Copy Enchantment


You may have Copy Enchantment enters the battlefield as a copy of any enchantment on the battlefield.

fluffyeel on Bruvac's Millibuster

3 weeks ago

I just thought of a few other useful tools:

  • Commandeer is another good zero-mana... not counter, but disruptor. It's become more popular, I've noticed, but it's still not something a lot of people see coming. Similarly, Misdirection is another handy tool for disruption, but it's more limited than Commandeer (though it's one less card to exile...).
  • Teferi's Tutelage is another fun mill toy. It's a bit more limited than Sphinx's Tutelage, but why not double up the fun! Similarly, you can use Teferi's Puzzle Box to mill your opponents even faster while also disrupting their game play.
  • Capsize is another all-purpose bounce, and reusable as well. Sunder is another great way to lose friends at instant speed. You could also consider Mystical Tutor to help dig for things you need.
  • Clever Impersonator is more versatile than Copy Enchantment for one more mana, but it may not be extremely necessary.
  • There are some lands that might be handy for your strategy. Oboro, Palace in the Clouds gives you reusable landfall; Boseiju, Who Shelters All makes sure your essential Instant and Sorcery spells don't get countered (e.g. Cyclonic Rift); Field of Ruin kills troublesome lands and gives mandatory search (and landfall), which is relevant for Archive Trap; and Academy Ruins is a more reusable Buried Ruin.
  • Cyclonic Rift pairs very well with Memory Jar. Just saying. :P

DreadKhan on Zurza's Saga

11 months ago

I love Urza's Saga in my Zur deck, but I don't really max out it's value, it's just another good card and a way for Zur to ramp me. It's nice to see someone take the time to lean into this! I have a few ideas for you, but most of them don't really use sagas, but I am a big fan of Zur decks and studied up on them a bit, most of the ideas are to increase the power level/offer backup plans that I think are thematically similar. If you're totally happy with this as is feel free to ignore, it's easy to make a Zur deck too strong and end up the archenemey

If you're going to be running Sensei's Divining Top, you might like Counterbalance, which Zur can find. Similarly, I feel like if you use Out Of Time you should consider Vanishing, this lets Zur wipe the board of creatures with safety, it also gives him useful protection. If you don't need Zur to keep swinging you can use some copy enchantments to lock creatures off the board, I think if you used Mirrormade (which I'm pretty sure you should run either way) and Estrid's Invocation, have Estrid's copy Out Of Time, then use Vanishing to protect Zur so you can swing next turn and get Mirrormade, copying the Estrid's Out Of Time, now you can just lock creatures off the board indefinitely, not sure if this is worth it or not, but I think all of the cards are good includes. I think since you can always choose to not return the Out Of Time creatures and then advance your board state with Zur it's probably worth a look vs pretty aggressive metas. There is also Copy Enchantment, I found in my competitive Zur list that having all 3 wasn't a problem very often, they're great to draw if someone has a Rhystic Study/Tithe, there are lots of splashy enchantments out there that are worth grabbing. If you do run a bunch of copy enchantment effects they are really good with All That Glitters as a fall back plan, ATG and a copy is sometimes enough to 1 shot people with Commander damage, I liked it because I already wanted the copy effects and I gained access to impressively large voltron at the cost of including only 1 card.

If Urza's Saga gets exiled somehow (or vs Proliferate maybe?), Luminarch Ascension can generate a ton of bodies, and while they'll be smaller they have flying, be 1 mana cheaper, and dodge Vandalblast. The Ascension is pretty easy to make work if you get it out early, and once it's online it's often the best thing you can do with your mana. If your meta is pretty harsh, you might toss in Solitary Confinement as a way to delay your demise, and if you're worried about sustaining Confinement all you need to add is Court of Cunning, this will pay for Confinement until you deck yourself, meaning you can use spare mana to make tokens while your opponent's can't do anything to you, they get swarmed by super cheap 4/4 Flyers.

Do you need to target your artifacts themselves for any of your interactions? I ask because I'm not sure if Hanna's Custody would be useful, it also protects your opponent's stuff, but when I play Zur I loved facing an artifact deck because you can just dig out Energy Flux and they either remove it or pretty much scoop. Flux can be a dead card, but when you run into a busted artifact deck this will punish them quite effectively, and Zur can dig it out whenever it's going to be relevant.

It's a pretty spicy card, but have you considered Hall of the Bandit Lord for Haste? Zur really wants Haste in my experience, but I built for cEDH and needed to move fast.

It's potentially pretty unfun, but if your Zur deck isn't often casting multiple spells you should consider Rule of Law/Arcane Laboratory if your opponents won't revolt, Zur already cheats out an enchantment and you can make tokens with mana, how many spells do you really end up casting compared to people playing more traditional decks? Lots of people like to run really low curve decks these days, Rule of Law effects (I'd also consider Archon of Emeria maybe, since those decks also love untapped lands) really make life hard for those decks. If your area has players that like small draw spells then Rule of Law is going to feel pretty good.

SufferFromEDHD on 5 color 0 creatures v3.0

1 year ago

Awesome use of Blood Funnel! And it's always nice seeing Collective Restraint being used to its full potential.

Cascading Cataracts and Meteor Crater rainbow lands

Aphemia, the Cacophony technically an enchantment and it makes tokens.

Determined Iteration is Kiki-Jiki for tokens.

Estrid's Invocation is worth running alongside that Copy Enchantment.

No Mercy might be an upgrade to Damnation.

Kaya's Wrath is a great card. Fumigate is similar. Might be an upgrade to Wrath of God.

Jokulhaups and Obliterate are upgrades to all of the above. Restart the game with only enchantments and planeswalkers.

DreadKhan on Zur the enchanter $100 budget

1 year ago

Cool idea with good execution!

Not sure if you are 100% satisfied with your mana base, some stuff like Esper Panorama, Darkwater Catacombs, Skycloud Expanse, and Ash Barrens can help fix your mana, I always find Zur is a hassle to get out without stretching the budget. There are also somewhat worse options like Obscura Storefront, it's worse than Arcane Sanctum but not by a ton. I recently found out about Planar Atlas, but this looks like exactly what Zur needs to get out faster, but I do run Signets and Signet Lands, so I have more use for colourless arguably. If you're using a Sun Titan, any lands that fetch something before going to the Graveyard become pretty strong in my experience, but Myriad Landscape is hilarious if you can recur it.

Not sure if it's outside your budget, but Mirrormade is the cheapest Copy Enchantment I know of that Zur can fetch, and it can also copy an artifact, so if there is a ramp rock out Zur can find mana. Another way Zur can ramp you is The Restoration of Eiganjo  Flip, which also turns into a creature. Dance of Many is a pretty interesting option if someone has a really big body out against you, not sure if you face many Blightsteels.

If you like to run Rule of Law effects in Zur, you might enjoy using a little Moderation to fuel you, it's a nice cheap card. If you can draw enough cards, Stronghold Machinist and/or Stronghold Biologist are pretty interesting cards. Obviously better with Necropotence though.

If you have Vanishing on Zur, you can fetch Out of Time to wipe the board in a shockingly thorough manner, if the board is full nothing is coming back. Obviously better if you can copy it before it goes away, but Copy Enchantment and Estrid's Invocation are both pretty pricey, and there are few things as good as copying All That Glitters. Another weird thing you could do is combine Spy Kit with Cornered Market, nobody can play creatures, if you have Zur out then you should be set.

If Propaganda or Ghostly Prison are too pricey, War Tax can be an interesting alternative, it's especially useful in a Rule of Law deck where you can't play multiple Sorcery speed spells, this lets you use spare mana to hassle whomever you want, it's non-targeted and scales with the game.

I always wonder if non-cEDH Zur decks should consider running Honden of Seeing Winds and Sanctum of Calm Waters to draw cards, Zur can find you a few other Shrines if you ever draw into a Draw engine, none better than Sanctum of Stone Fangs. I guess you'd have to decide how much work 2-3 cards per turn is worth, at least once it's set up it doesn't use more resources.

Balaam__ on Indestructible Visions

1 year ago

As DreadKhan mentioned, Sol Ring is banned in Legacy. Usually the site is pretty good at emboldening banned cards in red, but I guess this one slipped by.

That said, there’s a lot good here but some not so good. You have a fairly good grasp on exactly what you want your deck to do, which is key, but I think some card choices don’t fit well in the greater scheme of things even if they possess theoretical utility.

Protean Thaumaturge and Copy Enchantment are questionable. There are too few Enchantments in the deck to make either viable; Protean Thaumaturge is essentially useless unless you successfully resolve an Enchantment, of which there are only 12–and your opponent is likely going to view this possibility as a distinct threat, holding counter magic in reserve (particularly if they’ve already cast a powerful creature threat of their own).

At 4 copies, Copy Enchantment is already in and of itself a full third of your total Enchantment count, which make the odds of effectively utilizing it diminished. If you can fulfill the criteria to cast it and have it resolve, all well and good, but if not you’re stuck holding a dead card. Imagine an opening hand with one or even two copies.

Ensoul Artifact and Arcane Flight are both great choices that offer immediate, tangible results. I’d recommend cutting the other cards I mentioned earlier and replacing them with with something else. Good countermagic comes to mind, as since you’re in and in the format with arguably the best countermagic, there really isn’t a good reason not to run it. It’ll create opportunities to stop the opposing player from removing your own key pieces, as well as open the door for you to preemptively eliminate big plays on their side.

DreadKhan on Zur, the Disenchanter

1 year ago

Exquisite Blood would be pretty nice with Zur's Weirding Out, in addition to giving life for Necropotence, and with Protection Racket, it's one thing to pay a few life to keep you from getting a free card, giving you free life feels pretty awful, and Zur can dig out Protection when you just want cards without paying life. You can mention to people you don't run any 2 card combos, so they won't worry about the Sanguine Bond combo with Exquisite Blood.

With Merieke and Zur, I feel like you'd want Pemmin's Aura and/or Freed from the Real, once Zur puts the Aura on her, it's U to kill target creature, and when you're out of U you keep the best creature you can steal until you have mana again. If Merieke is a card you like digging out, there are 3 mana Transmute cards fwiw, Perplex, Dimir Machinations and the ungodly bad Drift of Phantasms.

For Zur, I like having the option to go Voltron, to do so I run All That Glitters and Heliod, Sun-Crowned. If one copy of All That Glitters doesn't quite cut it, there is also Michiko's Reign of Truth  Flip, but I mostly use Copy Enchantment, Estrid's Invocation and Mirrormade to make more Glitters if I want a bigger Zur, 3 is usually a 1 hit kill fwiw, and he can dig out an Unblockable aura or Thassa, God of the Sea technically. For Shroud I like Greater Auramancy, but there is also Diplomatic Immunity to consider.

If you don't mind running Vanishing, which is a very good 'dodge' effect for Zur that doesn't cost him Auras/Counters, you can also run the very funny Out of Time to just wipe creatures pretty much permanently. If you have Copy Enchantment effects, you can duplicate this before it goes away to lock away another group of creatures, very nasty vs large creature boards, and Zur finds both pieces.

Another funny Zur card is Dance of Many, which can duplicate a creature you can target, a very strong effect if your meta cares about powerful creatures. If people run Mill in your area, Nighthowler can be fetched out for a big creature or be drawn to make Zur bigger.

You can't fetch it out, but like Mother of Runes it's very good to have out, Devoted Caretaker can offer very versatile protection to more stuff.

If you want something pretty dirty you can pull out vs opponents that are running stronger than expected decks, your Smothering Tithe works very well with Stasis, which also likes Black Market Connections, though you'll want Brave the Sands to give Zur (and your board) Vigilance. Stasis also likes Archon of Emeria and you're already running Thalia, Heretic Cathar. It's certainly not fetching out Heliod after you've dropped Balista, this doesn't win on the spot, but it's a very strong/nasty effect to have access to, even if you don't dig it out very often. Fortunately Stasis is the only piece you wouldn't want to draw!

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Cards that increase triggers?

1 year ago

How about Weaver of Harmony? Or the aptly named Copy Enchantment for Paradox Haze? Obviously not so useful with The Prismatic Bridge  Flip.

DreadKhan on Zur The Enchanter - casual stax

1 year ago

I don't think you can use Vanishing to be unblockable, but I think you could wait until someone decides to block him, and if Zur would die, you can Phase him out and he's removed from combat, you'll still have gotten his attack trigger though.

You've got quite a few solid stax creatures (people often call them Hatebears) in here already, but I run Opposition Agent, Dauthi Voidwalker, Drannith Magistrate, Malevolent Hermit  Flip, and Archon of Emeria, as well as Wandering Archaic  Flip, which is very effective piece if people run lots of non-creature counters, such as more competitive playgroups.

Well, there are various ways you can win via Zur's ability, in my Zur deck my plan is to lock up the board and then win from a fairly safe position. To go with Spirit of the Labyrinth you could run Teferi's Puzzle Box and Necropotence to lock people out of having cards except you, who can draw via Necropotence. I also use Walking Ballista and Heliod, Sun-Crowned as a half-fetched combo. Because it only needed 1 card, I use Second Chance + Hall of Heliod's Generosity + Necropotence to get infinite extra turns, but you might need a way to get rid of Necropotence to let you draw cards normally, a thing Zur can also help with. Another option that people use (but is pricey) is Rest in Peace (or Voidwalker) and Helm of Obedience, which can help remove players by milling them out, if this seems bad keep in mind that with Mirrormade you can duplicate the Helm on the 2nd turn and eliminate up to 2 players that turn, which should close out a game. While it won't quite win you the game on the spot, there is (back of Hermit) Benevolent Geist and Dovescape so that only you can cast non-creatures. If you're worried about birds you can just use Detention Sphere to clear them out each turn via Estrid's Invocation, but if you've got the most birds, you can keep them around. I like my Zur decks to have a janky feel, so I also don't run Thassa's Oracle.

One of my favourite ways to win is All That Glitters with stuff like Copy Enchantment, Estrid's Invocation and Mirrormade to generate a Voltron win off of Zur's ability. For protection I just run Greater Auramancy, which helps both my Voltron and my general supply of enchantments I don't want targeted. The already mentioned Luminarch Ascension can be a solid win con once it's set up, 1W for a 4/4 flyer is really, really good value, even in cEDH people play the card in control decks.

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