Conduit of Ruin

Creature — Eldrazi

When you cast Conduit of Ruin, you may search your library for a colorless creature card with converted mana cost 7 or greater, reveal it, then shuffle your library and put that card on top of it.

The first creature spell you cast each turn costs less to cast.

Grimgrinner on Kruphix, God of the Beatdown

11 months ago

Cards i think can be cut:

Darksteel plate, orbs of warding, simic locket, seek the wilds, lifecrafter's bestiary, batterskul, opt, predator's rapport, plasm capture, giant adephage, titan's presence.

Suggestions: Talisman of Curiosity, Mind Stone, Arcane Signet, Garruk's Uprising, Hydroid Krasis, Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait, Eye of Ugin, Conduit of Ruin, Endbringer, Kiora's Follower

DrukenReaps on Liberating Surprise

1 year ago

Grind, Profet93 it's no Sculpting Steel and certainly not Mirage Mirror but it still turns into any of my creatures, instants, or sorceries. I mean I guess I'm unlikely to have a reason to copy All Is Dust or a legendary creature, still feels like a decent number of targets and utility to it. Some of those are still not optimal really leaving me with the following- Conduit of Ruin, Endbringer, Junk Diver, Meteor Golem, Wandering Archaic  Flip, Scour from Existence, and Titan's Presence. I can even use it along side Mirage Mirror to grab a permanent copy of an opponent's creature. Alternately with Wandering Archaic to double up on some instant or sorcery my opponent's let me have.

A few Wastes still might not be a bad idea but I'm just not convinced cutting Mirrorpool is correct. It certainly doesn't seem like my weakest land to me. I think I'd sooner cut Eldrazi Temple, Tomb of the Spirit Dragon, Command Beacon, Winding Canyons, or/and maybe even High Market. Even the Urza lands, as my personal experience with them is that they are just non-basic Wastes lol. Though, I do want to give them another go since I only just put them back in the deck.

Acidarc on Belbe Commander firstdraft

1 year ago

You already had one of the cards I was going to suggest but might like Conduit of Ruin as well. Let's you search for all those big creatures you got plus makes them cheaper next turn. Sorry wasn't much more help. Hope you enjoy playing this deck tho.

carpecanum on Stormchaser PEDH

1 year ago

Conduit of Ruin, Forerunner of the Empire (if you have a big dinosaur) and Long-Term Plans let you put a big card on top of your library.

Ancient Stone Idol and Metalwork Colossus are huge but can be cast for much less mana.

If you have thrown out a little commander damage you could finish somebody with a cheap red instant that grants double strike.

Faux-Foe on Legend of the Dynamo

1 year ago

Taking the suggestions into account, I have removed Temporal Aperture, Conduit of Ruin, Grimoire of the Dead, and Lightning Greaves.

I have added Mind Stone, Worn Powerstone, Solemn Simulacrum, and Swiftfoot Boots.

Still pilots like a 4-wheeler going down a steep hill, with too many things to keep track of and holding on for dear life.

Angry_Potatoes on Legend of the Dynamo

1 year ago

Looks like a solid start, but I'm worried you may not have enough lands and/or mana rocks for such a high mana curve. I'd consider Mind Stone, Wayfarer's Bauble and/or Worn Powerstone and possibly a couple more lands.

For possible cuts, I'm looking at Temporal Aperture, Conduit of Ruin and Grimoire of the Dead, none of which really seem to fit your strategy. (I know that Conduit is an Eldrazi tutor, but your creature count is so low it doesn't seem worth it imo)

I also noticed a non-bo with Lightning Greaves; You have many cards dedicated to untapping Peregrine, but Greaves prevents you from targeting it with Shroud. I'd swap out Greaves for Swiftfoot Boots or another Hexproof equipment.

wallisface on Eldrazi Budget

1 year ago

Eldrazi-tron usually plays a mana curve which is less reliant on assembling Tron, because they have no real way to reliably get it going. To that end, i'd suggest ditching Artisan of Kozilek, Sundering Titan, Emrakul, the Aeons Torn (Emrakul isn't viable to cast in even the most efficient of Tron builds, 15 mana is insane), and Conduit of Ruin.

I'm really not sure what Jester's Scepter is doing here, especially mainboard - it's just soo useless soo often in games.

I know you're on a budget, but getting 4-of Karn, the Great Creator will power this deck up a LOT. It should be pretty easy to find room for him after ditching the abovementioned cards.

I'd suggest playing full playsets of the "main 3" eldrazi also (Thought-Knot Seer, Matter Reshaper Reality Smasher).

Nathanael97 on

2 years ago

Otherwise, some spicier takes might be a combo of Conduit of Ruins with a one-of Emrakul, the Promised End or even Kozilek's Channeler, since you are keen on playing the proper 7 and 8 drops in E-Tron.

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