Blossoming Bogbeast

Creature — Beast

When this attacks, you gain 2 life. Then creatures you control gain trample and get +X/+X until end of turn, where X is the amount of life you gained this turn.

DreadKhan on my wife

10 months ago

Have you thought about an Aura or two in here to help your couple consistently survive combat? I like Unquestioned Authority more than a little in a deck like this, but I also like Holy Mantle, both are budget too fwiw.

I like Blighted Woodland in a deck like this, but there is also Krosan Verge, and Verge can actually find you two dual lands if they have the Plains/Forest typing, I checked and in your colours there are Arctic Treeline, Radiant Grove, and Scattered Groves that you could add. All should be cheap, and while none are as good as Temple Garden, I find a budget deck can run a few ETB tapped lands and not lose, especially if they are duals. Wood Elves is another relatively cheap ramp creature that can find either an untapped Forest if you need mana that turn, or a dual if you don't need the mana right away. There aren't a ton of cheap ways to fetch non-basic Forests, but they aren't bad. I think you might consider Crop Rotation to dig out one of these ramp lands, but if you added Temple of the False God to your list (I would add a 35th land for it if you add it) you can use Crop Rotation like a Sol Ring when you draw it later, either way it can help get your Commander out.

I am very confident that you should run Sylvan Offering, it even got a LotR reprint, so it's incredibly cheap right now. Another card that is usually pretty bad but is probably pretty good in here is Orochi Hatchery, each turn you can make a bunch of tokens for your couple to buff. Silverwing Squadron is pretty cool, it makes decent tokens and can be a large evasive attacker. It's probably not completely on flavor, but Nacatl War-Pride can make quite a few tokens, and you can stack the triggers from War-Pride and your Commander so that you first make the tokens and then give each a counter, it can be a better Ezuri's Predation. Not sure if you should run Predation or not, it's a heap of mana but Selesnya decks are often good at ramping, you should lose nearly nothing to Predation if you've been buffing your board, but you get a 4/4 for each weenie your opponent's have, and if you somehow haven't buffed your Commander they only have 3 power. I'm not sure if it's really a great card or not without cards that can put it on top of your deck for next turn, but Entreat the Angels can make quite a few Angels sometimes, which can make for fun/memorable games. It's pretty bad if you only get 1 Angel, but if you're getting 3 or more it's not a bad card.

It's a bit higher budget than you want at this point (it used to be really cheap for a long time, so I bought some and wondered why everyone else was sleeping), but Blossoming Bogbeast would be bonkers in here, if you swing with your power couple, Bogbeast and 3 other creatures each of them gets +6/+6 (and most get a +1/+/1 counter) and Trample, your creatures don't need to be very big for that to be very scary, if you've got 10 creatures attacking with Bogbeast you get +12/+12. It's less explosive than a Craterhoof Behemoth (an expensive staple), but it can be bigger and better (while coming down sooner), and it's not an ETB so you can use it again, so I think if you wanted to upgrade it'd be worth looking at.

DreadKhan on Vileroot army (fungus token)

11 months ago

If you want to be able to cast an 8 drop, you probably want over 30 lands iirc? 16 lands is actually less than people run in Burn decks, and Burn decks in Legacy are built around casting Lightning Bolt variants over and over (most of the time), your deck has lots of 4 and 5 drops, (which would require a land count of ~24-26), and it has those 2 8 drops. For example, at 16 lands you can 'expect' to see ~4 lands after drawing 15 cards (which is when you'd generally cast an 8 drop), if you have 32 lands in 60 cards you'll see ~8. You can also run some ramp, but I wouldn't run less than 22 lands with that many 4 and 5 drops.

An alternative to just running lands is ramp, and ramp can also serve as mana fixing (Green ramp sources can often produce other colours of mana as desired), your deck uses 3 colours of mana technically, you probably want something like Undercellar Myconid and Utopia Mycon.

Not sure it's better than Fungal Plots, but Night Soil can remove creatures from your opponent's graveyard or yours, but both have to come from the same one.

If you have some extra budget space there are options like Tendershoot Dryad or Blossoming Bogbeast, Bogbeast is a much better buff while Tendershoot offers tokens and a worse buff, not sure which is really better here. Bogbeast will synergize with any additional life gain, so you could throw a Primal Command to play before your Bogbeast swings/tutor for a creature/remove a permanent/deal with a graveyard, it's a really, really versatile card.

It looks like you're at 62 cards, most Legacy decks are pretty strict about 60 cards, it's a pretty cutthroat format (some people categorize decks that use Legacy cards as Casual, more decks can 'compete' at a Casual table) and you need to draw key cards.

Final point, you probably want more 1 drops, if it's not too much of a hassle you run 1 mana dorks like Llanowar Elves, Elvish Mystic or Fyndhorn Elves, any of these can speed your deck up a bit while offering you a card to play turn 1. Legacy isn't really the best place to have unspent mana!

DreadKhan on Aquaman, Lord of the Fishies

11 months ago

In Simic there are options like Koma, Cosmos Serpent which can just overwhelm tables by itself, especially if you can protect it. Not the cheapest card though, some cheaper options are Overwhelming Stampede, which can help close games by making your creatures a lot bigger, even if you don't have a huge number of them, as long as you have a creature with decent power out you'll be good. There is also Blossoming Bogbeast, this wants ways to gain life, but Green has some out there, Primal Command is a great budget card IMHO, solves problems and has pretty impressive synergy with the Bogbeast. You might like using Spawning Kraken, any time an appropriate creature gets in you get another big token. Finally, not sure if you have enough Islandwalk, but Stormtide Leviathan is a big unblockable attacker that makes you fairly hard to attack. Resolving any of those cards tends to end games pretty quickly in my experience, and most reward you for simply having a big board, a thing you always want to be doing.

I also like some of Blue's fairly nasty interaction, one alternative to making your guys big is to make someone else's guys way smaller, Mass Diminish is frankly an absurd amount of value in more Casual pods, such as lower budget games. Note it has Flashback and the effect lasts an entire turn cycle, meaning it can also eliminate an archenemy that's gotten ahead. Since you're running higher MV stuff, you might try out Curse of the Swine, this can make your opponent's defenses quite paltry, and it also can deal with problem creatures (like the aforementioned Koma) since it's an Exile effect. Another way to chip away at your opponent (and empower yourself) is to use something like Mass Diminish, I don't know how long your games go, but if you expect to end up with +10 mana available, this card starts looking interesting. I'd skip it if people run a lot of counterspells though, it's a 'go big or go home' kinda card but by all means hold up your own Negate.

Green has some interaction of it's own, if people run flyers in your meta and you're losing to them there are many ways in Green to wipe them, I like Squallmonger and Silklash Spider, but there are a ton more including Hurricane. If you don't have many flyers, this does nothing to you. Green also has Ezuri's Predation if people like to make lots of tokens that are usually smaller than 4/4 (if you run anthem effects that affect the beasts the card is much better obviously).

Just a general point, in Simic it's nice to avoid artifact ramp because you have so many amazing options to ramp with, artifacts tend to die more easily than lands, so effects that get extra lands into play are better than Command Sphere, especially in a 2 colour deck I'd argue. Myriad Landscape and Blighted Woodland are both fairly interesting ramp cards, you can always leave them as lands until you need them. Another feature of land ramp is that you can run cards like Rampaging Baloths and Scute Swarm, either gets a lot better if you're getting more landfall trigger, artifacts rarely have synergy with Simic game plans.

DreadKhan on Kresh of the savage horde

1 year ago

Board wide damage effects seem pretty good with your Commander, Pestilence, Pyrohemia, Chain Reaction and Blasphemous Act all jump out as good enough cards. Mandate of Abaddon is probably well beyond good if Kresh is at all beefy, he'll suddenly be even bigger on an empty board if all goes well. As long as your Commander has at least 4 toughness Ezuri's Predation would be hilarious, even if a bunch of 4/4s bite the bullet your Commander just gets bigger.

Rite of the Raging Storm seems almost unholy with your Commander, I normally love this card but here you are going to be farming 5 power creatures over and over, and they're never attacking you.

They're both small and random, but Temur Battle Rage and Tainted Strike can both turn your Commander into a 1 shot fairly easily.

If your Commander is fairly big then Return of the Wildspeaker, Rishkar's Expertise, Soul's Majesty, Momentous Fall (also good if your Commander is going to die, as is Greater Good), Grothama, All-Devouring, and Mask of Griselbrand can all draw you a decent number of cards. Overwhelming Stampede and Fungal Sprouting both seem very good with your Commander.

I like Fight effects if I suspect I'll have the biggest body on the board, Ulvenwald Tracker, Domri, Anarch of Bolas, Kogla, the Titan Ape, and Thorn Mammoth are pretty good sources you can repeat.

Thunderfoot Baloth, Siege Behemoth, Kamahl, Heart of Krosa, Blossoming Bogbeast, and Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma are decent sources of Trample that are stapled to a body, and they're all fairly budget. Keep an eye out incase Pathbreaker Ibex goes down in price, that's a very good effect with your Commander. Just a heads up, but if you run lots of sources of Trample for your Commander, then anything that provides Deathtouch looks a ton better, with Deathtouch you just deal 1 damage per creature and Trample over the rest. Bow of Nylea, Saryth, the Viper's Fang, and Ohran Frostfang are all very good sources afaik, there are others kicking around if you look!

DreadKhan on Gnoll Patrol

1 year ago

I also think Gnolls are cool and approve of this premise! Here are my thoughts about the deck, hope they're helpful.

If you ever want to raise your budget a bit, Pathbreaker Ibex has huge synergy with your deck.

When I was testing out your deck I found that you seemed to be short of creatures for a deck that runs lots of creature payoffs and generally can't win without them. In a deck that's very creature centric I like to run closer to 40, if not more, Gruul has really, really good creatures to choose from. For example, you can run Wood Elves, Farhaven Elf over artifact ramp, these give you a creature body while also permanently ramping you (land ramp is much more stable than artifact ramp anyways). Creature buffs can be stapled to a creature, there are options like Thunderfoot Baloth, Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma or maybe Blossoming Bogbeast or Kamahl, Heart of Krosa. You can use creatures as a great source of removal with options like Thorn Mammoth, Ulvenwald Tracker, Kogla, the Titan Ape, Gruul Ragebeast, Steelbane Hydra, Viashino Heretic, and Outland Liberator  Flip are all pretty decent at getting things off the table for you while also offering a physical presence. Not sure if they quite fit, but depending on your meta Silklash Spider and Squallmonger are pretty nasty surprises for decks that use Flying a lot, Squallmonger can even kill huge flyers with another player's help, or allow several players to quickly eliminate an archenemy that is lower in life.

There are a few good ways to double your power in Gruul, the new Two-Handed Axe is very interesting, the surprise Double Strike ability works well with your Commander, and the power doubling effect definitely does. Inquisitor's Flail is an incredible equipment if your Commander is either very big or has First Strike, yours can easily get big enough to justify the risk. Berserkers' Onslaught is really strong, even if it's 5 mana, Enchantments tend to stick around for awhile.

I think you should run more sources of Trample in here (there are some listed above as well), but with a budget restriction that does make it more of a challenge. Your Commander is really strong if he has Trample, but can be chumped by a 0/1 goat token without it (funny image, maybe he got hungry?). Garruk's Uprising is a really good card if you have enough creatures with power 4 and up, but the Trample is the real perk here arguably. Kessig Wolf Run might do the trick, and it's on a land. Brawn is pretty budget, but it can be hard to get it killed. War Cadence isn't exactly Trample, but it can easily let you swing with unblockable creatures if someone is tapped out, but remember this can also be used to create chaos on other people's attacks if you've got nothing better to do. It's also not Trample technically, but Siege Behemoth can bypass blockers for your attackers.

With a relatively low budget in Red, I feel like Rite of the Raging Storm is a very underrated card. Those 5/1s are never coming your way, but they will swarm anyone who can't deal with it on their opponent's turns, and yours gets the buff from your Commander fwiw. Breaker of Armies is a good way to clear out potentially a whole board worth of stuff of a vulnerable player, it can deter attacks vs you if their defenders are all going to be stomped by an Eldrazi.

If you can get your creature count high enough, you could sneak stuff like Lurking Predators in, which is pretty impressive card advantage over time in many metas. There is also Heartwood Storyteller, which is very good if you don't run many non-creatures.

ImNora on Cards Like Grand Cenobite?

1 year ago


I'm building a The Prismatic Bridge  Flip deck to cheat out creatures. I'm trying to pack the deck with creatures that boost the power/toughness of my other creatures. I've found things like Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, Pathbreaker Ibex, Blossoming Bogbeast, Kamahl, Heart of Krosa, Zopandrel, Hunger Dominus, Thunderfoot Baloth, Gisela, Blade of Goldnight, Fiendish Duo, Angrath's Marauders and Necropolis Regent. I also have Blade Historian and Blast-Furnace Hellkite for double strike since it effectively boosts power.

What cards can you think of that I missed?

Thanks, Nora

thefiresoflurve on The Zacaning

1 year ago

Hey, there! This looks really fun :)

As far as making things a little more competitive, one thing I can offer is: As someone who runs an Esper combo deck, one of the biggest things you can do for a combo deck is to make your combos synergize better with everything else in your deck, and not just each other.

Right now, I see Lurking Roper/Famished Paladin, Presence of Gond, and Healer of the Pride as an infinite combo where each piece is 1) hard to tutor, and 2) doesn't synergize with your overall gameplan of massive creatures dishing out damage.

An alternative infinite combo that synergizes better is Savage Ventmaw and Aggravated Assault, since both those cards do things with the rest of the deck without each other.

So, if I did the switch over to a more synergistic set of cards, I recommend replacing:

Ageless Entity -> Lathiel, the Bounteous Dawn

Colossal Dreadmaw -> Blossoming Bogbeast

Enduring Angel  Flip -> Archivist of Oghma - enduring angel looks dope, but your life total shouldn't hit zero.

Famished Paladin -> Faeburrow Elder

Healer of the Pride -> Serra Ascendant (just broken in EDH).

Verdant Sun's Avatar -> Old Gnawbone

Wall of Reverence -> Smothering Tithe

Presence of Gond -> Armadillo Cloak

Elemental Mastery -> Kenrith's Transformation

Alhammarret's Archive -> Aggravated Assault

The idea behind some of the picks is to get lifegain ability out a bit more consistently, and create fuel to power your giant creatures. I also don't know what your budget looks like, so full disclaimer there: some of the cards I recommended are expensive.

Happy building!

DreadKhan on Korvold Sacrifice

1 year ago

I assume you're trying to keep this on a lower budget, so this post will lean into cards that are cheaper, probably ~$5 or less. I feel like something like Pawn of Ulamog, or Sifter of Skulls, or even Ogre Slumlord? Bodies off of creatures dying that can also die is pretty on theme.

A great source of fodder can be Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder, but if you play anything too big he'll just die. You really want some infinite and free sac outlets if you use him, but there are a few of those around that aren't too costly, including Viscera Seer, Carrion Feeder, Woe Strider, and Sadistic Hypnotist. There is also Dimir House Guard, which can also serve as a tutor for anything that's 4 mana if you already have better sac outlets on board. Another creature that interacts fairly well with your Commander is Prossh, Skyraider of Kher, who can make some bodies for you/provides a free sac outlet.

Not sure how often you attack, but Jolene, the Plunder Queen, Grim Hireling and Professional Face-Breaker can all generate treasures for you to sacrifice as needed. These are good cards with creatures that are hard to block, such as Shadow creatures, though Gruul has no Shadows afaik and Black has mostly Dauthi that aged poorly and the pricey Dauthi Voidwalker, I have been known to run Dauthi Slayer and Dauthi Marauder here and there, Dauthi Horror is also reasonably cost effective in it's own way. There are a few more out there if you like the concept of creatures that can't block or be blocked.

You might like Mimic Vat, the bodies can be useful while having some synergy with the Commander.

Since Korvold can easily get over 10 power and has evasion, have you considered Tainted Strike to help him one-shot people? 10 Infect damage kills any opponent, regardless of life total. Also good with a Trample source obviously, Garruk's Uprising, Primal Rage (or Rancor?) or Blossoming Bogbeast are all affordable and playable sources. Obviously not important if people rarely run fliers in your area.

I could point out some good candidates for replacement in your list if you'd like.

Hope some of this is helpful!

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