Bloodthirsty Aerialist

Creature — Vampire Rogue


Whenever you gain life, put a +1/+1 counter on Bloodthirsty Aerialist.

BishopAtavist on

1 year ago

Right on! Yeah, I pulled Defiler of Flesh in the DMU pre-release and was really excited... until I realized his "pay 2 life" ability, can only be used once per permanent, whereas K'rrik lets you pay life for any black symbol of any black spell. I was looking at Bloodthirsty Aerialist in mine as well. I'll see where the budget is when I get a rough draft assembled and see if I can swing to get K'rrik. Definitely someone who will go in eventually, just not sure if he'll make the initial build.

wallisface on Unconventional Lifegain

2 years ago

So, the issues I see with the deck at the moment:

  • Bloodthirsty Aerialist and Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose are both basically useless without Soulfire Grand Master in play. That’s a massive issue, as you can’t reliably get it into play, and even if you do, its super-easy to kill.

  • Most of your deck, outside of the gimmick, is following a pretty typical burn strategy. Burn decks run at a pace where lifegain is largely irrelevant, and it’s more important to just beat-down your opponent for a quick-win. In that vein, your gimmick-cards are at complete-odds with that, actively slowing you down and worsening your play patterns.

  • added to the above, lifegain itself is pretty universally garbage, unless you can reap some kind of massive payoff for it. The payoffs you have for gaining life are all pretty average/weak, and you’re currently jumping through a lot of hoops to get those effects going… the rewards feel nowhere-near worth the effort.

Franks on Life ****ery

2 years ago

Hi jgarcia,

Woah Voice of the Blessed looks really good! Had my first play test on saturday night and I was able to get a lot of counters onto Bloodthirsty Aerialist, so I reckon it'll be a good swap - thank you for the suggestion :)

Niko9 on Impactful Lifegain to improve black …

2 years ago

I do love a good lifegain deck : ) The one I built a while back is a variation of 60 card soul sisters with Soul Warden and Soul's Attendant gaining me life from Lingering Souls or afterlife creatures like Seraph of the Scales or Orzhov Enforcer all to power up a Bloodthirsty Aerialist

Revival / Revenge is a great versatile card, and my favorite lifegain combo is to use Selenia, Dark Angel with Sanguine Bond and Tainted Sigil Selenia is a great flying blocker that your opponent will never actually get rid of, bond is bond : ) and sigil can actually save you in a pinch, but when you put them all together, it's a kill one player combo. Stacking Selenia triggers can be fun when it works : )

But again, I use this in 60 card, so not sure how applicable it is to commander. I also really like Ivory Tower or Sun Droplet just for constant gain effects for Bloodthirsty Aerialist but I'm not sure if it would work in EDH.

Best of luck with the deck! Looks pretty awesome.

zapyourtumor on Heal to Death

2 years ago

Generally I'd say you have too much lifegain payoff and not enough straight lifegain.

Stuff like Bloodthirsty Aerialist is pretty mediocre.

Revitalize is bad. I'd cut. If you want soul sisters, I'd go up to the full playset of both Soul Warden and Soul's Attendant.

I normally remember a lot of lifegain card suggestions but i dont remember any of them rn so thats basically all I have to say

Silvermen978 on Vito & Vamps

2 years ago

zapyourtumor, I agree with almost everything you suggested, except Ajani's Mantra for now it plays well with Cleric of Life's Bond and Bloodthirsty Aerialist before I made changes according to the first comment those cards were the bread and butter for this deck, and I've won a few games just having vito out while playing Beacon of Immortality , You are correct about needing some removal, and Ill try cutting some land, but before I added the extra I frequently got land-locked, also thank you for the card suggestions I will definitely look into them!

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