Blot Out the Sky


Create X tapped 2/1 white and black Inkling creature tokens with flying. If X is 6 or more, destroy all noncreature, nonland permanents.

Wolffang988 on Shadrix, Ambassador of Ultimatums *Primer*

2 years ago

Phroggerguy1223 I actually had Blot Out the Sky in the deck before the most recent update, took it out briefly to test some new things but I may end up putting it back in!

Phroggerguy1223 on Shadrix, Ambassador of Ultimatums *Primer*

2 years ago

I love Orzhov and this deck looks fun to play. I think Blot Out the Sky could be fun in this deck as well.

Yesterday on Blot out the sky and …

2 years ago

To expand on this a little, the effects of a spell or ability always happen in the order they are written on their respective cards. So casting Blot Out the Sky would result in double tokens; Rampage of the Clans would not.

FillenNameer on Blot out the sky and …

2 years ago

if i cast Blot Out the Sky x equal to 6 with Anointed Procession would anointed procession apply to the tokens created by blot out the sky?

bxli on

3 years ago

Already made some changesDemMeowsephs

  1. Some Creatures changes I end up adding: Yawgmoth, Thran Physician , Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit , Elenda, the Dusk Rose and Luminarch Aspirant . Also changed Citadel Siege for Felidar Retreat as it can give me tokens to sac and more counters not just 2

  2. Cut Mind's Eye , Black Sun's Zenith , Blot Out the Sky , Infernal Offering , Secret Rendezvous and Debtors' Knell

  3. More added: Sword of Truth and Justice , Sign in Blood , Beacon of Unrest , Command the Dreadhorde , Ambition's Cost and Victimize

  4. Doubts with: Custodi Soulbinders as it can give me a lot of tokens but I have to be set up already with my tokens or wait for oponents to set up their own table. I think I can swap it for something more usefull. Scheming Symmetry maybe I can get Profane Tutor until I have a more solid tutor.

Maybe quit some lands for other cards as: Phyrexian Altar The Ozolith Coat of Arms

Minousmancer on Strixtwitch

3 years ago

My only suggestion is to...


1x Bloodchief's Thirst ; 2x Blot Out the Sky , 1x Heartless Act s.


4x Baleful Mastery .

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