Chart a Course

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Chart a Course


Draw two cards. Then discard a card unless you attacked with a creature this turn.

keizerbuns on Unstoppable Oil Drip

2 months ago

Interesting deck, it looks like fun!

I'm curious though, what is the purpose of Pilfered Plans in your deck? It doesn't seem like your deck has any synergies with milling your opponent. If the goal is just to draw some cards then you could achieve that for a lower cost using something like Chart a Course.

I do also have some other suggestions for you if you want to use them.

Blink of an Eye is a strictly better version of Leave in the Dust and it lowers your mana curve. Serum Snare is also a good replacement since it synergizes better with your poison counter game plan.

Prophetic Prism is an alright card for more card draw, but it doesn't help you mana ramp, and is more for color fixing, which is something your deck doesn't seem like it needs. Instead, you could use something like Mind Stone as a cheap way to mana ramp while also giving you the option to draw a card later if you need it.

And Slither Blade is a strictly better version of both Triton Shorestalker and Mist-Cloaked Herald, I would suggest putting Slither up to a full set of 4 and cutting one copy of either of the other two.

Crow_Umbra on This is the Rhythm of the Knight

5 months ago

Esos son Reebok o son Nike?

Cool deck! A few quick thoughts:

  • You seem kinda light on draw, at 5. Might be helpful to consider stuff like Night's Whisper, Chart a Course, & Mystic Remora. I get you have multiple tutors, but some of these quick bursts can still be helpful, & are harder to interact with than your other draw enchantments that just sit there.

  • Plumb the Forbidden is one of my favorite draw pieces that I mostly use in aggro decks as a response to board wipes.

  • If you're open to Universes Beyond stuff, Guardian of Faith & Minas Tirith might be worth considering.

NonetheWeisser on Exorcise This

7 months ago

Instead of dropping creatures, you could also ditch the 2 Chart a Course. You already have enough draw/scry with Preordain

chrisdiesch on Emrakul cheat, oh wait, spirit token/tribal?

9 months ago

I haven't played with this deck much and it's honestly built with cards I already had, but I have Chart a Course so I have someway to get rid of Emrakul, the Aeons Torn if I end up drawing into it. I will definitely be adding more lands though, since I think you are right, 20 is probably a little low.

wallisface on Emrakul cheat, oh wait, spirit token/tribal?

9 months ago

I like the concept. My big concern is that 20 lands feels really low for either strategy - I’d suggest going up to at least 23.

Intangible Virtue isn’t really doing much for you, so i’d be dropping those for lands.

Outside of that i’d suggest swapping Chart a Course and Sleight of Hand for Preordain and Opt.

king-saproling on

10 months ago

Personally I would make these swaps:

Exalted Flamer of Tzeentch -> Ruby Medallion
Necropotence -> Syr Carah, the Bold
Rhystic Study -> Spellweaver Helix
Jeweled Lotus -> Reckless Barbarian
Mox Amber -> Cheering Fanatic
Firebrand Archer -> Chart a Course
Dimir Signet -> Sign in Blood
Chromatic Lantern -> Ancestral Vision
Talisman of Dominance -> Knollspine Dragon
Vampiric Tutor -> Niv-Mizzet, Parun
Thought Vessel -> Thrumming Stone
Faithless Looting, Toxic Deluge, Wheel of Misfortune, An Offer You Can't Refuse, Negate, Mana Drain, Chaos Warp, Deadly Rollick, Deflecting Swat, Pongify, Teminate, Stubborn Denial, Lightning Greaves -> 13x Dragon's Approach

kimosabe on Izzet Instants and Sorceries

2 years ago

Hello. I'm Considering ways to fill your graveyard up faster since you run Enigma Drake and Crackling Drake.

Instead of Opt replace with Consider

Instead of Divination consider Hieroglyphic Illumination

Instead of Chart a Course consider Curate

Unexplained Disappearance and Sweltering Suns are both interesting as well.

Masonpotato on Shorikai cEDH Engine

2 years ago

intruder alarm could definitely work in here, but I don't have it because I think the deck wins faster with polymorphing the pilot, BUT in a grindier meta I could absolutely see it working well as a repeatable 1 mana Chart a Course, that helps crew Shorikai for the win. I'll put it in the maybe-board and change the desciption. thanks so much for the suggestion!

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