Crucible of the Spirit Dragon


: Add ,

, : Put a storage counter on Crucible of the Spirit Dragon.

, Remove X storage counters from this: Add X mana in any combination of colours. Spend this mana only to cast Dragon spells or activate abilities of Dragons.

FadingReality on Dragons, Dragons, Dragons

1 week ago

I like every single creature in the deck at this point. I have 5 suggestions: 4 for your land base and 1 for removal. Somewhat expensive suggestions but nothing too crazy.

  • I would cut any two of the lands that have "enters tapped unless you control two or more other lands" for Mana Confluence and City of Brass. These lands NEVER enter tapped and give you all your colors. Grand Coliseum is a decent budget option. It does enter tapped, but also gives the option for colorless mana and no damage. You are running a high enough count of the "enters tapped unless you control two or more lands" lands that some will enter tapped in the early game. Reducing them down to 1-2 is better.
  • I'd cut another of the "enters tapped unless you control two or more lands" lands for Polluted Delta but you are already aware you need delta so this is more of a reminder.
  • Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth is an AMAZING card you should consider. It is a essentially an untapped forest itself, but it lets all your lands tap for green, including colorless lands. In your deck, in addition to fixing green mana for the rest of the game, it will 1.) allow your colorless lands like Cavern of Souls, Haven of the Spirit Dragon, and Crucible of the Spirit Dragon to tap for green without a catch 2.) allow all of your fetchlands to tap for green without having to sac them and 3.)allow things like Mana Confluence to tap for green without dealing any damage.
  • I would swap Putrefy for Anguished Unmaking. Putrefy is a good card, but unmaking is pretty much strictly better. Has a wider target selection and exiles. Putrefy is best used in Black/Green decks. When some jerk plays the One Ring against you, you'll be glad to have unmaking.
  • eliakimras on B.F.D.

    1 year ago

    Glancing through your cards, your deck's problem might be because you're building it based on best-case scenario, with tons of clones and blink synergies. (In my playgroup, Miirym always gets removed before her untap step, so the Miirym player does not rely on her sticking to the board.)

    I'll suggest some upgrades for your deck based on making it more consistent and less dependant on Miirym:

    1st. Ramp

    Explosive turns with lots of cost reducers sound nice... if people don't blow up your dorks before you get any value from them.

    2nd. You need more lands (36 lands + 13 ramp cards is a good starting point)

    3rd. Better counterspells

    4th. Better removal

    5th. Better boardwipes

    6th. More card draw

    7th. Better win conditions

    Stardragon on Dracotopia

    2 years ago

    Great first deck but i fear you may not have the mana you need to make it work i would cut some lands like for some more basic lands and get a few more land ramps

    Crucible of the Spirit Dragon for a Basic Mountain, Crucible is fine but slow as it only taps for colorless and you have to pay mana to get colored mana, this is the biggest maybe I've never like storage lands personally.

    Gateway Plaza, Archway Commons and Rupture Spire one or two of these can be cut for another mountain and a Darigaaz's Caldera

    I would also trade Opulent Palace for Savage Lands since Jund () are your main colors

    I would also rearrange some of your basic land numbers try 5x Mountains, 4x Forests, 3x Swamps and 2x Plains and Islands and i would cut Underdark Rift, Treasure Vault, Rogue's Passage and Prismari Campus for the basic lands

    Would also try to get some cheap basic ramp cards like Cultivate, Kodama's Reach, Farseek and Sword of the Animist for basic land ramp and things like Hour of Promise, Tempt with Discovery, Pir's Whim, Explore and Growth Spiral for non basic ramp.

    Now that I told my thoughts on your mana here are some other cards to help your dragons not sure your budget so i categized them. These price are based off of TCGplayer.

    0.1-$4.99-Favorable Winds0.40, Teneb, the Harvester$3, Lathliss, Dragon Queen $3.50, Silumgar, the Drifting Death 0.70, Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury 0.70, Eerie Ultimatum $3, Ruinous Ultimatum $5, Genesis Ultimatum $1.00,

    $5-$9.99-Dragon Tempest$5, Scion of the Ur-Dragon $7, Drakuseth, Maw of Flames $5, Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund $3.50, Mirari's Wake $6, Rhythm of the Wild $6

    $10-$19.99- Scalelord Reckoner $13, Vanquisher's Banner $12, Sarkhan Unbroken $15,Sarkhan, Fireblood $11,

    $20 and over-Terror of the Peaks $25, Dragonlord Dromoka $25, Balefire Dragon $30, The Great Henge $50, Urza's Incubator $40, Sarkhan, Dragonsoul $27, Chromatic Orrery $20

    philosopher on Dragons,Speed, and Control

    3 years ago

    Hello Hachendis,

    Dragons & Dragon Support:

    Dragonlord's Servant reduces the cost of your dragon spells by {1}.

    Dream Devourer reduces the cost of your dragons by {2} by foretelling them with Dream Devourer, meaning, you could potentially play Dragonlord Kolaghan on turn 4.

    Haven of the Spirit Dragon acts as a mana confluence with the ability to recur a dragon from the graveyard to your hand.

    Crucible of Fire is the ultimate +3/+3 anthem effect.

    Crucible of the Spirit Dragon: builds up mana to cast your dragons.

    Draconic Roar costs the same as a Lightning Strike and if you reveal a dragon you get to Lightning Bolt your opponent's face for free - talk about value!

    Crux of Fate a one sided board wipe.

    Glorybringer: repeated Flame Slash on a flying and haste dragon.

    Surviving the early game:

    Frost Bite or Wild Slash are good 1 drop removal spells, with Frost Bite acting as a Lightning Bolt is you have a snow covered mountain in play.

    Bloodchief's Thirst is better than Bedevil because for it is more useful in the early game and is worth the cost of having to pay the extra mana to remove a MV 3 or greater creature or planeswalker later in the game.

    Remaining thoughts:

    Thoughtseize and Duress is good in the sideboard vs control decks because you will want to remove their sweepers like Supreme Verdict.

    Sign in Blood should be removed for early game removal or to keep in some Thoughtseizes in as Sign in Blood is less valuable in surviving the early game.

    I hope this helps.



    X-Factor11105 on I Am Fire, I Am Death

    3 years ago

    ...Welp, that's awkward. No list! Try this one:

    On to questions!

    • Has Crucible of the Spirit Dragon been valuable for you? Or is it a slow land?

    • Have you had Exhume backfire on you? Or is its low CMC and early-game, (kinda) asymmertrical value consistent enough to warrant a slot?

    • How have you found Feldon of the Third Path to play here?! I'm SUPER curious to add Feldon into mine for all the combo potential!

    • Have you had success with Dark Ritual, and have you tried Seething Song or any of the other rituals? I'm very curious about those.

    Kazierts on Sarkhan's Swarm

    4 years ago

    First things first, way too many lands. Trim it down to at least 22 and definitly cut Crucible of the Spirit Dragon since you're monored.

    And before I continue, what's your goal with the deck? Do you intend on playing only with your friends/casually or are you trying to make it competitive?

    Also, change the format from Custom to Casual. Tappedout says all you cards aren't legal in the custom format, so probably all the cards I'll recommende won't be too, and because of that it'll probably won't let me suggest.

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