Burst of Energy


Untap target permanent.

king-saproling on Jodah's Unification with Nothingness

1 year ago

Just realized the Door enters tapped. Could run things like Amulet of Vigor, Burst of Energy, Dream's Grip, Emerald Charm, Aphetto Alchemist, Kiora's Follower, Unbender Tine, etc. (there are a lot of cards like this) to mitigate that. They can also untap Jegantha or Arcum which is nice.

king-saproling on Zirda Artifact Combo

2 years ago

No Enlightened Tutor?

Also you might like this Sunforger package: Chance for Glory, Angel's Grace, Tithe, Mistveil Plains, Burst of Energy. This package allows you to take infinite turns.

king-saproling on

3 years ago

This is a cool idea. Thoughts on these? Cloudstone Curio , Thermopod , Priest of Urabrask , Ranger-Captain of Eos , Shield Sphere , Wyleth, Soul of Steel , Ronin Warclub , Mentor of the Meek , Akiri, Fearless Voyager , Tibalt's Trickery , Sunforger , Final Fortune , Angel's Grace , Tithe (finds Mistveil, and sunforger can play it), Burst of Energy . If you include those last 5 cards, you can set up an infinite turn combo starting with only a Sunforger.

king-saproling on leyline deck

3 years ago

Yeah I see what you're sayin. But what if you removed the serum powders, suppression fields, and auramancys and ran 2x scrying, 4x Lotus Petal, 1x spirit guide? You'd have a 68.3% chance of having Serra's Sanctum out on T1, up slightly from your current odds of 65.4%. The fields and auramancies seem good to side in for game 2 depending on what the opp is running, though Teferi's protection may be the better defensive card if you already have sanctum out and you're just stalling to win next turn.

If you really wanted to gamble for more odds at a T1 win, you could play around with removing some leylines/opalescences for more sylvan scrying, helms, plus Rest in Peaces and Burst of Energys. This is where Once Upon a Time would come in too, increasing your odds of grabbing sanctum / spirit guide T1. Idyllic Tutor could probably be dropped for demonic tutor with 4x lotus petals in the deck. The other lands besides sanctum could be dropped for 3 more spirit guides and some chancellors, maybe Manamorphose if you wanted to run 4 demonic tutors.

Sorry to hyper-analyze your build haha. It's great as-is. Nothing wrong with experimenting though right?

BMHKain on

5 years ago

(16 left to 100.)

Should I also remove Comet Storm? Also, Pull from Eternity needs to have a use here, but since you rejected stuff like Reito Lantern, & decided I should use only Mistveil Plains, how do I tap/untapped that land without the need of Deserted Temple? Burst of Energy is the only thing I can think of that can target such a thing as Paradox Engine doesn't affect lands. & that too is rejected by the Boot.

So I ask, landofMordor, what to do with all this? What Combo w/ multiple paths should I do even?

(I hope this is useful, the previous version was chopped due to an Emoji ruining this...)

BMHKain on

5 years ago

Added Goblin Bombardment for repeatable Gatling Gunning, & Marshal's Anthem, requested by Commanderin' themselves. But I have one last question, landofMordor (Sorry for tagging you so many times... x/), any combos capable of abusing Burst of Energy "Paradox Engine-Style"? It's Monday you know... Also, should I also cut my 6-drop Wraths?

Caerwyn on RW EDH Revised Brion

6 years ago

Crested Sunmare is an interesting card for this deck. It provides you a 5/5 indestructible blocker whenever you gain life--sacrifice this horse with Brion, gain some life via lifelink, and immediately gain another replacement horse in the next endstep.

I might think of adding more sacrifice outlets and untap mechanics. You have numerous capture spells, and several which capture multiple targets. A few more sacrifice outlets will allow you to use, attack, and then destroy these captures, even if there are several of them or your commander tapped/is not on the field. I found a couple which might be interesting, at budget-friendly prices:

Helm of Possession allows you to both destroy a borrowed creature and net another creature semi-permanently.

Ashnod's Altar provides and destroys one of their creatures.

Infernal Plunge nets you some mana when you sacrifice their creatures.

Scapegoat is fairly inexpensive to cast, and has a number of uses in this deck. Not only can you sacrifice a stolen creature, but you can also bounce other stolen creatures to their owners' hands and bounce your own thieves, such as Conquering Manticore.

Rupture has the downside of harming yourself. However, you have a solid number of flying creatures, so it may not affect your boardstate much.

There are some W instants (ex. Burst of Energy) and creatures (ex. Dauntless Aven), as well as some artifacts (ex. Thousand-Year Elixir) which untap creatures, and would allow you an additional fling with Brion. Not sure if any of these are efficient enough to be worth a card slot, but it might be worth playtesting.

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