Boundless Realms

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Boundless Realms


Search your library for X basic land cards, where X is the number of lands you control, and put them onto the battlefield tapped. Then shuffle your library.

ldvatwa on Garden of Damia

2 months ago

I love the build! As you mentioned Ruin Crab above, it always puts in work in my mill decks. Even in non-ramp decks like my Kwain, Itinerant Meddler mill deck. As well The Wise Mothman and my now defunct Lord Xander, the Collector. Few things felt as good as dropping a Boundless Realms or Reshape the Earth with Ruin Crab on the board!

CrazyDanPsycho on Zaxara, the (Hopefully) Awesome

1 year ago

AThiccNacho: Wow. I know I could make this deck better, and you have given me a -lot- of great thoughts.

I have no good defense for Seedborn Muse apart from the fact that I -REALLY- like the card. (lol) As for Boundless Realms...yeah. Again, really liked the idea of the card and thought that thinning out the land base from the deck would help me get to the good stuffs quicker. (smiles embarrassedly)

I tried to put a lot of thought into my card selections, but tended to fill certain gaps with certain cards just for the X (i.g. Wildwood Scourge and Gelatinous Genesis), that could have been more useful filled with cards that you mentioned.

As for Hydroid Krasis, I had a -really- hard time finding my only copy for a long time, but I -swear- I had proxied it into the deck until such a time as I stumbled upon it, and am frustrated to find that it is -not- in the deck...

I am definitely going to have to dig through my collection to get as many of your suggestions into their rightful spots in the deck, to make this deck shine brighter than it has. Thank you -very- much for your time and help in making Zaxara work better and more efficiently. I truly appreciate the input.

AThiccNacho on Zaxara, the (Hopefully) Awesome

1 year ago

Seedborn Muse is a very off choice in this deck since you don't have many interaction cards during opponents turn. Maybe for counter spells? but even then, it's not going to give you insane value unless you can flash out or use instants. If it's for Kruphix, I would not recommend it. Getting faster synergistic combos is way better.

Parallel Lives feels like a HUGE waste in this deck both card wise and cost wise ($40+!). Getting double hydras from your comm is great... but it doesn't have much use other than Gelatinous Genesis, which also isn't really that great tbh.

Wildwood Scourge should be cut. Garbage, no combat abilities and doesn't offer ANY utility. It's just an X. All it does it get 1 +1/+1 counter when you put ANY amount of +1/+1 counters on something else. If you drop a 10/10 hydra, it just gets 1 counter. Not good.

Kodama of the West Tree is pretty darn great and gives your modified creatures trample, which is essential for big dumb hydras as a 10/10 means nothing if there are 5 1/1 soldiers on the other side of the field.

Rampant Growth is pretty iffy because the land comes in tapped, use Nature's Lore to search for shock land and just pay 2 to have it come in untapped or you can just leave it tapped if you can't play anything else but you'll get the mana choice which is infinitely better than a basic land.

Boundless Realms - Any reason why this is in here? Does not benefit hydras nor X spells and is not either. They come in tapped, so it's mostly a completely wasted turn.

Cards like Voracious Hydra, Hydroid Krasis and Kalonian Hydra are pretty damn good in this archetype, especially kalonian.

Green Sun's Zenith can get any green creature out and is an X spell as well. I often search for Nyxbloom Ancient, Kalonian or Selvala, Heart of the Wilds.

Overall, pretty decent deck. There's some fine tuning for the dead weight, but I think it still looks pretty good!

I based my recommendations off my deck Hydra Rampage boi

Flarhoon13 on Dredgefall Windgrace (Land reanimation)

1 year ago

Lord Windgrace victory yesterday: Torment of Hailfire, x=21 copied with Wild Ricochet, so total x=42.

Turn 4 Stone-Seeder Hierophant, who untapped my lands from turn 5 Boundless Realms to cast World Shaper, making lots of clues via Tireless Tracker.

Turn sixish,God-Eternal Bontu sacrificed my lands, my clues and World Shaper (who immediately resurrected all my lands) and drew a buttload of cards. Stone-Seeder Hierophant untaps allowed me to meant also cast  In Garruk's Wake plus have mana leftover to sac clues and Constant Mists.

Rich used Selvala's Stampede to steal my World Shaper via Sepulchral Primordial after casting my In Garruk's Wake via Diluvian Primordial.

I cast Decimate to get World Shaper back in my graveyard for an amazing Golgari Grave-Troll fueled Twilight's Call. It resurrected God-Eternal Bontu who sacrificed my tapped lands, my clues and World Shaper again. God-Eternal Bontu drew me 25 cards, leaving mana up for Constant Mists to protect my commander alongside Thespian's Stage / Dark Depths combo via Ulvenwald Hydra. I untapped and ... you know the rest.


1 year ago

Matca Rioters is land types. So at most a 55. Land types like mountain plains forest ect. I'd cut it.

I'd run cantrips like Elvish Visionary or ramp pay off like Wrenn and Seven or Ezuri, Renegade Leader perhaps a way to get more lands quicker. Like wood elves. There are other potential Boundless Realms effects but most require big changes to the deck essentially going towards amulet titan a modern archetype already in place. I'd maybe use them as reference but you can do something different if you want.

Tur on Hidden Power - Crop Rotation

1 year ago

Hello everyone! This will be a trial forum post for a "Commander - Hidden Power" series. My goal is to show relatively inexpensive cards which are often overlooked by commander players in semi-competitive and casual play. (This post is not designed for competitive play.) If you enjoy the topic, please provide positive feedback and I will consider creating similar posts.

The powerful card I plan on discussing here is Crop Rotation.

This card under five dollars and is one of the most powerful mono-green tutors. Period. Yes, I'm counting all mono-green tutors. This includes: Worldly Tutor, Finale of Devastation, Green Sun's Zenith, Survival of the Fittest, Chord of Calling, Natural Order, Tooth and Nail, Sylvan Tutor, Time of Need, Scapeshift, Hour of Promise, Tempt with Discovery, Reshape the Earth, Boundless Realms, Traverse the Outlands, Rampant Growth, Harrow, Cultivate, Harvest Season, Explosive Vegetation, etc.

It's one color, one mana, instant, searches for any land, you can sacrifice a tapped land, and puts the land onto the battlefield untapped (unless otherwise specified).

Although, Crop Rotation is often overlooked by players because of the very expensive cards it can search and not being "flashy" enough. Yes, Crop Rotation is ideal with any of the following cards: Gaea's Cradle, Mishra's Workshop, The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale, Serra's Sanctum, Bazaar of Baghdad, and Diamond Valley. However, suppose we don't have a one thousand dollar mana base and cannot play the land cards above. Is Crop Rotation worthless? No. It is still one of the best mono-green tutors. There are so many utility and theme lands which are excellent targets. Ramp lands and color-fixing are also viable options. Here are a few categorized ideas:

Utility Lands:

Theme Lands:

Ramp Lands:

Color-Fixing Lands:

There are many more unlisted cards in each category which could fit your specific deck.

Some of the cards listed above have some pretty cool synergies with Crop Rotation here are a few:Urza's Saga, you can let the saga get to chapter III, then with the ability on the stack sacrifice it to Crop Rotation to get both the artifact and land. Field of the Dead is ideal in every two or three color commander deck with a sufficient mana base (in fact some of my win conditions are given by Field of the Dead). You can also use Field of the Dead as a combat trick. Scavenger Grounds and Bojuka Bog are fantastic for graveyard combo disruption. Maze of Ith and Glacial Chasm will hurt your lands, but sometimes it is needed to stay alive.

Simply having the ability to greatly effect the board state using a one-mana instant speed spell is impressive: life gain, damage prevention, removing steal effects, getting around blockers, denying counterspells, combo stoppers, unlimited hand size, sacrifice engines, haste, recursion, ramp, creating token blockers. The list goes on-and-on-and-on. If fact, if you're playing 3-4 of the lands listed above you should really consider Crop Rotation in the ninety-nine.

All in all, I'm always surprised the number of deck lists which do not play Crop Rotation. This is a fantastic card and one of the best mono-green tutors. It has so much hidden power. Ask yourself if there is a nonbasic land which you are playing (or would play) that would do well with Crop Rotation.

Profet93 on Azusa, Just Lost...

1 year ago

First and foremost you want to find your land count. Players who prioritize a faster build utilize more mana dorks and a lower avg cmc tend to go as low as 38 or as high as low-mid 40's. For those who like to ramp into bigger spells and sacrifice speed for resiliency and late game, low - high 40's. Some players go 50 and above but I find that not needed. Azusa decks tend to cast their commander and then drop all their lands, run out of gas, top deck, play a big spell, have it removed/countered and just are in topdeck mode. You need to establish a good source of draw, whether it be burst or steady card draw, ideally, both. I will get to that later, if I don't (given I'm writing this late at night, please remind me). Also, please remind to mention utility lands, as Azusa decks have a large amount of wiggle room to utilize a landbase to solve difficult challenges. Depending on how you want to make your deck, fast and explosive or slower and more resilient, I can provide you better suggestions. For now, I'll go with the basics. I can suggest cuts in the next comment should you desire.

Crucible of Worlds - Super important, right at budget mark. This, combined with good fetchlands or the slow fetchlands, will allow you to thin your deck of lands (giving you greater chance of finding something useful), all while ensuring you don't miss land drops.

Sol Ring - Not needed in Azusa, but Turn 2 Azusa with this, into lands allows you to get the "quick" strategy you are looking for.

Mind's Eye - Draw, some people like Memory jar but I find this cheaper and more suitable, especially for your meta.

Greater Good - Extremely powerful sac outlet to prevent theft/exile, fill up your grave (with lands to recur for later, or whatever is appropriate at the time). Seriously, do not sleep on this or crucible of worlds

Sylvan Library - While double your budget, add this to the maybeboard for later as its very useful. It is synergy with Abundance (can outline the detailed synergy later, but its really good), shuffling effects (think fetchlands to shuffle away cards you don't want on top), as well as Course of Kruphix/Oracle of Muldaya effects. Best Turn 2 Azusa play IMO.

Momentous Fall - Used in response to removal, gain life and most importantly, draw cards.

Realms Uncharted - Works best once you get better utility lands. But it acts as a tutor, usually 4 fetches. That way, you fuel crucible of worlds. Bonus points if you add Petrefied Field.

Beast Within - Green's best removal, add this.

All Is Dust - One board wipe for when everything goes south. Not needed per say, but has saved me many times. In green lacking removal, sometimes things just need to die. Bonus points with Sanctum of Ugin to find an Eldrazi

Boundless Realms > Reshape the Earth - Given you don't have enough utility lands, this is much better. Even if you did, reshape is very expensive for what it does, more so in this deck.

Pir's Whim - Politics removal and ramp in 1! Not needed but nice to have

Rishkar's Expertise - Best burst draw spell in green. While they can remove your greatest power creature, since it doesnt target, it goes to the next highest. It also helps mitigate tempo loss which is a big issue most draw spells have. Really powerful!

Regarding creatures, its personal preference. I have suggestions but until I know which direction you're going in, I'd rather wait. I personally love Eldrazi, specifically the Kozilek's as they allow you to refill your hand. Distortion allows you to be the blue player and Butcher allows you to, well, slaughter 4 permanents.

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