Boneyard Scourge

Creature — Zombie Dragon


Whenever a Dragon you control dies while Boneyard Scourge is in your graveyard, you may pay . If you do, return Boneyard Scourge from your graveyard to the battlefield.

wallisface on does paying an activated ability …

11 months ago

Both abilities and spells use the stack, so i’d suggest ignoring that as an indicator of anything.

A spell is “cast” only when you’re paying its casting cost, or if another effect/ability specifically states you may “cast” it for an alternate cost.

As an example, Gravecrawler explicitly lets you “cast” it from the graveyard - this will be a cast trigger. Conversely, Reassembling Skeleton has an ability that returns it to play, but nowhere does it state that this effect counts towards being cast, so its not - its just an activated ability.

In the case of your Boneyard Scourge, its just a triggered ability that has taken place. As the effect doesn’t mention anything about being “cast”, it isn’t.

You cannot use the mana ability of Rivaz of the Claw to activate the Boneyard Scourge ability, because its not being spent to “cast a dragon spell”.

plakjekaas on does paying an activated ability …

11 months ago

Boneyard Scourge has a triggered ability that puts it on the battlefield, that's not casting a spell.

Casting a spell means moving it to the stack, paying the casting cost in the process. Casting spells typically happens from your hand, but there's cards that allow you to cast spells from elsewhere. Cards with Flashback like Angelfire Ignition allow you to cast the spell again from graveyard for an alternative cost. Rivaz of the Claw allows you to do that with any dragon spell, but only once per turn. Spells with Cascade (Bloodbraid Elf ) allow you to cast a spell from exile from the top of your library for free. What these cards all have in common, is their reminder text (italic, in brackets) literally mentions "You may cast". If it says "Return to battlefield" or "Put onto the battlefield" then it's an ability or an effect from another source, but you didn't cast the creature.

Casting Reanimate on a dragon in your graveyard is not casting the dragon. Ebondeath, Dracolich can be cast from your graveyard whenever any other creature died this turn. If you do that with Rivaz in play, thàt one will get exiled if it would die again.

Hope that helps '^^

Loyalty on does paying an activated ability …

11 months ago

If I pay to return Boneyard Scourge to the battlefield with Rivaz of the Claw out, will it become exiled the next time it dies?

I guess it's more a question about what counts as "casting".


Andramalech on MBD Zombie

1 year ago

Balaam__ I agree about building towards a goal that is non-traditional:

Building to win is so Spike, and I wanna win like Timmy or Johnny. I personally think this deck is more Johnny because at first glance.. you might miss some of these key interactions!

I.e.: things like how Zombie Infestation makes bodies that can be tossed for Scourge of Nel Toth, and then replenish your hand with Shadow of the Grave.

Boneyard Scourge is a cool card, but admittedly it isn't eternal format legal... that doesn't mean I won't use his happy ass anyways!

Epicurus on Dragon Legion of Earth

2 years ago

I appreciate the creativity, and there are certainly a few suggestions I could present. But first, I think it is most important to address your choice of Commander.

Niv-Mizzet Reborn is absolutely not the right Commander for this deck. And I don't mean to say that all 5-color Dragon tribal decks should have The Ur-Dragon at the helm (though, that would be a great choice, just sayin'). My reason is simple: you don't have enough color pair cards on the list for 'Ol Nivvy to be useful. Like, at all. Even as part of the 99.

Now, you could fix that by adding spells such as Terminate, Abrupt Decay, Diabolic Vision, Faeburrow Elder, Render Silent, Anguished Unmaking, etc etc etc... Not to mention that you only have 8 color pair dragons in the deck, and 5 of them are Gruul (meaning, first of all, that the most amount of dragons you could snatch with Niv would be 3 and the chances of doing so are astronomical, and secondly that if you revealed 3 or more dragons by some dumb luck they're more likely to all be Gruul than any other combination, meaning you'd only get to keep one).

The thing is, you'd have to add a helluva lot of cards to make Niv palatable for this deck, and that would mean basically overhauling the entire deck. A much easier task would be to just simply change the commander.

As for general suggestions, I think you can use some Haste enablers. Dragon Tempest, Temur Ascendancy, Dragonlord Kolaghan and Sarkhan Vol come readily to mind, but there are a ton of other choices, such as Rhythm of the Wild, Fires of Yavimaya and Samut, Tyrant Smasher.

As for your question about better low-mana dragons, understand that there really aren't many good ones below MV4. I mean, they're dragons. What do you expect? However, here's a few of the better ones that aren't an arm and a leg:

Again, if you're going for a genuinely low curve dragon deck, you're going to be disappointed. It just really can't be done.

And finally, Lathliss, Dragon Queen is quite upset that she wasn't included.

That's all I got.


X-Factor11105 on I Am Fire, I Am Death

3 years ago

iammute let's discussMolten Echoes! Those are really solid points you make:

  • Trigger for one of the ETB effects you listed (Tempest / Scourge / Terror)
  • Send original to yard based on available recursion (PRO: fills the yard, CON: telegraphs your next move a bit). This could also be a lesser synergy with Boneyard Scourge

I think the nonbo aspect to me is that there isn't that perfect, consistent synergy with those legendaries - in this case, Drakuseth, Maw of Flames, Dragonlord Kolaghan, and Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury. It's hopefully a trigger, but choosing the token to remain on the battlefield also clearly telegraphs to your opponents what's coming next. The deck is fairly straightforward, so it's not like it'll be a big shocker, but I'd expect multiple players to hold up mana for counters / spot removal if they see you keep the token and send the original to the graveyard.

In my experience with Bladewing, I've had trouble sustaining an early-game presence, even with a host of 2-3 drops and a bunch of looting effects. Admittedly, I might be looking at Echoes through a narrow lense - the late-game synergy is truly back-breaking (multiple Balefire Dragon, Utvara Hellkite,or Scourge of the Throne triggers probably wins the game outright). I think I'd just be concerned to drop an enchantment that doesn't affect the board on T3 or T4 while my opponents continue to ramp or get their strategies really in motion on that same turn. If you've seen the benefits outweigh the negatives I'd love to know about that experience!

I can confirm Hazoret's Monument has been great, even at a slightly higher cost. Having that additional method for filling the yard has been super helpful.

Speaking of, have either of you considered Drownyard Temple? I don't think I use it currently but could see it having value, knowing how much discarding wants to happen here (hi Chainer, Nightmare Adept! Also considering Azra Oddsmaker and Olivia, Mobilized for War).

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