Body Snatcher

Creature — Phyrexian Minion

When Body Snatcher enters the battlefield, exile it unless you discard a creature card.

When Body Snatcher dies, exile it and return target creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield. (This is a linked ability, linked to the ability in the first paragraph on this card. Creature cards exiled by this card only return to the battlefield if those exiled cards were exiled by the ability in the first paragraph.)

SufferFromEDHD on Ayara takes the lead.. A grave story

1 year ago

Bloodghast and Nether Traitor efficient Ayara triggers.

Body Snatcher decent Ayara fodder.

Moira, Urborg Haunt sweet synergy.

multimedia on It's Just a Flesh Wound ($100 Meren)

1 year ago

Hey, well done on a low budget. Phyrexian Delver or Body Snatcher reanimate Hulk to give you a second Hulk trigger.

First Hulk trigger get Delver and Viscera Seer. Delver reanimates Hulk for 7 life and Seer sacs Hulk. Second Hulk trigger you get Zulaport Cutthroat, Lesser Masticore and Melira, Sylvok Outcast. Using the first Hulk trigger to get a reanimation effect for Hulk and a sac outlet lets you skip having to get Disciple of the Vault as wincon which is subpar outside of the combos.

Viscera Seer as the main sac outlet for the combo lets you scry into protection for the combo as you are doing the combo. Since Seer can sac at instant speed this means you can do scrying to find instant protection in response to removal from opponent. Protection helps such as Tamiyo's Safekeeping and Golgari Charm if you're trying to combo win.

One drop instants that can return a creature who died right away, Feign Death and Undying Malice can also be protection for the combo and are good outside of combo with the overall strategy of sacing creatures. Riftsweeper is helpful since it can put a creature exiled by opponent back into your library. Also works on your own creature you exile such as Body Snatcher.

Other than Primal Growth since it's a sac for Meren, all the other land ramp spells here are not needed. They would be better as mana rocks if you want more ramp or not ramp at all instead instant interaction especially protection if you're trying to combo win. Eternal Witness and other green any card recursion is very good with Meren.

Good luck with your deck.

DreadKhan on Teysa pale booby

1 year ago

If you want a cheap source of bodies, Haakon, Stromgald Scourge can reanimate any knights, including Changelings. If you Final Parting for Haakon into the Yard and Nameless Inversion you can recast Inversion for 1B as many times as you want, potentially killing lots of stuff. If you use Haakon, you should look at ways to discard him incase you draw into him. I have run Avenger en-Dal to decent effect. Bloodsoaked Altar is a sneakily good card if you can stand to discard. Body Snatcher isn't super-cheap, but it's a ton of value and can discard Haakon. Bog Witch can turn any card into a Dark Ritual, which helps since your deck has a lot of Black costs. Devout Witness is handy if you don't want to run Disenchant because you need more creatures. Icatian Crier makes 2 bodies fwiw. Skirk Ridge Exhumer makes nifty bodies. The Restoration of Eiganjo  Flip not only makes bodies and discards, it also can recur something small, it can even ramp you if you recur a land. Undertaker is much cheaper than Tortured Existence, it's not as good but it's still solid. This isn't an exhaustive list, but these are some options if you want to try out Haakon.

If you use Haakon and something like Pawn of Ulamog or Sifter of Skulls, a sac outlet and Universal Automaton to get infinite death triggers. If you use a Knight that costs B to cast, there is Bog Initiate to fix. There are better things you can do than this, but this is pretty budget. If someone tries to exile your combo pieces, you can always sacrifice them to send them to your graveyard instead.

Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire is a pretty reasonable tutor, and if you need to, you can find an effect for someone else to use (hopefully to your benefit, like a board wipe or removal spell). Eye of Vecna is nice cheap card draw. Strands of Night is a cheap repeatable recursion source, something that is worth a look. Casting of Bones is pretty solid draw if you can count on having creatures you want dead, 3 cards is a lot for 3 mana.

FastNLow on Chef Dina cEDH

2 years ago

Ardees Tysm! I sometimes forget to think about all situations when playing and didn't even think about Hulk or Mikaeus being stuck in my hand. Body Snatcher will definitely find a spot in the deck. But yeah when making combos its good to be realistic about how often you're actually finding the combo in the 99 instead of living in fantasy land that it's happening every game. Thanks a lot for the suggestions and the lines of logic as to why you made them. :)

Ardees on Chef Dina cEDH

2 years ago

FastNLow Well one of my heuristics when building a combo-oriented deck is that, unless the combo is highly easy to obtain and defend (e.g., the thassa oracle and Demonic Consultation combo, where blue counters protect any other counter or removal, and is achieved by a total cmc of 3), combo pieces should also be useful in addittion to being combo pieces. This is also the reason why I removed Witherbloom Apprentice and Chain of Smog, which required Dosan the Falling Leaf to ensure I would not end up with no ends and a fairly useless permanent (Witherbloom Apprentice).

Based on this, I have opted out of Triskelion because the card per se is not really that exciting, mostly because a very low reward for its mana cost. True, Triskelion and Mikaeus, the Unhallowed do not nee a sac outlet to enable the combo. However, if you simply add Phyrexian Delver and/or Body Snatcher, you're able to reanimate Protean Hulk to tutor for all the pieces you need (generally Viscera Seer or Carrion Feeder). Body Snatcher is an amazing card - it also helps you get rid of Mikaeus or Hulk if they are both stuck in your hand, and to reanimate them right away with a sac outlet. Bare in mind that if you are looking for the Mikaeus+Ballista combo, you need at least one of these two, otherwise Mikaeus+Ballista only trigger infinite LTB and ETB (Ballista pings itself). You can see more about this synergy line on my deck I linked before. But going back to the main point, Ballista is a card that can remove on t1 or 2 some early ramp creatures, or some cards such as Esper Sentinel. Phyrexian Delver and Body Snatcher are enablers that are useful under different circumstances, and same with Viscera Seer and Carrion Feeder.

Of course, I'm talking from a Meren perspective. But as a Golgari, the synergy works for every deck developing around hulk (in fact, at times I win on the hulk combo line without even casting Meren during the whole game).

Hope this clarifies!

Mortlocke on New hubs to be added

3 years ago

Hello legendofa,

I propose a new hub to be added: Phyrexian. During Modern Horizons 2, 225 creatures were retconned into having the Phyrexian creature subtype to join Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider . Additionally, there were a smattering of Enchantments, Artifacts and etc that ether have the Phyrexian subtype or create creature tokens that do. Thanks to this retcon I now have a deck that has a Phyrexian tribal theme. For your reference, below is a full list of spells that were affected by WotC's Phyrexian errata.


BrassLord on Apex of Death

3 years ago

If you end up leaning into the +1/+1 theme, Sweet-Gum Recluse is an underrated gem in your deck! 0 power means that whenever you mutate your commander, you can fetch this guy out of the bin for free. And the wording on it means that you get to place 3 +1/+1 counters on each of the creatures you just got from the grave! Juniper Order Ranger is along those same lines of good counters!

Buried Alive can be another decent card, though I think it's more useful if you're going for more of a combo win with something like a Saffi loop. If you're wanting to go the turbo route, Hermit Druid can put in some work to get your graveyard set up. Golgari Grave-Troll is the same idea.

Body Snatcher is a weird old card that can help get your graveyard and recursion going.

If you're looking for something more general oriented, Spore Frog Kami of False Hope can shut down combat based decks, and can be frustrated when paired with recursion like Gift of Immortality.

Hope that gives you some ideas! I was initially going to suggest more lands, but in goldfishing you seem to be in a sweet spot for mana!

LitchOubliette on Commander Staples Cube

3 years ago

Changelog (22/11/2020)








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