Chandra, Dressed to Kill

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Chandra, Dressed to Kill

Legendary Planeswalker — Chandra

+1: Add . This deals 1 damage to up to one target player or planeswalker.

+1: Exile the top card of your library. If it's red, you may cast it this turn.

-7: Exile the top five cards of your library. You may cast red spells from among them this turn. You get an emblem with "Whenever you cast a red spell, this emblem deals X damage to target creature, player or planeswalker, where X is the amount of mana spent to cast that spell."

wallisface on The Party Pyromaniac

1 month ago

Some thoughts:

Jimmithee on Disco Inferno (Burn, Baby, Burn)

5 months ago

I was half-expecting Chandra, Dressed to Kill to be in here somewhere...

Icbrgr on Boros Burn

10 months ago

Another possible 3MV card I've been considering has been Chandra, Dressed to Kill... the idea is that is your mana flooded and pay on turn 3 her first +1 can ping for 1 damage and provide a for casting a Lightning Bolt/similar and if out of gas possibly use her second +1 to just get that last burn spell... might not be worth it but thought I would bounce the idea off a fellow 2023 burn player.

Icbrgr on Favorite mtg art

11 months ago

I never get tired of threads like this... the artwork is one of my favorite things about this game; even when I was a child and had no clue how to play I used to love looking through my older brothers rubber banded together cards and just look at them... Memory Lapse always intrigued me for some reason.

Now as an adult I tend to get drawn into art for 3 main reasons

In recent sets I think my favorite would probably be Chandra, Dressed to Kill... it's my first alternate/borderless art that I've ever picked up and I'm pretty fond of it.

Xica on Chandra or Blood Moon?

1 year ago

I have to point out that Chandra, Torch of Defiance is not what she used to be.

In my estimation she was up there head to head Jace, the Mind Sculptor as the most powerful walker at 4 mana. Then planswalker targeting rules got "errata-ed".

Before the errata, her 1st ability (like all damage aimed at players) could be redirected to hit walkers - which couldn't be targeted by damage spell, instead you had to redirect the damage you aimed at the player controlling the walker.

As such Chandra, Dressed to Kill is "THE" red planeswalker.

In regards to Blood Moon i would say that its likely to become more and more powerful, as effective zero deckbuilding cost domain decks are likely to become more and more common due to cards like Prismatic Ending & Leyline Binding. Which make things like aspiring spike's self mill combo borderline immune to hate.
I would also like to note, that said deck is likely to become the Tier0,5 to Tier0 format warping force. Free counters + t3feri + 2 playset of universal removal + instant win?
...i have hard time immaginig hate cards that could work.

Yes, blood moon is not an auto win.
However it delays your opponent enough to give you a fighting chance.

legendofa on The Pain of Red Fell

2 years ago

What do you think about switching Chandra, Pyromaster for Chandra, Dressed to Kill? Lower mana cost, similar effects, but you lose the creature damage from this source.

ThisIsMyAccount on Mono Red Prowess

2 years ago

Just my opinion but I think the sideboard could be tuned a bit better. So, Leyline of the Void is a good card and everything, but because you don't have any looting/discard effects you just can't afford to draw it. I would run 3 Surgical Extraction or Tormod's Crypt instead because it isn't a dead draw and will activate prowess effects on your creatures. Then, Magus of the Moon can be 3 Blood Moon instead because playing the noncreature will activate prowess. With 2 extra cards in the sideboard now I would say cut a Kozilek's Return for 3 Dragon's Claw. Finally, Chandra, Dressed to Kill is good in those more grindy matchups but I feel like Shrine of Burning Rage would be better in that situation but also Roiling Vortex is something to be highly considered just because of the current modern META.

For the flex slots, all I can say is that 2-3 Bedlam Reveler seems to be fairly standard for prowess, but its up to you if you want to get experimental with it :)

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