Coalhauler Swine

Creature — Boar Beast

Whenever Coalhauler Swine is dealt damage, it deals that much damage to each player.

Maverick_Titan on Imodane’s Flames

9 months ago

Coalhauler Swine Mogg Maniac Brash Taunter to become less dependent on opponent creatures

Quest for Pure Flame for continued double damage

carpecanum on Pyrohammer Dominance v1

10 months ago

Shivan Meteor would be funny. Even funnier if it hits Coalhauler Swine. Just make sure you don't double damage enough to kill yourself

seshiro_of_the_orochi on I don't know what's going on, but it is

1 year ago

This is a very cool list, I really like the idea here. I also have some suggestions for you:

Syr Carah, the Bold could be additional card draw for you. Passionate Archaeologist will be a constant source of damage. Tavern Brawler and Outpost Siege draw additional cards.

You already have Blazing Sunsteel + Brash Taunter/Stuffy Doll, so that's an infinite combo you can use to win. Coalhauler Swine is another "masochist" creature. Chain of Plasma can turn your hand into fuel, and the empty hand is something you could utilize via Ghirapur Orrery. One final creature to include is Stormwild Capridor.

Beebles on Hit Me Baby! | Akiri Damage Ricochet | V-MH3

3 years ago

Hey corndiggitydog

Thanks for dropping by! And glad you like the deck :). Let me go over your suggestions:

  • You are right those 2 combo’s are very strong and that adding more tutors to fetch those combos is the right thing to do if I want this deck to become more competitive. However, they are so powerful that I fear they will overshadow some of the more janky combos, for example with Wheel of Misfortune . Notice that I’m not running Helm of the Host for this reason. I prefer a play style where I don’t have such consistency in finding “the best” combo, so I can have fun exploring some of these other card interactions.
  • I fully agree Coalhauler Swine is slow and janky. I might do as you say later and swap it out for something leaner, but I want to at least play with it in a few games to try and pull off a combo with it ;).
  • I don’t fully follow what you say about Gideon's Sacrifice . That card and Saving Grace are basically the same card. Both are great to combine with any of the damage cards in the deck, from board wipes like Blasphemous Act to Wheel of Misfortune and Volcano Hellion . I do see now that Martyrdom allows me to redirect damage that would be dealt to permanents other than mine, which I glanced over before ;). But I disagree taking out Coalhauler Swine impacts the inclusion of Gideon's Sacrifice .

Thanks again for your comment and upvote!

king-saproling on

3 years ago

Looks good! These might interest you: Arcbond, Gideon's Sacrifice, Martyrdom, Sunforger, Saving Grace, Repercussion, Chandra's Ignition, Mogg Maniac, Spiteful Sliver, Truefire Captain, Coalhauler Swine, Vigor, Polyraptor, Rite of Passage, Cacophodon, Sporeweb Weaver.

Also I must disagree with gavriel1136 regarding Blazing Sunsteel since it can deal infinite damage with Stuffy Doll or an indestructible reckoner-type creature.

mitcho78 on

3 years ago

protection Hammer of Nazahn Darksteel Plate Shield of the Oversoul Indestructibility Timely Ward Bastion Protector Boros Charm Heroic Intervention Valorous Stance Inspiring Call Flawless Maneuver Deflecting Swat

wipe boad and boost yourself Subterranean Tremors Storm's Wrath Deafening Clarion Hammerfist Giant Fault Line Warmonger Starstorm Scourge of Kher Ridges Pyrohemia Chain Reaction Ryusei, the Falling Star Lavabrink Floodgates Into the Maw of Hell Shivan Meteor Star of Extinction Blasphemous Act Volcanic Offering

other fun card Coalhauler Swine

fighting for exemple Titanic Brawl Dromoka's Command Khalni Ambush  Flip Inscription of Abundance Ulvenwald Tracker

redirection Spitemare Boros Reckoner Rite of Passage Pariah's Shield Pariah

same effect Vigor Retaliator Griffin The Ozolith Phytohydra

get back monarch Soltari Visionary Zealot il-Vec Loyal Apprentice Lieutenant Kirtar Selfless Spirit Blinkmoth Nexus and all flying creature Academy Raider Haunted Cloak Shadowspear get trample Captain's Hook Cobbled Wings Pyreheart Wolf Trailblazer's Boots Frontier Warmonger Court of Ire Regal Behemoth and creature with trigger

boost and finish Pathbreaker Ibex Thunderfoot Baloth

become huge Inquisitor's Flail Solidarity of Heroes Hydra's Growth Invigorating Surge Furnace of Rath Kalonian Hydra Duelist's Heritage on yours creatures and on a creature attacking you

Block more or become blocked Bloodthirsty Blade and all goad Nemesis Mask Lure Brave the Sands can block 2 creatures with your commander Entangler Goblin Diplomats

juste some exemple, make a choice now :)

Flagellum on Deck concept: indestructible

3 years ago

There's also Darksteel Juggernaut if you plan to run quite a few artifacts.

I made a Tajic, Blade of the Legion indestructible/Worldslayer equipment deck with all the wraths/MLD cards in Boros. I used all of the equipment tutors and their associated support cards like Brass Squire, ect. It worked great but wouldn't say super competitive but if you get a MLD card off usually it would win. The wraths were just the clear the board for a Worldslayer swing and it wouldn't matter which indestructible critter was equipped. His Battalion trigger wasn't too hard to activate with all the indestructible critters on the field. Inquisitor's Flail is very one-sided here. (Tajic and His Dolls to old deck: note not updated in 4 years with plenty I would change)

There's also Boros Reckoner, Mogg Maniac, Spitemare, Truefire Captain, Coalhauler Swine (though prohibitive cost) that can be used for some fun. Not indestructible by any means but act like mini Repercussions. Funny to use Inquisitor's Flail with.

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