Brain Gorgers

Creature — Zombie

When you play Brain Gorgers, any player may sacrifice a creature. If a player does, counter Brain Gorgers.

Madness (1)(Black) (If you discard this card, you may play it for its madness cost instead of putting it into your graveyard.)

legendofa on madness ruling

4 months ago

When you discard a card with madness, you put it into exile instead of your graveyard, then you get a choice. You can put it into your graveyard, and nothing else happens. Or, you can cast it from exile by paying the madness cost. If you choose to cast from exile, it acts like another other cast spell--it goes to the stack and resolve normally.

This still counts as discarding for stuff like Liliana's Caress or Hollow One, even though it doesn't go to the graveyard. Also, older madness cards, like Brain Gorgers, have slightly outdated wording. New madness cards, like Alms of the Vein, have updated wording.

mrweaselman on Walking Dead

3 years ago

Idk who this Willy is, but no you.

This deck is a really a mono black build that you happen to run blue for Diregraf Captain . The way I see it you can either keep with the build you're going for, which to me seems like mono black, or you can go a much different dimir amass path with cards like Vizier of the Scorpion , Gleaming Overseer , Lazotep Plating ,

Let's assume you do mono black, then let's start with creatures. Brain Gorgers and Stromgald Crusader are garbage, Tomebound Lich is mostly used in dedicated reanimator decks, and Extremely Slow Zombie is a card from a joke set, so take those all out, along with Diregraf Captain . That's 11 out. Add 2 Murderous Rider , 3 Liliana's Reaver , 2 Undead Augur , 3 Diregraf Ghoul .

For noncreature spells, take out Negate . The best mono black removal is probably Walk the Plank . So take out Go for the Throat and Ultimate Price for 3. Gravepurge and Return from Extinction can be replaced with 3 Call of the Death-Dweller . Take out Bontu's Monument for another copy of Liliana, Untouched By Death or vise-versa. Take out Necromancer's Stockpile , I just don't think it's that good. For a five drop $1-2 slot, Open the Graves is better than Call to the Grave .

If you followed all that you should have 6 slots left. Add one more Swamp so you're at 22. Then maybe 3 Dread Wanderer , 2 Fleshbag Marauder , and flex card like Risen Executioner or something fun.

This_is_your_commander_speaking on Black Deck Wins

3 years ago

Just saw the madness cost on Brain Gorgers, nevermind that's pretty good. I actually have that as a Russian card and I've been trying to find out what it does for a while....

This_is_your_commander_speaking on Black Deck Wins

3 years ago
  1. No.
  2. I'll probably manage to incorporate some of those if I go a more discard-oriented theme, which considering the deck is discard-heavy it's probably a good idea. Brain Gorgers is the only card that I'd probably say no to
  3. No. Just for that, I'm building mono-blue aggro

Goblin_Guide on Black Deck Wins

3 years ago

First suggestion: Fuck you. Play red.

Second: Alms of the Vein, Olivia's Dragoon, Dark Withering, and Brain Gorgers.

Again: Fuck you. Play red.

TheBrewerZ on UB Madness Midrange

5 years ago

You have got to get this playtested and let me know how it does, This deck looks terrifying. I really want to know how the Brain Gorgers work out for you.

TheBrewerZ on UB Madness Midrange

5 years ago

Nice respond time XD. Anyways I am thinking the following:

  1. Circular Logic : Awsome, this makes you so much more dangerous to play against.

  2. As for Barren Moor and Lonely Sandbar I think you have the ratios right on the money for you mana base.

  3. I agree with you entirely on your engine choices; since they are so vulnerable perhaps a couple of Dive Down s might be used main or side board if you think your not able to keep your engines alive long enough. I really like the survivor duo btw the more I look at them.

  4. Drop an edict and a duress perhaps. That way you keep your disruption and removal fairly at the same level. 4 Brain Gorgers the second and third game can do terrible things. Because at worst its a no flashback edict. Best its a 4/2 for 2 slamming your opponents face. YOu want to be aggressive with this deck and this card is aggressive.

  5. Ehhhhhh Careful Study is a poor mans Faithless Looting . Still it is a one drop discard 2 outlet. so perhaps a 2 of or one of main board? You could drop a Sign in Blood but I'm not really sure which is the right option. As to Looter il-Kor YES. A one or two of that can really help you loot through your deck. No clue what you would drop help. Perhaps one of each survivor? Thorn of the Black Rose is an EPIC draw engine and blocker.BUT WHAT TO DROP?!

I hope this helps a little but there are too many ways to tweak this deck. My suggestion is to just pick things that ENHANCE your combo through their synergy with said combo. Otherwise you are going to build a entirely new deck (which is not a bad thing.)

TheBrewerZ on UB Madness Midrange

5 years ago

Frist off I love this deck. Quick question: is Circular Logic banned? Cause the Legality shows that its not. Now for my suggestions:

  1. Add 2 or 3 Barren Moor s in exchange for an equal number of swamps

  2. Add 1 Raven's Crime which you can use one yourself Or your opponent as need. Plus it gives you a use for excess non-cycle lands. I would drop a Psychotic Haze and put it some where in you sideboard if you are running against a lot of token or weenie decks.

  3. Brain Gorgers should be in your sideboard versus low creature count decks. That is where it shines. Perhaps 2 possibly 3, in your sideboard. It can really hurt someone if that have no choice but to let it hit the ground.

  4. Alternate discard outlets: Perhaps a One of Putrid Imp , maybe one ... Aquamoeba Not alot of good choices for discard engines.

Anyways if I think of anything else I will let you know.

Hope this helps

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