Bretagard Stronghold

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Bretagard Stronghold


carpecanum on Muldrotha: Budget Elemental Tribe!

1 year ago

Kaya's Ghostform can't enchant Lotus Petal. Maybe you are thinking of another card Venoctus?

Bretagard Stronghold, Cryptic Caves, Encroaching Wastes, Blast Zone there are a ton of lands you can sac for value (and not that expensive of most).

Snake Basket is a lot of chump blockers but not thematic. Any of the Goad enchantments.

JacobAGrossman on Glittering Company

2 years ago

I like the idea of Bretagard Stronghold, and things of the like. They always have too much of a downside though. This one comes into play tapped, and has to be sacrificed to be used. Not ideal in the current meta.

The Hex Parasite is an interesting idea, but I don't think I have enough counters to really take advantage of it. The Vizier of Remedies and Melira, Sylvok Outcast deny Kitchen Finks would ever get it's -1/-1 counter, same with Devoted Druid. Not enough counters would be around to remove.

Dina, Soul Steeper is in there because it does also cover the Heliod, Sun-Crowned and Spike Feeder combo. That is staying for sure because it's a 2 card combo that works with Collected Company and Dina. Yes, Spike isn't that individually useful, but well worth the potential instant win. And Heliod is obviously also useful throughout. Sure Dina doesn't work with Renegade Rallier and Saffi Eriksdotter, but that rarely goes off as a combo. They are also just really useful individually, and can't believe I didn't use them before now.

Obviously, as you noted, most of those pieces are multicolored, so it could all move around depending on what new cards get printed. And those will always be in mind as options.

The spider seems interesting, and I've had my eye on Hapatra forever. But again, I don't think there's enough counters actually landing in my deck to make use of either of them.

Haze would be too slow and clunky, same with Valroz. I like them in theory though just not in practice.

nbarry223 on Glittering Company

2 years ago

I'm just going to ramble here, but probably some decent ideas to consider.

Bretagard Stronghold could be a thought for re-using persist triggers or just pumping creatures. Hex Parasite is an interesting idea with Kitchen Finks or maybe even Devoted Druid that just might be abusable (not quite infinite).

Cruel Celebrant is essentially a Blood Artist that doesn't target and is wishable. It's comparable to Dina, Soul Steeper except it doesn't work with the Spike Feeder + Heliod, Sun-Crowned combo but does work for Saffi Eriksdotter + Renegade Rallier. Since the second group is all multicolored, you could probably change some things around to allow for wishing for more game enders, and potentially freeing up some redundant slots while you are at it.

Obelisk Spider seems like it would work with Good-Fortune Unicorn and persist triggers etc. so it may be worth shuffling some cards around there. Also, now that I think about it, you could have Cauldron Haze as a persist set up giving you a nice protection option / potential sac outlet. You can also use Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons to make lots of tokens with triggers instead of going for life (probably not as ideal).

Varolz, the Scar-Striped might be a more versatile sacrifice outlet than Cartel Aristocrat. The scavenge synergizes nicely with persist, allowing some interesting plays. Unfortunately, you don't really have any cheaply costed overpowered creatures, so you miss some opportunities with Devoted Druid and mana.

So I'm thinking something like:
-1 Spike Feeder - only really works with Heliod, Sun-Crowned who combos with other cards like Kitchen Finks
-2 Vizier of Remedies
+2 Good-Fortune Unicorn
+1 Obelisk Spider
+1 Bretagard Stronghold
-1 Indatha Triome or Forest

-1 Dina, Soul Steeper
-1 Dromoka's Command
-1 Quillspike
+1 Cruel Celebrant
+1 Obelisk Spider or Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons
+1 Cauldron Haze

You could also concentrate more on certain infinite combos instead of being spread as much, but there's downsides to that as well.

Saccox on Three Life Blink Pezzent! (10/12 Euro/$)

2 years ago

Hey amicdeep thanks for the comment! Bretagard Stronghold it's a interesting card,I will evaluate it. For Trelasarra, Moon Dancer and Cleric Class i evalute their price when "Adventures in the Forgotten Realms" it's put on sale;for this cards also think a new deck based on Conclave Mentor , Angel of Vitality and Recumbent Bliss . I work on it!^^

amicdeep on Three Life Blink Pezzent! (10/12 Euro/$)

2 years ago

i would like to suggest Trelasarra, Moon Dancer as a 3x

also Cleric Class works well with the double theme of +1 counters and life gain. while also providing a late game plan.

i would also be tempted to add 2x Bretagard Stronghold to the list as it provides both counters and life link to help stabilise in a mid game and acts as a wincon in the late game,

Davinoth on Marisi's Marching Band [Retired]

3 years ago

     Omniscience_is_life: Thanks so much for the Upvote and great suggestions! Your comment (particularly the linked "Annoying pieces of shit" bit) gave me a good chuckle haha! =)

     Have to agree with your opinion on Bretagard Stronghold ! I've played it once and it was particularly underwhelming. I'll likely replace with another basic or Temple of Abandon .

     I had been considering Farseek & Curse of Opulence , though I was planning to cut Road of Return and keep Skyshroud Claim instead. Being that Marisi costs four though, SS Claim & Exp Veg do conflict with a tempo draw and is probably a better plan.

     I really love Shamanic Revelation , but you're probably right here, too. I have one Sylvan Library , but I'm not super keen to pull it from the deck it's in or to go and buy another haha! Probably Return of the Wildspeaker is the right direction. :)

     Planning to cut Prey Upon for Pit Fight . At least then I can target my own creatures with Brash Taunter & Stuffy Doll .

     Again - great suggestions! Thank you!

Omniscience_is_life on Marisi's Marching Band [Retired]

3 years ago

I don't love Bretagard Stronghold , ETB 'd lands need to be really good to make the cut IMO.

I think if you lowered the CMC of your ramp you'd be able to stick some of your Annoying Pieces of shit earlier, and that's always nice. Farseek and Other Three Visits can all fetch out duals and get you going fast. Would consider putting those in above Skyshroud Claim / Explosive Vegetation .

You look a little on the low side creature-wise to run Shamanic Rev (although your experience may be different from my outside perspective), maybe swap it out and throw in an Expensive Book-Place if you can afford it, or mimic your Rishkar's Expertise with a Return of the Wildspeaker .

Prey Upon , while having synergy with a few of your things, can lead to the unfortunate scenario of having no creatures with which to fight the opponent's big, annoying thing with--or just not having enough power to take it out. Might consider cutting that one.

Love the deck, keep it up!

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