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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Red spells cost more to cast.

SufferFromEDHD on Any Color You Like

9 months ago

Collective Restraint my favorite pillow fort card but this is out of place in a mono colored deck. Chill or Wrath of Marit Lage are on theme alternatives.

legendofa on I See Your True Colours

1 year ago

Nice deck! I have one in . If you need a lot of red hate, Chill and Douse are two more good options. Merchant Scroll and Mystical Tutor can help find your color shift cards. (I'm assuming a moderate budget, since I see cards like Sapphire Medallion and Rhystic Study in here.)

th3d1v1n35h4d0w on Purchase list - delete later

2 years ago

legendofa on Color Shift

2 years ago

goodair Since it's a slow and stax-ish deck, start by keeping yourself alive and active with stuff like Chill and Insight. Once you're stable (or people ignore you enough), start focusing on individual threats (Northern Paladin and friends) and working toward full locks with Glaciers and similar effects. Keep spamming the Glamerdye and Whim of Volrath as needed, and you got yourself a game.

People either ignore it because it's not affecting their colors yet, hate it out because it does or will affect their colors, or try to get someone else to hate it out because they're in a lock.

The best advice I have for this deck is to keep good notes. Literally write down anytime you hack a color.

Sumradagnoth on Llawan Stax

4 years ago

mynameisfifi tbh I wasnt sold on Shifting Sky/Wash Out either, but just making a list of things to consider.

A more interesting include I stumbled on is Chill, and more likely Douse (which would give reason to stick Trait Doctoring back in (although this may step on the toes of the Counterbalance engine a bit).

m_to_the_three on Anti Red

4 years ago

Conversion , Volcanic Eruption , and Glaciers to mess with his mountains.

Flash Flood and Flashfreeze for red removal.

Surge of Righteousness to get rid of red creatures.

Chill to tax red cards.

Baleful Stare to draw a lot of cards.

Teferi's Moat name red for ultimate protection. Harsh Judgment for more red protection.

don't forgot some neutral cards like Path to Exile , Swords to Plowshares , and Grasp of Fate just in case you aren't playing against red guys. If you want to keep the theme of color hose, Mana Maze and Drought are fun.

Finally, if you want to drop 400 dollars against your friend. Invoke Prejudice .

I hope that helps.

SideBae on BragoSTAX

4 years ago

Hey man! I got a few suggestions:

  1. Vintage Xerox-style cards are very powerful in EDH. Ponder and Preordain belong in pretty much any blue deck, and Brainstorm is good if you put in three or four more fetch lands to prevent yourself from getting Brainstorm -locked. Between them, these three will make sure you get to what you need and past what you don't; they may not look good, but they're busted. Some fetches (outside the Zendikar/Onslaught cycles) to consider: Grasslands , Flood Plain , Bad River (which will all grab your Hallowed Fountain and Prairie Stream ), Evolving Wilds , Prismatic Vista , etc.

  2. Swords to Plowshares is the best spot-removal in the game... I suggest running it, even though I'm generally against one-for-ones in EDH as usually they're simply not efficient enough; however, Swords to Plowshares is one mana, does not ramp your opponent like Path to Exile , and a single one-for-one is alright.

  3. Narset, Parter of Veils is an EXCELLENT card I see you're running. Consider universal mass-draw to accompany her: Timetwister is the best, but as it costs the same as a used car, Windfall is a much more common option.

  4. You've got a good amount of artifact ramp, but there're some other rocks you should consider. Talisman of Progress is a really good two-mana mana-rock you should consider, and Voltaic Key / Manifold Key pair well with your Mana Vault and Basalt Monolith . Even if your general is flickering the vault so it enters untaps, the keys will make two additional mana.

  5. Whir of Invention is an artifact-tutor to consider. If you have access, Transmute Artifact and Reshape are also great. These will get whatever Stax piece you need, or, more likely, find your Isochron Scepter if you have Dramatic Reversal in hand.

  6. Silence is a good form of combo-protection. On the turn you want to go off, it can be difficult to ensure that you're not facing any counter magic. Silence is a must-counter that you can use to blank an opponent's turn if necessary.

  7. There are some other flicker-able cards in your colors you should consider. Watcher for Tomorrow is a good way to Impulse every time you trigger your general. Rishadan Cutpurse is similar to your Rishadan Footpad , though being less mana to cast is significant; since Rishadan Footpad is four mana, it'll be competing with your general to be cast. I'm not sure if it's quite good enough for a final list, but I've seen Ichor Wellspring in a lot of Brago lists. If you choose to run snow-covered basics, Arcum's Astrolabe seems straight better than the wellspring. Finally, Snapcaster Mage can be BUSTED if you have the funds to get ahold of it.

  8. I see you have the Archaeomancer + Temporal Manipulation loop. Have you considered Savor the Moment instead of Temporal Manipulation ? If you flicker your general and three mana in rocks, you can pull off the loop with less mana (your general untaps the mana and himself).

  9. Depending on your meta, Devout Lightcaster seems like a pretty busted flicker target. Similarly, consider Chill , Sphere of Law and Tidal Control .

Good luck! Hope this helps.

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