Capricious Efreet

Creature — Efreet

At the beginning of your upkeep, choose target nonland permanent you control and up to two target nonland permanents you don't control. Destroy one of them at random.

SirHipHopHippo on "At the beginning of your upkeep" Tribal

3 years ago

Gontilordofmtg Thanks for commenting! I feel the life gain card are pretty important in this deck as Phyrexian Arena, Bitterblossom, Ancient Tomb, City of Brass, Mana Confluence, Spire of Industry, and Tarnished Citadel all do damage to me or make me lose life, and having that life gain cushion is important.

As for removal, a friend of mine always says "A fun commander deck is all questions and no answers", so all of my decks tend to just be very selfish and try to get ahead as quick as possible rather than worrying about other players decks.

However, I do have two ways of removing things, Capricious Efreet and also Dominus of Fealty + World Queller let me do this fun thing where I take any permanent and then immediately sacrifice what I took with the World Queller trigger.

I've considered adding the red siege enchantment, but I typically rely on Golos and hardly cast cards from my hand, nor top of the deck.

DragonSliver9001 on Mono-Red answer for Stony silence?

3 years ago

Relic of Progenitus is a sideboard card, and unless you have some infinite combo for Pyrite Spellbomb, there are better cards you could run that do the same thing.

MagicMarc: sorry man but all those suggestions are just way too prohibitively expensive for modern. you'll almost never see a cmc 5+ card outside of big mana decks like tron or titan, with the exceptions being cards that can be cheated into play. Capricious Efreet doesn't do anything until turn 7, and has a minimum 33% chance (or possibly 50% chance) to destroy your own permanent.

MagicMarc on Mono-Red answer for Stony silence?

3 years ago

I have a few more outside the box suggestions.

If you are staying mono-red there are still some more modern answers that fit more readily into your deck.

You could sideboard in Capricious Efreet. Its a little pricey but gives you an attacker/defender that at some point is going to kill your opponent's stuff.

Speaking of attackers, no one has mentioned using attacks to get rid of the enchantment with stuff like; Argentum Armor which is decent or worse, Worldslayer.

I also did not see if these were mentioned; Ugin, the Ineffable can do the job or even Meteor Golem.

Or ultimately, any creature with annihilator, like, Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre.

They are all high mana cost but coming out of your sideboard for games versus the Stony Silence deck are viable options and most of them do not hurt the rest of your deck's playability.

SirHipHopHippo on "At the beginning of your upkeep" Tribal

3 years ago

King_marchesa I have, it's a great card. I'm not sure what I would even take out. I've also been wanting to add Capricious Efreet.

WizardOfTheNorthernCoast on Help me get to 100 …

5 years ago

BS-T Hey thanks for your comment! Here are the choices I made based on your recommandations :

Capricious Efreet stays because it's chaos so it's fun and it's one of the few ways I have to interact with PW and enchantments.

Chandra's Phoenix : out. I like the card but cuts need to be made.

Flametongue Kavu : out. Good card but I'd prefer to do something else at 4 mana.

Goblin Chainwhirler stays because a 3/3 first striker for 3 is decent, it can net me mana depending on how many players we are and it has the potential to remove pesky tokens.

Molten Primordial : out. CMC too high for an unreliable ETB trigger.

Zealous Conscripts : out. I love the card and the potential to take and ultimate a PW, but that's actually a 3/3 haste for 5, so idk.

Chandra, Pyromaster stays because she's card advantage on a budget PW so that's pretty cool :)

Chain Lightning : out.

Seething Song stays because it's typical of red and allows me to have Neheb, the Eternal out T2 with a T1 Mountain + Sol Ring. If I one day decide to put in Simian Spirit Guide, I open the door to a potential T1 Neheb :)

Crystal Ball : out. It was initially there to avoid me having crappy hands over time, but I guess Orrery will do the job better.

BS-T on Help me get to 100 …

5 years ago

This is all stuff I'd consider trim-worthy, mostly just because they are not impactful enough either in the format or in comparison to something else you're already playing:

Capricious Efreet

Chandra's Phoenix

Flametongue Kavu

Goblin Chainwhirler

Molten Primordial

Zealous Conscripts - without Kiki?

Chandra, Pyromaster

Chain Lightning

Seething Song

Crystal Ball

Gidgetimer on Does card:Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire's …

5 years ago

If it uses the word target at all it targets. The specific phrase "choose target" is in the Oricle text of 59 cards. It is used when a single effect performs multiple actions using the same set of targets (Capricious Efreet, Confiscation Coup, Time to Feed, etc) or when one player targets a permanent and another player performs an action on it (Unravel the Aether, Deglamer, Ashling, the Extinguisher, Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire, etc).

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