Conclave Mentor

Creature — Centaur Cleric

If one or more +1/+1 counters would be put on a creature you control, that many plus one +1/+1 counters are put on that creature instead.

When Conclave Mentor dies, you gain life equal to its power. (Is put into the graveyard from the battlefield.)

Gidgetimer on entering the battlefield with +1/+1 …

7 months ago

Good-Fortune Unicorn has a triggered ability, so the creatures aren't entering the battlefield with the counter. They are entering the battlefield and then having a counter put on when the trigger resolves. Conclave Mentor obviously adds an additional counter from this. If you instead had something that did cause your creatures to enter with counters like Bloodspore Thrinax, it still works.

First oracle ruling on Conclave Mentor-

If a creature you control would enter the battlefield with a number of +1/+1 counters on it, it enters with that many plus one instead.

YStar27 on entering the battlefield with +1/+1 …

7 months ago

if i have a Conclave Mentor and a Good-Fortune Unicorn and i play a creature does it get one +1/+1 counter or two?

Darb_the_Bard on Emiel: Flickering Unicorn

8 months ago

rwn1971 Emiel is one of my favorite decks. Outlast would be decent. I know I have run Tuskguard Captain in decks before, but I seem to always cut it for something more powerful that comes along. I just did a scryfall search to see what other outlast creatures would be available in these colors. Abzan Battle Priest, Abzan Falconer, and Arcus Acolyte could be helpful, but the main focus of the deck has been ETB creatures. The +1/+1 counters is more a sub-theme, which means I prioritize cards that add +1/+1 counters while also synergizing with Emiel's ability to blink them over and over. Hence, the inclusion of cards like Filigree Vector, Primeval Protector, Rishkar, Peema Renegade, Champion of Lambholt, and Armorcraft Judge. Even Conclave Mentor, Cathars' Crusade, and Tribute to the World Tree get a lot stronger when I'm blinking one or more creatures over and over.

jakeelephant006 on Atraxa is a big fat bully [seeking help]

10 months ago

Looks like a fun deck! Atraxa is certainly a powerful commander that can go in many directions but I like your choice of going w/ +1/+1 counters mainly. I think more cards like Winding Constrictor and Kami of Whispered Hopes would really make the deck hum. Corpsejack Menace and Conclave Mentor are good adds. I think some more effects to spread around counters more such as Good-Fortune Unicorn and Mikaeus, the Lunarch would help as well.

I think the deck could use some more cards that help w/ consistency and interaction as well. Abzan Charm and Inspiring Call both draw cards in addition to having other flexibility and +1/+1 counter synergy. Fertilid and Incubation Druid both ramp and care about +1/+1 counters. Lastly, Damning Verdict would be a good board wipe addition to clear out opponents' threats while leaving your board mostly intact.

Adding cards is easier than cutting cards. Here's my thoughts on cards that could go to make room for new ones. Venser, the Sojourner doesn't seem to do too much other than being ult-ed. Semester's End is good for saving your board but it resets any amount of counters you've built up back to 1. I don't think there's quite enough planeswalkers or non-creature spells to warrant running Ichormoon Gauntlet. Arcus Acolyte seems a bit slow. Empyrial Archangel doesn't seem to do a lot of work and can be difficult to get counters on because of the shroud.

I would also think about adding a few more basics to help ensure consistency. Good luck with the deck!

Macaronigrill5150 on Apotheosis

1 year ago

Looks awesome, I was just about to suggest Conclave Mentor but I realized that it is only green, and blue. But thoughts on these Fathom Mage kind of pricy but possibly a good card draw, Neoform I can kind of see this working, and maybe Avatar of the Resolute

Sorry can't think of any more cards, I don't use green or blue a lot but I hope these help!

kortioznikas on I heard you like +1/+1 counters [Pauper EDH][PDH]

1 year ago

Question: How does Master Chef work with Conclave Mentor if I cast it from command zone while enchantment is on the battlefield? Does it enter with two +1/+1 counters or only a single one?

420MensRightsActivist on Counter Deck

1 year ago

since Rebullet recommended cards outside jund colors, i might as well too. Conclave Mentor and Luminarch Aspirant are must haves in white. Snakeskin Veil and Professor's Warning are also incredibly good cards that can give creatures counters and/or save them from removal. with a Hardened Scales in play (or any of the aforementioned creatures with a similar effect) they make particularly nice combat tricks. Walking Ballista has long been a popular card in modern. a couple The Ozolith couldn't hurt either.

Apollo_Paladin on Steroids Taste Good

1 year ago

Nice build!

This reminds me of a Green/White deck which I built specifically to run off of +1/+1 counter generation.

I myself went with Hardened Scales as a primary 1-drop & I think it could fit well with your build, as I also use Luminarch Aspirant as a means of building things up.

My method was to use Hardened Scales as a first-turn drop (sometimes even second turn drop, since I run 4 of them) as well as 4x Conclave Mentor, and then play creatures which come in with counters already (See: Servant of the Scale, Barkhide Troll, Ochre Jelly, Mikaeus, the Lunarch).

Few other thoughts:

  • Hydra's Growth can make for a nice finisher in any +1/+1 counter-based deck
  • Snakeskin Veil is a better alternative to your Arbor Armament since it can protect a creature with many counters already on it
  • Basri's Solidarity combo's amazingly well with Hardened Scales and Conclave mentor, and overall is more powerful than some of the other Sorceries that you're currently running.
  • Incubation Druid provides silly amounts of mana early-on provided you can get a counter on him (easy combo for mana ramp)
  • Charge Through is a nice workaround for decks which have many blockers, as without Trample, even the strongest creature can still be blocked. This fires at Instant-speed as well, so it can be used as a finisher against an opponent hoping to block a large creature with a weenie blocker.
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