Cast Through Time


Instant and sorcery spells you control have rebound. (Exile the spell as it resolves if you cast it from your hand. At the beginning of your next upkeep, you may cast that card from exile without paying its mana cost.)

ILuvMtg on

1 year ago

Alright, here’s some suggestions.

Enter the Infinite + Omniscience. I can’t imagine my deck without it. Also add the slow fetch lands like Mountain Valley, etc. Cast Through Time and Lightning Greaves are a couple more.

ILuvMtg on G.I. Jo(dah)

1 year ago

Jodah is my favorite commander, so I kind of have a thing for giving feedback on other peoples Jodah decks.

First, Enter the Infinite. With Omniscience, it wins the game. My other suggestions are Sunbird's Invocation, Cast Through Time, Swarm Intelligence, Lurking Predators, Chromatic Lantern,Swiftfoot Boots and Lightning Greaves, (both are must-haves), Progenitus, Sphinx of the Second Sun, and Faeburrow Elder. I’ll stop now because at this point I’m basically just listing off all of the cards that I have in my deck that you don’t.

You can check out my Woah, where did THAT come from? Jodah deck if you want some more ideas.

Good luck!

zapyourtumor on modern resurgent belief

2 years ago

With some testing I found that discarding omniscience is kind of inconsistent. Idyllic Tutor also felt bad since even if you tutor up omniscience you need to have a discard outlet for it too. If you run Idyllic I'd probably go up to 4, and then include some additional 1 of enchantments like one thats a discard outlet and one that lets you tutor up a sorcery (i.e. when you have omniscience on the field and idyllic in hand and you want enter the infinite).

Ok back from scryfall hunting. Finding a good discard outlet thats 3+ cmc was hard, but I think Oath of Jace is the best one.

There is no enchantment that lets us tutor up enter the infinite if we have idyllic tutor in hand and omniscience on the field. The best alternative would be to tutor up a fat enchantment to cost for free (or you can use Oath of Jace to dig for Enter the Infinite). The best one I could find are Cast Through Time which generates a ton of value and generally would let you dig for an Enter within a turn. Maybe Kiora Bests the Sea God. Another funny option is Fall of the Thran since we literally don't care about lands at all with Omniscience but thats probably too cute.

abby315 on Riku! Reku! Rikoo!

3 years ago

Here are my picks for weakest cards, without much justification except that for the most part I don't see them doing anything important with Riku, too expensive for what they do, or are too specific:

Spore Frog
Animist's Awakening
Desperate Ritual
Reshape the Earth
Sakura-Tribe Scout
Savage Ventmaw
Seething Song
Sunbird's Invocation
Pull from the Deep Volcanic Vision
Wild Ricochet
Hazoret's Undying Fury
Surrak Dragonclaw
Swarm Intelligence
Dual Casting
Volcanic Torrent
Decimate (since you need all legal targets, it can be awk to cascade into this one)
Amulet of Vigor
Trinket Mage
Murkfiend Liege
Wort, the Raidmother
Mana Reflection
Genesis Ultimatum
Cast Through Time

And I'm also recommending cutting all of your X spells that can be hit and missed with Cascade: Electrodominance
Genesis Wave

However, I'll echo what another commenter said in that cascade doesn't interact with Riku all that much. I mean, you can copy the permanents or spells cast off of Cascade, but you can't meaningfully copy the Cascade cards. You could choose to cut the Cascade package instead. It's up to you and what you want to play.

So that's my first evil pass at 30 cuts. :)

Massacar on Riku! Reku! Rikoo!

3 years ago

Personal opinions on what to cut, feel free to completely ignore or disagree with anything/everything. I tend to construct lower curve decks, so I know that's a bit different.

Cut: Reshape the Earth , It's super expensive and while it can definitely be used to help thin out lands from your deck in the late game it will also act as a dead draw for quite a while. With all this other ramp you're packing it feels superfluous.

Search for Tomorrow , there are better 3 cost basic land fetches if that's what you're using it for.

Peregrine Drake , if you aren't running this with a combo piece like Deadeye Navigator I personally wouldn't include it. I understand cloning it on ETB could net you a +3 mana advantage on that turn, but it seems a little cumbersome to be worth it to me.

You have other ramp pieces I would probably cut, but it would depend on what other pieces throughout the deck you decide to keep etc.

Cast Through Time , I don't think it's worth the CMC for the number of Instants and Sorceries you run considering this isn't spellslinger/storm.

Hazoret's Undying Fury not worth it for it's CMC and downside. This would be best cut, or just replaced with an Escape to the Wilds .

Mizzix's Mastery / Magus of the Mind I would cut them for the same reasons, that this deck isn't super spellslinger/storm and that the spots could be better used.

Pull from the Deep , it's fine, but meh.

Volcanic Vision , to me it's CMC is too high for what it brings to the table.

Those are my cuts for now, but I'm going to second Omniscience_is_life in suggesting you add Tatyova, Benthic Druid and The Great Henge , as well as suggest Elixir of Immortality as a general utility recursion card.

smleger on Kess Spellslinger

4 years ago

I have made a kess deck before, and a few good cards I put in include Jaya Ballard, Ral, Izzet Viceroy, Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge, and Cast Through Time

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