most part. So far, I kind of agree that Weatherlight Compleated is too slow. I may cut it for Dark Prophecy or a Village Rites type card.

I'm not too keen on Saw in Half since it requires we already have a decent boardstate. I'd rather play fodder pieces or card advantage. Teysa also can't double it since she only doubles triggers from permanents.

Foster_I_Am on Necronomicon | Teysa Karlov | Primer

1 year ago

Hey Masterful - Hope all is well! Just wanted to see how play testing has been going with the new cards you added along with the mana base rework. Do you have any newer additions or changes? I know you have been busy.

Curious how Weatherlight Compleated is working for you. I really haven't found much value in it (i.e. too slow) and Dark Prophecy to be a bit better and more consistent.

Lastly, what do you think of Saw in Half? This would be a great way to generate tokens fast and double death triggers. With Teysa out you could create 4 tokens - and even more if you're destroying a fodder piece.

Lastly, curious if you had any other adjustments or additions you were testing or thinking about adding. Thanks again as always!

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