Chandra's Incinerator

Creature — Elemental

This spell costs less to cast, where X is the total amount of noncombat damage dealt to your opponents this turn.


Whenever a source you control deals noncombat damage to an opponent, Chandra's Incinerator deals that much damage to target creature or planeswalker that player controls.

plakjekaas on Budget Mono Red Burn

3 months ago

If Chandra's Incinerator is your plan, I'd suggest adding Seal of Fire. T1 seal of fire into turn 2 crack it, and cast Skewer the Critics for a turn 2 Chandra's Incinerator. You already have Rift Bolt to enable the t2 Incinerator, but redundancy is key ;)

Seal of Fire also enables Light Up the Stage very well, to help out with casting your spells before combat, so you get maximum advantage out of prowess on your Monastery Swiftspear.

Edit - sniped a bit ^^

wallisface on Budget Mono Red Burn

3 months ago

You probably want to be playing Seal of Fire so that you can more reliably cast Chandra's Incinerator on turn 2.

Personally i’d ditch all the Light Up the Stage - they’re a bit to clumsy for burn decks

NibbaJ on EDH Burntron

6 months ago

Toralf, God of Fury  Flip works as ok equipment if you can't combo it with Chandra's Incinerator, plus can be recalled when u find it.

NV_1980 on burn

7 months ago

This looks ok, for the most part. I play-tested it a few times to see how it would run. Based on that, I think it needs some more lands or some more (cheap) mana rocks (or both). I had to mulligan quite often in order to get a good starting hand of cards. Also, the deck needs some more card-advantage resources. Maybe Mind's Eye or War Room could help out on this front.

Other additions worth considering would be Firebrand Archer, Harsh Mentor and definitely Chandra's Incinerator.

legendofa on Brian Stacks' Pyromancy (E)

1 year ago

Gapping these comments a year at a time...

The deck is very reliant on playing specific cards in a specific order. My thought is that Chandra's Incinerator is a backup to AEther Flash, since it keeps dealing damage to the opponent as long as the opponent has creatures. It shouldn't be cast (or needed) if you have a ÆFlash out, but it could add a layer of redundancy and reduce reliance on one specific play pattern.

Hybrow on The Fat Red Line - Purphoros EDH

1 year ago

Thanks again Abaques ... Chandra's Incinerator has been an absolute god the few times it has come out... has helped me control the board quite nicely.. Now my friends are killing it on sight.

Profet93 ... Reiterate might be a nice consideration.. i could replace Reverberate and see how it does. I will say, that the unlimited mana option is probably not that viable. I don't generally have 11 mana available (5 for geyser, 3 for reiterate, 3 for buyback). And if we get to that stage I have probably already cleared my hand and am the target of everyone and out of options. This deck has a pretty low mana curve and games generally dont last that long one way or the other when i play it :)

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