Bridge from Below


Whenever a nontoken creature dies, if Bridge from Below is in your graveyard, create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token.

When a creature an opponent owns dies, if Bridge from Below is in your graveyard, exile Bridge from Below. (Dying is being put into the graveyard from the battlefield. Tokens enter the graveyard before they cease to exist.)

legendofa on Yorion & Meathook Massacre banned

1 year ago

So that makes four out of the ten companions banned in at least one format, and Lurrus of the Dream-Den is banned almost out of existence. Is there another mechanic that has a similar density of banned cards? Even Dredge only has one card banned anywhere (but it's lost a lot of accessory cards like Dread Return and Bridge from Below in Modern).

legendofa on why is birthing pod banned

2 years ago

I was going to say that Bridge from Below was banned well before Hogaak, Risen Necropolis, but then I looked it up and I was looking at Golgari Grave-Troll, so disregard this comment.

Ah, the glory days of Dredge Reanimator...

xtechnetia on why is birthing pod banned

2 years ago

Combo-oriented cards are hard to get off the ban list once there. There's usually a 99% chance they're basically useless or totally broken, and Wizards (and the Modern community) is generally reluctant to gamble on the 1% chance it'll hit the sweet spot of "interesting but not broken".

Same reason cards like Bridge from Below and Hypergenesis are banned (and likely to remain so).

9-lives on Sharuum the Dredgemon

2 years ago

I don't know if you know this, but looking at your deck just from first glance, Faithless Looting and Bridge from Below aren't modern legal. I honestly don't know what you're trying to do with this combination of cards?

Polaris on Syr Konrad, The Grim

2 years ago

Just to leave that 100% clear: Yes. He has to be on the battlefield to trigger.

For some counterexamples, see Bridge from Below, as well as Lochmere Serpent's final ability, which work in the graveyard rather than the battlefield. Both of Bridge From Below's abilities function "if Bridge from Below is in your graveyard," and Lochmere Serpent's ability explicitly moves it from the graveyard, so it has to be there already to use the ability.

BEDECK on Manaless Dredge

2 years ago

BTW I would trade Creeping Chill for Bridge from Below so you can make tokens and keep up the aggro... it's worth more in the course of the game than the chills IMO

wallisface on Golgari deatbonnet heirloom mirror

2 years ago

I see the updated list, two big thoughts:

  • Why Bridge from Below?? I’m unsure how you get if into your grave easily, but then, once its there i’m unsure how you get a bunch of your own stuff killed without any of your opponents stuff dying?

  • 17 lands feels super low. Burn runs around 19, and that deck only plays 1-2cmc spells.

TriusMalarky on Banlist Open Discussion

2 years ago

Second Sunrise and Krark-Clan Ironworks are banned almost entirely because they ruin tournaments. Not from a game balance perspective, necessarily, but because they can make so many games go to time, which can drag out the length of a tournament, which gets really problematic really quickly.

Mycosynth Lattice and Bridge from Below are banned because they either do unfair and unfun things, and possibly busted beyond belief things, or they do absolutely nothing. Bridge did squat until MH1 brought the Gaak and Altar, Lattice wasn't anywhere near playable until KTGC was printed. In bridge's case, the card that made it busted was also busted, and now bridge does basically nothing. In Lattice's case, KTGC is a fine card that is actually better for the format than it is bad, but add lattice and it takes a deck people aren't fans of anyways and turns it into a stax deck, which is probably the single most hated concept in Magic.

(Karn is a failsafe in case powerful artifact decks become a thing again -- there's a solid, reasonably castable value walker that can slot into any midrange build, maindeckable, that kills artifact based decks. I feel that that failsafe is important, and that the effect doesn't harm the meta significantly)

Blazing Shoal is similar -- when does it do fair things? The decks it'd be in would either die to Fatal Push or win on turn two. It's either a meme or format breaking. The conversation of unbanning things has to include "what does this do to make the format better?" In the case of a lot of these cards, nothing. Shoal, Lattice, Bridge and more don't do anything at best and become problematic at worst.

Twin is not unbannable either -- while it would be fun to see, it is a deck that plays the control role and then wins as soon as you let your guard down. Yeah, it's an easily stoppable combo . . . but the Twin player doesn't have to go for the win until they are sure you can't stop them. If they can Remand, Counterspell, Archmage's Charm and Cryptic Command their way into a good position(and that package is just very good anyways), then they can wait until you tap out for a threat and just win then. And cards that can answer them for no mana tend to be bad enough that they don't help against other decks -- which is problematic, to say the least.

Pod is interesting. It has a bit of an "eggs" feel, where it can take a while, but it's not as bad. Couple that with the fact that it can make use of every single creature, period, and you get a deck that's mostly just a headache for Wizards. It might not be bad for the format right now, but Wizards makes one mistake(and did you see 2019?) and suddenly it runs away with the game and becomes busted as all hell. So Pod should stay banned, not because it would really be bad(it would probably be fun) but it makes Wizard's job a lot harder(they have to check every, and I mean every, creature that they ever print against basically every other one).

Jitte is bad because it's used by creature decks to beat creature decks. First, it can't be unbanned in a Modern with Stoneforge in it(tutoring up Jitte would be way too consistent), but also, if I wanted to build a creature deck, I don't want to be forced to purchase some random equipment that has nothing to do with the rest of my gameplan other than "resolve this against another creature deck and you win". And then creature decks become Jitte versus Jitte. It would have a Copter effect on Modern, which just isn't fun from a variety standpoint. Especially with Ragavan in Modern. We unban Jitte, and RW Stoneforge Ragavan Jitte is probably the best deck by quite a bit.

Oko is, as mentioned, a 3 mana answer to almost anything. And by almost anything, I mean he gains enough life singlehandedly to make aggro untenable, he can be a good enough win condition to make non-Oko control not worth it, he answers big mana decks with an uptick, and more. He's the best permanent because he makes all other permanents irrelevant. Oh, you have a Prime Time? Elk. That's a nice Bob you have there, be a shame if I forcefully traded it for a food. Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer? How about Ragavan, Suddenlyonmysideandthere'snothingyoucandoaboutit? He'd be bad in a meta that's entirely storm(oh wait . . . that sounds a lot like Vintage and cEDH . . . I wonder what the two formats he's still playable in think about him? Oh? He's still busted there? Dang.) and I don't think that's fun.

As for Field of the Dead? Once that's online, you don't get to win. It's miserable. Most things I can get behind the first couple times I play against them, because most decks are cool, but not Field. It's just unfun to sit across from it.

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