Component Pouch

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Component Pouch


, Remove a component counter from Component Pouch: Add two mana of different colours.

: Roll a twenty sided die. (Remember that MTG spindowns are not well weight balanced, so please roll a die that isn't an MTG spindown.)

If you roll a 1-9 | Put a component counter on Component Pouch.
If you roll 10-20 | Put two component counters on Component Pouch.

king-saproling on Life gain, life loss +

3 months ago

I agree with austintayshus and recommend these mana rocks since they allow you to get Oloro out on turn 4: Coalition Relic, Component Pouch, Worn Powerstone, Palladium Myr

king-saproling on Intet's grand entry

2 years ago

Component Pouch, Worn Powerstone, Palladium Myr, Somberwald Sage, Overgrowth, Coalition Relic, Pentad Prism, Generator Servant, Eye of Ramos, Heart of Ramos, and Horn of Ramos would all ensure that Intent comes out on turn 4 assuming you've drawn your 4th land by then. Your land count is too low to reliably achieve this though. Would need to be at least 39 lands.

Personally I would cut thought vessel, farseek, rampant growth, wood elves, yavimaya dryad, and utopia sprawl in favor of some of the aforementioned cards.

Also these might interest you: Lightning Greaves, Bloodsworn Steward, Blood Mist, Berserkers' Onslaught, Brass Knuckles, Fireshrieker, Embercleave, Lizard Blades

king-saproling on Lord Xander Taxing your Deck

2 years ago

Looks good so far. Personally I would make these swaps:

Cormela, Glamour Thief -> Coalition Relic
Maestros Ascendancy -> Worn Powerstone
Tragic Slip -> Syr Konrad, the Grim
Aether Tunnel -> Rogue's Passage
Protective Bubble -> Shizo, Death's Storehouse
Thought Collapse -> Seize the Day
Mirror Box -> Sakashima of a Thousand Faces
Umbral Mantle -> Firemind Vessel
Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant -> The Haunt of Hightower
Megrim -> Spark Double
Liliana's Caress -> Waste Not
Aqeous Form -> Sleeper's Robe
Lier, Disciple of the Drowned -> Cabal Conditioning
Aetherspouts -> Hedron Archive
Go for the Throat -> Component Pouch
Turnabout -> Sakashima the Impostor
Terminate -> Generator Servant

LunchBox1211 on dragon tribal is glorious

2 years ago

Some more cards to consider (as per your request): Old Gnawbone. Read the card. That's a lot of treasure when all your creatures have a ton of power. | Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund. Gives your dragons haste, untaps them, and (in the odd case you are playing a Dragon ditto), steals your opponent's dragons. Forever. | Dragon's Hoard, if you want another mana rock that works well with dragons. I also like Component Pouch, especially in a deck where your commander in all 5 colours, but that's mostly just me. | Rishkar's Expertise. Refill your hand, cast something for free. Genesis Ultimatum allows you to cheat in more stuff, but doesn't allow you to refill your hand, and it costs more to cast. | Farseek, especially if you decide to run the Tri-cycle lands (which I recommend). I'm going to avoid talking about lands, but cards like Spara's Headquarters and Raugrin Triome are really nice, especially for 5-colour decks. And, yes, Farseek can find Spara's Headquarters. Headquarters is both a plains, and an island. Rampant Growth and Nature's Lore can also fill this "2-mana sorcery that ramps" slot, depending on what you can find (if this is paper). Three Visits is just Nature's Lore, but Lore's name communicates the mechanics of the card better. | Swords to Plowshares/Path to Exile. Exile a creature, for 1 mana, at instant speed. I like Swords better for commander because I find that life is less of an advantage than an extra land. Other removal options include - and are not limited to - (and I may have mentioned some of these already, so sorry if I did) Beast Within, Generous Gift, Anguished Unmaking, Assassin's Trophy, Despark, Chaos Warp, Wear / Tear, Hide / Seek, Bedevil, Vindicate, Baleful Mastery, and Vanishing Verse. | Patriarch's Bidding, if you want some mass reanimation. | I didn't see very many board wipes. Granted, you want more pin-point removal than board wipes, but you still might want a few. I'll recommend Farewell (6 mana to get around indestructible, and nuke many different target, AND act as graveyard hate), Merciless Eviction (for planeswalkers), Cleansing Nova (cheaper than Farewll, and probably easier to find, but less flexible), Cyclonic Rift (7 mana to get all of your opponents permanents off the board, and set them back a few turns as they reset), Supreme Verdict (only hits creatures, but uncounterable, and cheap to cast) and/or Vanquish the Horde (for token decks). You do have Ruinous Ultimatum and Descent of the Dragons (or Crux of Fate, if you happen to get it), and I like to run 3-4 total, so choose the ones that most effectively clear the table in your playgroup. Although I have seen and heard some people run as low as 2.

For both the removal and board wipe sections, choose whatever quantities and options are working best at removing the threats you frequently go up against. If you are building this in paper (specially if the deck is sleeved), I'd recommend asking your playgroup if it is OK for you to print out proxy copies of cards for playtesting, then (once you have decided what options you like) buying those cards. Ask your friends first, though, I know not everyone is OK with proxies.

These are all just suggestions to get your mind thinking. You don't have to run all of these, but they are here if you need inspiration or help.

If you want, I can link some of the dragon/tribal decks I've made on tappedout, just as a reference point for what I like.

king-saproling on Wort Wort Wort!?!? <Kyle's Mom's voice>

2 years ago

Cool deck! These might interest you: Fork, Delina, Wild Mage, Storm-Kiln Artist, Reiterate, Reverberate, Wild Ricochet, Fury Storm, Karok Wrangler (extra good with the infinite combo spells like Fork), Worn Powerstone (gets Wort out on turn 4), Coalition Relic, Component Pouch, Nostalgic Dreams, Pir's Whim, Make a Wish, Rude Awakening

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