

: Flip a coin. If you win the flip, destroy all nonland permanents.

freezerboy on Misery is waiting at the gates of Armageddon

2 years ago

Thanks for the upvotes SomaCruz. Like the direction your deck is going, and grabbed Boompile for my chaos deck because that card sounds pretty entertaining to use.

jakeelephant006 on The Big Dumb

2 years ago

I think you should play Whims of the Fates over Boompile . It's just more fun and has a better chance of doing something than Boompile.

Scott-Spain on Belzenlok, Godo's Ugly Cousin

3 years ago

Great job on the updates! You pretty much made all the changes I would've recommended. I replaced Boompile with Introduction to Annihilation because I have bad luck. lol

Hagra Mauling  Flip is another piece of removal to add to the list as well.

Looking ahead, I think we could add Treasure Vault, but it's also a bit risky.

Anyway, welcome back! Hope everything is going well!

Strangelove on Big lifegain, big creatures - Willowdusk

3 years ago

Hey Walrighti, +1!

@your post

Congrats on your first deck! You have a lot of fun cards in here and it looks great! I imagine you want to tune and make it even more efficient so here are some ideas...

Add 3 categories: #Combo, #Lifegain, and #Evasion; and then sort your maybeboard the same way you've done your mainboard to easily rank your choices within a category (By "combo" I mean all your "if-then" cards like Trudge Garden that are slower and don't work by themselves). Remove #Creatures (most of them are #Combo).

Avoid most cards above 4 cmc... Willowdusk is fast and fragile, so play into that... Also, prioritize cards that can do 2 or more things or that give value on ETB... If you have pet cards that don't really fit and that hurt to cut, put them in a "I'll build that theme later" list.

(All under $3)

+1 Devoted Druid ... this card is a beast

+1 Rampant Growth

+1 Arcane Signet

+1 Golgari Signet

+1 Talisman of Resilience ... #Ramp

+1 Elves of Deep Shadow

+1 Elvish Mystic

+1 Fyndhorn Elves

+1 Llanowar Elves ... #Ramp... the elves enable Willowdusk combos on turn 3.

+1 Marwyn, the Nurturer

+1 Viridian Joiner ... #Ramp... #Combo

+1 Boompile ... its a gem (hint: don't tap it on your turn) +1 Nightmare Unmaking

+1 Killing Wave

+1 Massacre Girl ... #Wipe

+1 Kenrith's Transformation

+1 Beast Within ... #Removal

+1 Swiftfoot Boots

+1 Inspiring Call

+1 Oblivion's Hunger

+1 Rush of Vitality

+1 Sheltering Word

~1 Slippery Bogbonder

+1 Golgari Charm ... #Evasion

+1 Haunted Cloak

+1 Chariot of Victory

+1 Charge Through

~1 Tuskguard Captain

~1 Rancor ... Trample and haste are important... #Evasion

~1 Destined ... the choices are really good.

+1 Deepwood Ghoul

+1 Mischievous Poltergeist

+1 Soul Channeling ... #Combo with Willowbark and stick to the board...

~1 Phyrexian Processor ... fun?

~1 Lurking Evil ... maybe?

~1 Solidarity of Heroes ... #Combo

~1 Ooze Flux ... tokens at instant speed?

~1 Retribution of the Ancients ... removal?

+1 Garruk, Primal Hunter

+1 Mindless Automaton

+1 Thought Gorger ... (leaves)

+1 Life's Legacy

+1 Return of the Wildspeaker ... #Draw

~1 Essence Harvest

+1 Bloodspore Thrinax

+1 Triskelion ... #Combo

+1 Nighthawk Scavenger ... #Fatty

...Always play at least 10 ramp spells under 3 cmc.

...Playtest and make sure Willowbark consistently makes a fatty (with evasion) before turn 6-7.

Here's another Willowdusk thread.

Happy building :)

plakjekaas on What, Exactly, is Wrong with …

3 years ago

What's white known for?

Lifegain? Green and black are as able as white at gaining life, while also progressing the game/board while doing so.

Removal? Black deals with specifically single target creature better than white can. Enchantments and artifacts are removed as easily, if not more so, by green. Oblivion Ring effects? Not a permanent solution, often suboptimal. Boardwipes? Damnation , Toxic Deluge , Blasphemous Act and Cyclonic Rift are more popular than Wrath of God . But Planar Cleansing is a purely white effect right...? Hello Boompile , Oblivion Stone and Nevinyrral's Disk , which are playable in every deck.

Tokens then? But Doubling Season and Parallel Lives are green cards. White has the best non-tribal anthems, like Glorious Anthem , but most commander decks that actually win by those effects, usually are tribal, and have plenty of lords that synergize better with the deck.

So what does a deck need to actually be functional? Most will say you'll need a decent amount of carddraw and ramp. White ramp is actually catching up lately, but almost all white ramp is dependent on artifacts or your opponents ( Knight of the Reliquary effects). Smothering Tithe helps though. White carddraw is either the Monarch, which every other color has cards for, or it's Mentor of the Meek and Bygone Bishop , which impose fairly heavy restrictions on your deck, to play low-impact creature cards in your 99. There is no white Rhystic Study , Outpost Siege , Guardian Project or Phyrexian Arena .

And finally, what else is white lacking? A (big mana) spell that can win the game on the spot. Like Torment of Hailfire , Craterhoof Behemoth , Insurrection or Thassa's Oracle . White splashy spells will create an imposing boardstate, but you'll need to actually untap to attack and win the game, giving your opponents a full turn to respond. The closest white has is Approach of the Second Sun which you can see coming 7 cards in advance.

So there's no real unique reason to play White in your deck. White only shines in being annoying, with Rule of Law , Drannith Magistrate , Ghostly Prison , Thalia, Guardian of Thraben , Blind Obedience and Armageddon , which not everyone (understatement) likes playing against. So if you'd ask me, the lack of carddraw, unique strategies & finishers, and the play-stax-or-lose image, are the main problems white is dealing with right now.

Ingraved on Yorion, Builder of Trampolines

3 years ago

I am building this dek as well and I noticed the Rishdan Pirates seem pretty good. Rishadan Footpad | Rishadan Cutpurse | Rishadan Brigand

Thoughts on Boompile?

3devils on Crazy Cards to add

3 years ago

I just picked this one up Boompile.

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