Chaos Warp

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Chaos Warp


The owner of target permanent shuffles it into their library, then reveals the top card of their library. If it's a permanent card, they put it onto the battlefield.

Last_Laugh on Marchesa the Black Rose - Sacrifices must be made!

1 week ago

Not a bad start, but I do have several suggestions for you. I'll keep things budget friendly and break it down by category.

Finisher: Gray Merchant of Asphodel will end games. With alternate sources of +1+1 counters the lifegain doesn't matter at all. Even with an expensive Marchesa build, this is my #1 go-to finisher.

Alternate +1+1 Counter Sources: Vigean Graftmage is really good here. It comes down before and immediately protects Marchesa and it's 2 free sacs on each player's turn (itself plus 1 other). Sage of Fables likewise immediately protects Marchesa and allows you to abuse any wizard etb/death triggers every turn. Unspeakable Symbol is one you use in response to removal targeting anything without a counter (don't proactively put counters on everyone).

Card Draw: Grim Haruspex is easily your 2nd best draw engine here behind Danny Pink. Liliana's Standard Bearer will draw cards for everything that died the turn Marchesa returns it. Plumb the Forbidden helps you dodge non-destroy wraths (instant speed and pseudo dodging counterspells makes this card). Lethal Scheme helps you surprise protect up to 4 creatures without counters without tapping lands and to remove a creature while drawing some cards.

Enchantment Removal: Cards like Solemnity and Rest in Peace are the bane of Marchesa. Don't get caught with your pants down... Chaos Warp, Feed the Swarm, and Canoptek Tomb Sentinel are your only 3 realistic options and ALL 3 deserve spots.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas, I've had her built for about 9 years straight now so if you have any question, shoot. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated (especially Marchesa since it'd be upvote #200 lol). Every Masochist Needs a Marchesa to Love Them

Last_Laugh on Marchesa, the Black Rose

2 weeks ago

This is a good start, but I have several suggestions for you. I'll keep things budget friendly, break it down by card function, and if you'd like I can help suggest some cuts too.

Enchantment Removal: So you don't get caught with your pants down against effects like Solemnity/Rest in Peace. Feed the Swarm, Chaos Warp, and Canoptek Tomb Sentinel all deserve spots.

Alternate +1+1 Counter Sources: Sage of Fables/Vigean Graftmage come down before and immediately protect Marchesa. Sage let's you abuse any other wizard etb/death triggers every turn and Vigean allows you to abuse any 1 etb/death trigger (itself plus 1 other). Spark Double either copies Marchesa so they protect your board better and give double Dethrone triggers or it copies your best etb/death trigger every turn. Thran Vigil only works on your turn but works wonders here. Anduril, Narsil Reforged/Metallic Mimic are also great options but aren't as budget friendly (just sac Mimic to rename a creature type to whatever is most abuseable the time).

Card Draw: Danny Pink is a little more expensive but is absolutely nuts here. Lethal Scheme is card draw and surprise protection for anything without counters. Plumb the Forbidden in response to most non-destroy wraths will win games.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas. I run the same etb/death trigger abuse strat and have had Marchesa built for about 9 years now so if you have any questions, shoot. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated (especially since it'd be upvote #200!). Every Masochist Needs a Marchesa to Love Them

plakjekaas on How Are Red, Black, and …

3 weeks ago

White is an enchantment color, so by your reasoning, red and black, white's enemies, should be able to deal with enchantments? Yet I've seen you ask in a similar topic how Chaos Warp is a color pie break and why are people ok with that, specifically because it deals with enchantments.

If every color would be able to deal with every problem every other color can pose, there would be no need for a color pie. So anything a spell does that its colors aren't supposed to do, MaRo will call a color pie break.

Last_Laugh on Marchesa, the Black Rose

2 months ago

I have several suggestions for you. I'll keep things budget friendly and if you're picking up what I'm putting down, I can also help suggest some cuts.

First off is enchantment removal. There's hardly any options in th5ese colors but I recommend running all 3 so problematic enchantments like Solemnity or Rest in Peace don't wreck your day. Chaos Warp, Feed the Swarm, and Canoptek Tomb Sentinel are all budget friendly and worth their weight in gold here. Another good boardwipe here is Last One Standing.

I don't really do theft in my Marchesa list, but Gisa, Glorious Resurrector is the exception and holy crap does she put in some dirty work.

Next is card draw. Liliana's Standard Bearer, Lethal Scheme, Plumb the Forbidden, and Sage of Fables are all good budget options here. Sage will also come down before Marchesa and immediately give her or any other wizards you run a +1+1 counter. Plumb in response to boardwipes or right before your turn will refill your grip (instant speed and pseudo dodging counterspells makes this card). Also, Danny Pink's price has been sloooowly climbing but it's a very real possibility you'll find one in your LGS dollar binder and omg is this thing absolutely nuts!

On the subject of alternate sources of +1+1 counters... Thran Vigil only works on your turn but it'll get new counters on anything you stole and sac'ed on your turn. Vigean Graftmage let's you sac 2 creatures on everyone's turn (itself + whatever) to abuse etb/death triggers like Gray Merchant of Asphodel or even Grim Haruspex card draw. Spark Double I guess falls into this category and copies either Marchesa for double Dethrone or whatever your meanest etb/death trigger is at the time.

I'm also guessing Rakdos Locket was supposed to be Rakdos Signet.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas. It's far from budget friendly overall but I run everything I recommended. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Every Masochist Needs a Marchesa to Love Them

Crow_Umbra on Shanghai Dawn - Obeka, Splitter of Seconds

3 months ago

Definitely one of the cooler new commander options out of Thunder Junction. I'm pretty interested in seeing the variety of Obeka build variants we will be getting.

Your deck looks pretty fun! The only suggestions I have are in regards to your removal/interaction. You seem pretty light beyond the counterspells. Slots are at a premium, but Feed the Swarm and Chaos Warp might be worth keeping in your back pocket, since Grixis can have a hard time dealing with Enchantments, aside from countering them.

legendofa on Should Color Pie Breaks Be …

3 months ago

I don't think blue land destruction + mass damage or green flying on demand is going to be reprinted any time soon.

Mass banning shouldn't be the way to go. The distinction between almost off-color and actually off-color is very thin and fuzzy. Ambush Viper is a classic example. Every individual part of the card is solidly available in green, but together they become very similar to a mono-black card. Is this a ban-worthy break? Dawn Charm is a hard counterspell in white, but it's a natural extension of the self-protection that white excels at. Is this ban-worthy? Thinking about that, about half of Planar Chaos and Future Sight would be under consideration for banning. Is it worth it to ban big chunks of entire blocks in all formats?

Reprints are okay, in my opinion. Chaos Warp is a good but not great card in a vacuum. The only thing notable about it is that it can temporarily remove a single enchantment. I think the idea that new players will think these are standard and typical effects won't happen as much as these people are claiming. Either a more experienced player can say "Yeah, that's a weird effect and not something that normally happens," or the new player simply collects more cards and notices that, for example, black is much better at forcing discards than white.

If you can pull together a full red-green counterspell deck from reprints, I say go for it. It's going to be less efficient than other red-green decks and other counterspell decks, but if style points are more important than winning, that should be a valid option.

Of course, I don't encourage printing new breaks. But for cards that already exist, I don't see any realistic long-term harm in keeping them in circulation.

ThassaUpYo@ssa on Chasm and Depths Protection

4 months ago


Chaos Warp takes care of any problem with the minor drawback of having your opponent getting something out that could potentially be as bad or worse - maybe even the same card but that's very, very rare. Point taken on Noble Hierarch.

The deck looks fun to play, especially given you've been building it up from your LGS. Happy brewing!

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