Butcher of the Horde

Creature — Demon


Sacrifice another creature: Butcher of the Horde gains your choice of vigilance, lifelink, or haste until end of turn.

The_Warleader on Mardu Tokens

1 year ago

I always gravitate towards aristocrats when discussing token strategies in competitive magic. You already have Westvale Abbey  Flip which is one of my favorite wincons and lends itself towards an aristocrat-style gameplan. Falkenrath Aristocrat / Butcher of the Horde are great token payoffs, however the format might be just too fast for them at the moment.

But some advice I would say for your current decklist is that it's just too slow. The Modern format is very fast and most decks snowball too much for you to be playing cards like Battle Screech and Lingering Souls. I do like the Ephemeriate + Solitude + Season Pyromancer package. However your other creatures aren't too relevant for what you're trying to accomplish. I would rather see a couple Intangible Virtue instead of the Serra's (which, by the way, you really shouldn't play all 4 copies of that card. It can make your draws awkward and isn't so detrimental to your deck working that it makes up for the drawback). I love the idea though. Honestly, I think the Ephemorate package I was talking about before could be your linchpin for the deck. Maybe find some other strong ETB effects that revolve around tokens ( Weaponcraft Enthusiast )? Or maybe a Plaguecrafter effect? Those might be too cute, but it's something to consider. Either way, good luck with your Deck it looks fun!

DemonDragonJ on Fires of Purgatory

2 years ago

I have replaced Angrath, the Flame-Chained with Captivating Crew, which reduced the average converted mana cost of this deck from 4.11 to 4.10, a change that I made primarily to allow me to replace Caged Sun with The Immortal Sun. While the crew cannot sacrifice a creature in the way that Angrath could, I already have two sacrifice outlets in the form of Butcher of the Horde and Immersturm Predator, so I am confident that this change shall not severely hurt this deck.

DemonDragonJ on Should I Keep Angrath in …

2 years ago

seshiro_of_the_orochi, that is an excellent card, but it requires that the stolen creature be sacrificed immediately, and it is also a one-time effect, and I am seeking a repeatable effect.

I think that I shall replace Angrath with Captivating Crew in my red/white/black deck, as that deck already has two sacrifice outlets in the form of Butcher of the Horde and Immersturm Predator, but, as for my red/green/black deck, I have actually found several cards that would work for it, which I shall compile into a list.

That is an impressive list of creatures that sacrifice other creatures, so I now need to decide which of them I shall put into my deck; does anyone here have any suggestions?

Daveslab2022 on Card creation challenge

3 years ago

Enchanted Palisade



Fortified land is an 0/5 Wall with defender

Create a beefed up or legendary version of Butcher of the Horde

onionknight21 on Trynn and Silvar, Aristocatic Duo

4 years ago

I think the deck might need might need 1 or 2 solid sac outlets. Something like Viscera Seer, Carrion Feeder or Butcher of the Horde.

Even Dimir House Guard is interesting because it can be a free outlet or transmute into a different powerful 4 drop like Anointed Procession or Smothering Tithe.

There are a few other, "Oops, lethal" card i was looking at were Rally the Ancestors and Boros Charm. Rallying back a few creatures with a sac outlets and a payoff like Cruel Celebrant can easily lay down a lot of damage at instant speed. Instant speed double strike can get a surprise commander kill. The ability to protect your board is icing on the cake.

I really like Offspring's Revenge. Though it is probably too slow. But i mean, the kitty is cute so... playable.

Ruinous Ultimatum is pretty silly too. I think cheaper board wipes are more effective since all of your creatures dying it kind of the point.

Argy on My Other Wagon is a Pimp Carriage

4 years ago

Sounds fun!

I'm always in favour of flavour builds with themed categories.

Just be aware that you do sometimes have to shove some non-themed cards in, to make such decks work.

I was devastated when I played my Triple A deck in Battle for Zendikar Standard that I couldn't make it all Allies, but it needed Butcher of the Horde to make it win.

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