Cabal Coffers


, : Add for each Swamp you control.

Head CoIIector on The Graveyard Getdown

1 month ago

I do really like what you're doing here, but just a couple things to consider.
Cabal Coffers should definitely be here. I'm guessing the only reason it isn't is budget.
Between your tokens being 2/2 and all the anthem effects, I doubt Skullclamp is doing much for you. Necropotence or Idol of Oblivion might suit your needs better. It seems it really only works if you have your commander out for the power buff/sacrifice. Even so, it might be better to switch out a sorcery/instant draw card for long term gains.
Yargle, Glutton of Urborg would be a really nice target for Gisa as well.
Heraldic Banner is an absolutely nuts rock for monocolored aggro decks like this. Highly suggest slotting it in.
Finally, Crashing Drawbridge would really take your speed up a notch.

littlestavie on Imotekh

1 month ago

Possible adds

Portal to Phyrexia: really good value

Back for Seconds: 3 mana, grabs 2 creatures and if you bargain a 2/2 token you put a mana value 4 or less on the battlefield

Scrap Trawler: Loops with commander ashnod's and myr retriever for infinite colorless mana, 2/2's and many other triggers

Cabal Coffers: better cabal stronghold

Soul Transfer: always going to have a artifact so good 2 for 1 removal and recursion (downside is its sorcery)

Unshakable Tail: makes clues whenever a 1/more creatures are milled and if you sac a clue can return it to your hand

Crypt Ghast: good mana doubler especially with 21 swamp and urborg

Mikaeus, the Unhallowed: undying counts as hitting graveyard and leaving so it triggers your commander and saves you from a blas act

Rowan's Grim Search: instant card draw and mill cards you don't want seems solid in your deck

Braids, Arisen Nightmare: maybe, you make a lot of tokens with your commander so might not be a bad sac and draw

Slagstone Refinery: this is a big maybe since it doesn't trigger on tokens but could give a lot of powerstone value throughout the game

Darkness: I just think this is a funny card that gets people out of nowhere

griffstick on Restrictions to make commanders interesting?

2 months ago

What 77hi77 said about Inalla, Archmage Ritualist in his third paragraph about building that deck as mono blue reminded me of the deck I wanted to build but never did. A mono black vampire deck using Edgar Markov as the cmdr. Being mono black allows the devotion strategy to come into play (Gray Merchant of Asphodel) and cards that care about swamps too. Cards like Crypt Ghast and Cabal Coffers, to cards like Nightmare Lash and Dread Presence. Build this and you'll truly have a unique deck that still competes. And to top it off, you can use Torment of Hailfire as a finisher, if you like, because mono black has big ramp.

SteelSentry on How is Black Market Connections …

2 months ago

On the topic of Black wanting you to play more black, that's definitely something Rosewater has mentioned. Not just a lot of pip-intensive cards on both the cheap and expensive ends from Black Knight to Griselbrand, but black has a lot of cards that want you to play more swamps; a lot more swamps. Dread Presence, Crypt Ghast, Hecatomb, Cabal Coffers. From the Black episode of his podcast:

And the idea is that black kind of likes to encourage you to play more black. That black is the color that kind of says, “Hey,” you know, that tempts you. Like, you know, the way I always joke about it is, imagine black is trying to, like, you know, pitch itself to the—to the Magic users. “Hey, Magic user, come here. Oh look, we can kill creatures easily, and oh look, we can do discard, and…” Kind of lures you with things that it can do.

And then when you’re there, it’s like “Oh, well, for just a little more black you can have a Black Knight, or you can…” You know. Like, it just sort of—it does the soft sell, and at some point you’re like, “Oh, well my swamps produce more black mana? I should just play mono-black.”

And I like to think that black has the—has the best salesmanship. That like, it slowly lures you in, and maybe makes you want to play more black. And I always consider that kind of a fun—like, that’s kind of black’s nature, that black will like lure you in with some splash, and then before you know it you’re just playing mono-black, like “How’d I get here?”

Profet93 on Kill, Kill and Kill some more.

2 months ago


Cabal Stronghold/Cabal Coffers - Former budget, latter not. Big black mana producing lands. Contamination does shut them off though. Should that be an issue, note Infernal Darkness as a potential alternative.

Crypt of Agadeem - Ramp

Bojuka Bog - Personally, not a huge fan of tapped lands. But with fetches, you can use at instant speed. Not needed but worth considering depending on amount of GY decks in the meta.

Shizo, Death's Storehouse > Rogue's passage - Once budget opens, this is an upgrade. Not needed but worth considering.

Contamination - Sacrifice synergy. High synergy with bitterblossom, reassembling skeleton and any other creature that can return to field.

Syphon Mind > Dark Tutelage - While you have a relatively low avg cmc of 3.00, black has better draw that doesn't hurt you as badly. Not to mention it's steady draw, which can be good, but sometimes burst draw is preferred. Syphon mind is draw 3, each opponent discard 1. Budget friendly too.

Skullclamp - Speaking of draw, this goes well with all your sac synergies.

Murderous Rider > Murder - Can hit Walkers, is versatile as a creature with lifelink that can recoup your lifeloss. Almost a strict upgrade.

Feed the Swarm - Removal that hits enchantments. Black has difficult with artifacts and enchantments. I can provide you with some potential artifact removal should you wish depending on your meta. But this might be worth considering given that a Rest in Peace can mess u up.

Maybe Corpse Dance - With your sac outlets, you can ignore the negative aspect of the card. Also do note that after a wipe, you can choose the order in which your creatures enter the GY if they go together simultaneously.

Dark Ritual - Simple ritual ramp

Mind Stone - Ramp when you need it, draw when you don't.

Oubliette - Commander hate

At the risk of being too risky and pricey, Hatred - Do note life loss is additional cost to cast but it can be fun with use with your commander, either with it's ability or commander damage. Not to mention the political aspect of using it on your opponents attacking each other (Bonus points if you use it on their commander).

Profet93 on Mind-Gnawer

3 months ago

Cabal Coffers/Cabal Stronghold - Ramp

Deserted Temple - Untap the above / politics

Thespian's Stage/Vesuva - Copy cabal

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth - Color fixing, not needed but nice to have if you include coffers.

Mind Twist - Random discard, super effective ramped into and as counterspell bait

Imp's Mischief - "Counter" counterspells and redirect targeted removal, draw and extra turns. Given your deck is extremely reliant on your commander, having some protection/bluff ability/utility is very valuable.

Bubbling Muck - Ramp

Feed the Swarm - Enchantment removal

Syphon Mind - Draw 3, each opponent discard 1

Vampiric Tutor - Tutor

indieinside on Uncle Istvan and the Shadow Crew

3 months ago

Profet93 thoughts on this build? The idea is to cast everything for low mana value, tutoring my draw items, as well as things like Cabal Coffers combo, or Quietus Spike. I originally had the deck black and white with all 25 creatures having shadow. But, I like the draw power of this commander. If you have any better suggestions, even for the commander, let me know. I really want this to be a solid build before a pay for it.

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