

Whenever a creature attacks, Caltrops deals 1 damage to it.

Mortlocke on Indoraptor Combo

7 months ago

Apologies for taking so long to make a reply, life is busy and all. Before going into your deck, i'll speak on what I think are the ideal cards for your commander, Indoraptor, the Perfect Hybrid. This deck's primary wincons appear to be death by Commander Damage, as your Commander grows exponentially when it's Cast under the right conditions. The Enrage trigger is meant to deal with the opponents left after the initial shock of blowing up one opponent after the combat step.

In my opinion, your deck seems close - but misses the mark when supporting your commander's themes. Some of your cards seem a little too divergent from a nice central theme which I believe is or should be a form of group slug. However, you will break pairity through your commander's enrage ability. Obviously this won't earn you many friends but when you throw around enough damage friends may not even be necessary.

Objectively, your deck has all the usual suspects when it comes to solid reliable options that help with consistency. Demonic Tutor, Grim Tutor, etc are always the best options when you have available to you. Same for the other colors. Good job on making sure you have your options available to you when you need them. Great manabase as well - you've picked essentially all the best options. I would however advise a word of caution regarding the inclusions of Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth - fixing your opponents manabase can push them multiple turns ahead as well and cost you the game. I'd typically recommend cutting these unless you can break pairty and find a use for them that far outstrips the benefit to your opponents (e.g. include Cabal Coffers for urborg).

As painful as it is to cut or change themes, here are the cards I think would better suit your commander:

  • Caltrops: A reliable method to trigger your commander when Pyrohemia or Pestilence isn't on the field. it also punishes opponents as well. However, a word of caution here - if you can't deal damage to opponents before you cast your commander, then this will result in a nonbo or anti-synergy. Take or leave this one.

  • Rite of Passage: Enrage naturally wants to kill creatures off, so why not make that an advantage for you and break pairty?

  • Roaming Throne: Double up on triggers.

  • Wrathful Raptors: Double up on triggers.

  • Raging Regisaur: Did I say Double up on triggers? I feel like I haven't.

  • Fiery Confluence: When you simply need to get another trigger from your commander.

  • Forerunner of the Empire: The tutor effect is neat for when you need to get another Dinosaur - but what's really great is his second ability which you guessed it - gets you another trigger from your commander when said other Dino hits the battlefield.

  • Assassin's Trophy/Beast Within: Your deck doesn't have very much interaction, which will lead to situations where you will find yourself wanting to do something about a problematic card - but unable to do so.

  • Deflecting Swat/Deadly Rollick: The free cast spells are great in any deck - and thanks to the "recently" released commander masters these cards are cheaper than they've ever been.

  • Compy Swarm: This creature will get your consistent Dinosaur ETB triggers as your opponent's creatures die off from Pyrohemia and the like triggers.

  • Plague Spitter: It does what Pyrohemia and Pestilence does - with caveats. With the effect being only once per turn

  • but free, you don't have to worry about keeping mana open to use it. But it's on a body and can be easily removed.

  • Ranging Raptors: As you are using Enrage, why not ramp while you're at it?

  • Sword of Hearth and Home: Given your commander's first ability is an ETB trigger, when not have the option of potentially increasing it's power and toughness after a particularly vicious turn? The ramp also doesn't hurt to boot. The best part though, is that you don't have to target your commander - need another creature to ETB so you can trigger something else? You can do that too.

  • The Ozolith: This is obviously an expensive suggestion - and I don't know your budget. But this card has some very obvious synergy with your Commander that would definitely make all those recasts worth it - and you know you'll be recasting your commander.

The Proliferate/Poison cards are an interesting method of dealing with opponents early - but this theme unfortunately requires much more cards to be built around it to work in my opinion. Proliferating the +1/+1 counters and the poison counters already on an opponent is great and all - but I don't think that will create consistently lasting and reliable game states that are favorable to you. It only takes a single piece of interaction to make the whole process fall, and that interaction only needs to target your single point of failure - your commander.

You have a solid deck, but I think over time as you play it in pods and ponder your themes you may make make some changes or tweaks. I hope my card suggestions are something useful to you. +1 from me, if I haven't already.

SufferFromEDHD on Pew Pew

1 year ago

Caltrops brutal value.

lespaul977 on Counter Intuitive

1 year ago

Agreed, I think Caltrops is an excellent combo! Nice work!

Balaam__ on Counter Intuitive

1 year ago

Yeah…I did not know the Caltrops combo was a thing. This is glorious.

Crow_Umbra on The Ghost of Kamigawa

1 year ago

Totally understandable Althuran. Isshin can do a lot with attack triggers, I think I should have reframed my question a bit more specifically. Are you looking to:

From my own experience playing Isshin, I think he's strongest when you focus on one of the avenues above, and sprinkle in bits of the other avenues for support, especially given what you tend to encounter in your playgroup or local meta.

Phyrexian Arena being cheaper is definitely nice. I will say though that Arena is at its best when played around turn 2-3 if you can pull it off. In later game it feels kinda clunky to wait a whole turn to draw a card, especially if you are in a position where you need answers more immediately. Tome of Legends does have the need to pay and tap to draw, but the trade off is that you can then be selective with when you draw.

All draw options have drawbacks that make them more or less reliable, as well as faster/slower. I guess it depends which potential drawbacks you are most willing to trade off for in your own play experience.

GameDragon111 on Gishath, Alpha Dino

1 year ago

This looks like a great dino, and I do have some recommendations on what to add, and all of these are fairly cheap (somewhere around a dollar). I would suggest adding Caltrops and AEther Flash in order to perform enrage abilities even more often. AEther Flash will also help you go infinite with Polyraptor, adding another infinite combo. the card Shake the Foundations is also a good card for activating enrage abilities.

The card Monster Manual is around $2, and allows for a way to cheat out some dinos that are in your hand, allowing you to play them for free.

Hope these suggestions help you strengthen your dinos

SufferFromEDHD on Ghryson

1 year ago

What does Warren Instigator do for this deck? Am I missing the goblin theme? Gibbering Fiend is a machine gun.

Fiery Islet more card draw.

Shivan Gorge This card finally found a home! Does serious work in this list. Balduvian Trading Post is old, neat and similar. Just something to consider if you want more Ghryson triggers.

Blasting Station similar type of engine as Intruder Alarm.

Caltrops this might be another suicide suggestion but I'm thinking this will act like an on theme Propaganda while you ignore the tax because your creatures are pingers.

Walking Ballista your deck doesn't have a counter theme or generate big mana but this robot is a colorless engine that will do work early/mid/late game.

TypicalTimmy on Adding deathtouch to Caltrops - …

2 years ago

I have Caltrops in play. Using a temporary method, such as Karn, Silver Golem, I turn Caltrops into a creature until end of turn. With it now a creature, I cycle Void Beckoner and put a deathtouch counter on it and move to my end step.

Caltrops ceases to be a creature, but still has a deathtouch counter on it.

Now, whenever a creature attacks, Caltrops deals 1 damage to it and subsequently kills it. Correct?

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