Bronze Bombshell

Artifact Creature — Construct

When a player other than Bronze Bombshell's owner controls it, that player sacrifices it. If the player does, Bronze Bombshell deals 7 damage to him or her.

Kavle on Jester's Knowledge

7 months ago

So I probably should of mentioned some of the problems with the deck lol.

  1. Ok, yes Knowledge Pool is a cast trigger, so it wouldn't trigger if the spell is already cast. This is a problem with specifically Knowledge Pool and Prototype Portal. In order do both in 1 turn would cost 10 mana and would only happen as fast as turn 4 if you have Tron active with 2 towers. So more than likely you would be getting this combo if portal was under a pool to begin with or beyond turn 4.

  2. This would still be a lock then, either cast Bronze Bombshell and take 7 or let your spell be ate by the pool.

  3. This is true, but my other modern deck right now is Izzit Coin Flip, so I'll take that chance. :P

  4. Now I forgot about Boseiju, Who Endures. And Shattering Spree may still go under the pool, but it's replicated copies would be a problem. As you said will need to find solutions for this. Spellskite would work I guess. Oh yeah and to fit the theme, Jester's Cap could hit 3 Boseiju lol (I don't this this is good). And Pithing Needle can stop Boseiju also since it's an activated ability. This is just off the top of my head.

  5. I just wanna lol

I'm trying to go through and see other things that are problems and if I would have to choose one it would be that Mystifying Maze only hits attacking creatures that the OP has, so I can't use it to temporarily get rid of Soulless Jailer so I can cast noncreature spells. The only thing that comes to head atm is Endless Sands, but I don't like that. Will be looking for something for that as well.

Max_Hammer on Rakdos Santa Deck

1 year ago

Bronze Bombshell is one you missed. (: Also, you might wanna make it Grixis for the fact that there's plenty of blue gift cards. Donate and Jon Irenicus, Shattered One are two prime examples. Also, cut one of your copies of Blim, most of the time having 4 legendries is too much and you'd be better off just including more efficient draw.

Licecolony on Trains Planes and Plantains

1 year ago

Hahah thanks. Yea, the key for my group was to have a Zedruu deck that doesn't revolve around giving my opponents shit that hinders their game plan. The only classically evil card to donate here is Bronze Bombshell, but even that is just generally a fireball to the face. Donating Arcane Adaptation isn't often seen as cruel and that's the next most harmful one against me. The easily accessible donate ability simply allows us to do ridiculous shenanigans most decks could not. And zedruu just gives us some incidental card draw.

enpc on Killing by giving opponents "positive" …

2 years ago

TypicalTimmy: you can subscribe to threads without having to comment on them. There's a "Subscribe" button which does just that.

BigBadE: I think if you're going to build a 'killing them with kindness" deck then you're going to struggle if you limit yourself to black/red (assuming you're using Blim as commander). There are cards like Forced Fruition which can drown your opponents in cards. You can also look into cards like Suture Priest and Hunted Troll (i.e. giving your opponents creatures which then kills them).

many years ago, I played against a deck (it was 60 card multiplayer, not commander) which used Endless Whispers with cards like Bronze Bombshell and Phage the Untouchable to win the game. You could look into effects like that as well if it were what you're after.

Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor on Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's …

2 years ago

Oh...Jon Irenicus is an interesting commander. A little less feels bad than The Beamtown Bullies as well since you can't just one-shot people at instant speed with Leveler or Bronze Bombshell. Homeward Path is now in need of a reprint more than ever with all of these donation style commanders popping up.

Yesterday on Worldgorger Combo + ETBs?

2 years ago

Oh jeez, I just realised that I completely misunderstood what you were trying to do.

Yes, if you are constantly flickering your own The Beamtown Bullies as part of a Worldgorger Dragon combo, you can respond to the Woldgorger exile trigger to tap Beamtown Bullies to reanimate a Bronze Bombshell under you opponent's control. Your opponent will be made to sacrifice the Bombshell before your Worldgorger flickers everything again, and then you can rinse and repeat this.

In-colour for Beamtown Bullies as a commander, you could do this with Emergence Zone, Necromancy, Vedalken Orrery, or Vernal Equinox.

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