Curse of Vengeance

Enchantment — Aura Curse

Enchant player

Whenever enchanted player casts a spell, put a spite counter on Curse of Vengeance.

Whenever enchanted player loses the game, you gain X life and draw X cards, where X is the number of spite counters on Curse of Vengeance.

plakjekaas on None

3 years ago

A few cards exist already that grant bonuses for killing other players:

Blood Tyrant

Curse of Vengeance

Elbrus, the Binding Blade  Flip

Sengir, the Dark Baron

ImaginitiveRascal on Suicide pact

3 years ago

I think the Nine Lives Solemnity combo might be nice, also cards that give you bonuses when your opponents lose like Sengir, the Dark Baron, Withengar Unbound and Curse of Vengeance.

VampDemigod on Sleighs & Gifts Needed

3 years ago

A few cards that haven’t been mentioned yet, and that are relatively budget: Nine Lives Forbidden Crypt Immortal Coil Nefarious Lich Abyssal Persecutor works as a great insurance policy when it’s in the other side of the battlefield, as well as protecting yourself and stopping the opponent from using “win the game” cards. Soul Echo is pretty nice, it only requires a gift effect. Transcendence is similar, but can’t be cast when you’re above 19 life. Stunning Reversal can help save you if you can’t give one of your self-harm spells to your opponent. It’s also a great way to save yourself. Exquisite Archangel works similarly. Demonic Pact Curse of Vengeance gives you a nice boost when you eliminate a player. Shauku, Endbringer is a slower self-harm, which can be used on your side too. If you want, you can also use a Pacifism effect on it and give it to an opponent.

Duplicity is a great card for more co-op builds.

Daveslab2022 on None

3 years ago

Okay so my thoughts on Curse of Vengeance: it’s not good in a tournament setting. Aren’t commander tournaments typically 1v1? At least at my LGS they were. This means curse literally does nothing except add counters until someone loses. Then the game is over, lol.

I also don’t like it much in a 1v1v1v1tournament setting, since most of your opponents will probably be running infinite combos to kill all 3 opponents at once.

VampDemigod on None

3 years ago

Maybe Curse of Vengeance?

Gofralighto on Licia, First Sword of the Mardu {Primer}

4 years ago

Been enjoying Infiltration Lens so far! Curse of Vengeance is interesting and I could see how it could work with some of the one shot methods I have, but I think I just prefer something that has more of an immediate impact.

jakethewhale007 on Licia, First Sword of the Mardu {Primer}

4 years ago

I really like your thought process behind the ozolith and parting thoughts. I'm a bit more skeptical regarding infiltration lens (but it is really good when combined with greven. The menace means that you would draw at least 4 cards if they want to block him). Ozolith also synergizes with Disciple of Bolas, Soul's Fire, Chandra's Ignition, and Rite of Consumption (as well as just being generally good scaling with Licia throughout the game), so I think I really like that card. At the very least, it is giving me some food for thought.

I am on the fence with parting thoughts, but I can see the potential. What are your thoughts on Curse of Vengeance? I know it likely isn't the most competitive card, but even if drawn in the midgame, it can easily draw you 3+ cards after only 1 turn of enchanting a player. Combined with your various methods of being able to one-shot a player out of nowhere, I just thought I'd throw it out there.

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