Cleaver Skaab

Creature — Zombie Horror

, , Sacrifice another Zombie: Create two tokens that are copies of the sacrificed creature.

HatchMichael18 on The Scarab God

1 year ago

good deck buddy i suggest Faces of the Past because Cleaver Skaab with Grave Titan and Ashnod's Altar you get infinite colorless mana then create infinite Gray Merchant of Asphodel :) you know me with infinite combos.

Yokaiinu on Zombie help

1 year ago

Zombies are honestly one of my favorite tribes.

If it's not too much power for your playgroup, consider a decent sac outlet and Gravecrawler. It can add very nice synergies when you cast it, including infinite combos with the precon included Rooftop Storm, Diregraf Colossus, and Diregraf Captain. All around a great Zombie card for death triggers, Zombie cast triggers etc.

I honestly wouldn't focus too much on the mill aspect. Instead, focus on creatures, tokens and protection for those things. Cheap counterspells go a long way. With things like Endless Ranks of the Dead and Diregraf Colossus, creating bodies is a breeze usually. Though this is just stuff from the precon. The precon by itself is a great starting point. Cleaver Skaab can create an extra Diregraf Captain or Diregraf Colossus which nets value, threat and board presence in one move. Graf Harvest is an amazing Zombie card to keep opponents wary of you. DeathBaron solidifies an offensive position for you. A nice little combo from the precon to consider is Cleaver Skaab + Gisa and Geralf . This let's you make cheeky tokens of the same non-token Zombie multiple times. Great use on Colossus, Deathbaron, Cemetery Reaper, Captain or other important zombies. Even better on Fleshbag Marauder.

I think that's all I got right now. I have the precon and a mono black Zombie deck on my profile if you want to check them out. The precon will soon be an upgraded version.

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