Crumble to Dust


Devoid (This card has no color.)

Exile target nonbasic land. Search its controller's graveyard, hand, and library for any number of cards with the same name as that land and exile them. Then that player shuffles his or her library.

IHATENAMES on Building Voltron, in a cave with a box of scraps.

6 months ago

The line between equipment and creatures is a hard thing to get right i think it should always be skewed more towards creatures which i think looks decent here but be careful about this number!

I would encourage you to play more creatures/ equipment that get buffed when you get multiple equipment on it. Ideas being Goblin Gaveleer , Champion of the Flame , Thran Power Suit these may not look impressive but 1+ equipment and they go big. Newer card I have tried Kellan, the Fae-Blooded is probably good but slow.

When building your sideboard i would look at protection/ recursion/ meta based archetype hate. Think Mantle of the Ancients , Blacksmith's Skill , Unlicensed Hearse , Crumble to Dust , maybe look at what other people are playing with a junk sideboard full of removal and graveyard hate for a few times then see what you need from there.

Obligatory simple answer is look at what equipment decks are currently doing good in modern. Stoneblade decks and hammer time. Both use Stoneforge Mystic to find and put in Kaldra Compleat for a quick kill. Stone blade is a midrange tempo shell to support what your doing. The hammer time deck has a plan A combo of putting Colossus Hammer on a creature and swinging for lethal in 1 to 2 turns.

Squee_Spirit_Guide on FNM - First Time Playing …

1 year ago

I haven't played competitively in a while, but when I did I got a lot of mileage out of Damping Sphere and Crumble to Dust out of the board. Granted, I was playing Scapeshift and kept coming up against tron... But both are cheap and hopefully pretty easy to pick up if they match the meta!

raefgall on 7-Rack

2 years ago

Glad to see someone else working on a deck list like this and eager to hear how it does. I played an RB 8-Rack variant a few years ago and I've been worried that it would be too slow for the recent modern meta, plus dealing with all of the flexible main deck removal available since the Modern Horizon sets.

I've never looked at Blood Moon as a sideboard option, but I've also included Rix Maadi, Dungeon Palace in my builds as a source of repeated discard. I used to run Crumble to Dust as my anti-tron tech, but I've been looking at Break the Ice as another option.

Honestly, I feel like any other suggestions I make would just be pushing pet cards. Great deck.

My Old RB 8-Rack - The New List I Was Working On

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Valakut's "Reanimation"

2 years ago

I really like this! It's like a reverse Scapeshift. I'm always a fan of Crumble to Dust and Damping Sphere for the sideboard, but that will probably depend on your meta. Some landfall creatures might be fun to offer a different look if you want it. Scute Swarm comes to mind for surprise "go wide" strategy.

Nileek on Boros Land Destruction

2 years ago

Brutal_B I don't think so, 4 mana LD is just too much for trying to stay fast and that removes a target for Goblin Dark-Dwellers. Crumble to Dust in the SB is purely for the tron match up to increase the winning odds.

doktoras on Grixis Cruel Control

3 years ago

Grubbernaut Thanks for your feedback.. Cleansing Wildfire doesn't exile all copies so I have to put at least 3 copies of it. 2 is Crumble to Dust . Can you suggest the 3rd and maybe a 4th replacement? I think Search for Azcanta  Flip but i want to hear your opinion.

kpres on

3 years ago

You mentioned in your description that this deck has difficulty against Tron. Why not include a few Wasteland s to deal with it?

Also, why the snow-covered lands when you don't have anything that interacts with snow?

You could splash a little bit of red for Crumble to Dust , or switch out a few lands for Mana Confluence .

Poseidon31 on Mardu Reanimator

3 years ago

Damping Sphere against Tron and Storm. Fulminator Mage against Tron and other Decks with special lands, like an Azcanta. Infernal Reckoning against tron or Eldrazi. Pithing Needle or Murderous Rider against Planeswalker heavy decks. Nihil Spellbomb against Dredge or just for grave hate. Ashiok, Dream Render for grave hate. Damping Matrix against Affintiy/Eggs. Dash Hopes for surprise Counter Magic (I Like this alot, espacially in aggro styled decks). Spellskite against Burn, Boggles or Infect. Abrade against Artifacts. Disenchant against Artifacts and Enchantments. Leave No Trace against Enchantments. Kambal, Consul of Allocation against Burn or Control. Collective Brutality against Burn or Control. Rakdos Charm against creature heavy decks like Elfes or Tokens or Artifacts or for grave hate. Wear / Tear against Artifacts or Enchantments. Crumble to Dust Against Tron.

Depends on your meta, what decks you want to side against and what do you need in addition to your main 60. Which Match ups are bad for you and ho to play against that. I play the following Sideboard in my Mardu Vehicle Deck: 1x Chandra, Torch of Defiance 1x Collective Brutality 3x Duress 2x Kambal, Consul of Allocation 1x Nahiri, the Harbinger 2x Nihil Spellbomb 1x Rakdos Charm 1x Settle the Wreckage 2x Wear 1x Wrath of God

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