
World Enchantment

Creatures with flying have "This creature can't block creatures without flying."

Creatures without flying have reach. (They can block creatures with flying.)

CardTyrant on Ixalan Park

5 months ago

Profet93 Thank you for the questions and upvote. :D

To answer the question about drawing, I don't have an issue with gas so much since most of my dinosaurs have high mana costs. I don't really have a huge issue with drawing cards, but if I draw a dinosaur, Gishath cannot call on them later on because they are in my hand. The deck really revolves around Gishath and his ability to call on others when he deals damage. I have considered adding cards that allow me to return a card to the deck to draw a card. IF I get a second Rishkar's Expertise, I will be adding it to the deck in the near future.

Forbidden Orchard can be cut, I just haven't gotten around to it. A 1/1 spirit really isn't a threat to my deck as this deck has slowly become a dinosaur trample deck. So I can use the 1/1 spirit as a political tool if anything.

Yavimaya Hollow is an interesting suggestion. I tend to overlook 'regenerate' cards, just because it's not as used anymore, but I might switch out Orchard for the Hollow.

livingrock That is funny, having Gishath summon itself with Noxious Revival. However, since I play the deck almost entirely against my wife 1v1, she knows to block Gishath to where I can't get even a single card with its ability. I'm sure my LGS playgroup (if I ever get one) will also figure that trick out really fast since I almost always play dinos. Chaosphere is such a good card! My wife ran one in her planeswalker deck, even though I only have one deck that flies. If she ever takes the deck apart, that is one of two cards I have been eyeing.

Crow_Umbra Thanks for trying to get me there, but even if I did get there, I want more. I really like the fact that I've made a deck on TappedOut that people voted to the top of the list. It is something I brag about and am really proud of.

livingrock on Ixalan Park

1 year ago

Don't forget Noxious Revival. If Gishath trades, but does at least 1 damage, you can put her in the graveyard, then top of your library before her triggered ability goes off, so she comes back onto the battlefield. Also I get a lot of mileage out of Chaosphere since dinos don't have a lot of fliers.

Vessiliana on Lovisa's Horde EDH

1 year ago

If you find yourself having issues with flyers, have you considered Chaosphere? It turns flying into a hindrance and lets your warriors swing in!

discipleofgary73 on Yurlok, Enchantress Group Slug

2 years ago

What a great approach to slug! It's always great to see the return of mana burn haha.
If you're feeling like adding a real sucker punch, Spreading Plague + Darkest Hour could be fun, especially with elephant grass already in your mainboard. Shiny Impetus might also be worthwhile, depending on the group. Even more defense-focused could be Chaosphere. Decimate is decent spot removal. Defense of the Heart has never done me wrong, and can be helpful getting some creature-based ramp or card draw out. I could also see a place for Seizan, Perverter of Truth and Mirage Mirror, but maybe not more than what you already have in. And one final suggestion - Mirri's Guile is always nice

discipleofgary73 on PURPHOROS!(work in progress)

3 years ago

I always find that monored EDH decks tend to have an issue getting enough cards in hand. I could see that being an issue here, especially with the "free" play abilities you have in! Some things that could help are cards like Fire Prophecy , Stolen Strategy , Faithless Looting , Jeska's Will , Cavalier of Flame , Mask of Memory , Neheb, Dreadhoard Champion, and Valakut Exploration .
Some non-creature cards that might have good synergy for the deck are Commander's Plate , Skullclamp , Whispersilk Cloak , Worldslayer , Embercleave , Mirage Mirror , Aggravated Assault , Gratuitous Violence , Chaosphere , and Sorrow's Path .
Some other creatures that could help are Breaker of Armies , Void Winnower , Marton Stromgald , Urabrask the Hidden , Legion Loyalist , Hellkite Charger , Flamerush Rider , Torbran, Thane of Red Fell , Soulbright Flamekin , and Siege Dragon . Also, any eldrazi if you wanna be that mean, especially the original set with annihilator.
The sacrifice clause on Purphoros can also have some fun opportunity, especially with cards like Blood Aspirant , Mycosynth Wellspring , and Ancient Stone Idol .
Oh! And if you do end up with that many mountains, Jaws of Stone , Landslide , Spawn of Thraxes , and Spire Barrage , could all be ridiculously powerful late-game!
Happy building!!!

Jack-Frost on Omnath Locus of Nava

3 years ago

Actually, a fun card that might help with the flying issue is Chaosphere. It flips everything on its head and

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